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link to click off Patron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7A8-Lh11TU&t=1s

A couple weeks ago I was nudged into linking vimeo to Patron in order for the embeded player to work right for everyone. They hit me up last week talking bout im using to much bandwidth and want to charge me  4k a year for a custom plan. Mind you im paying vimeo to host the videos already. Needless to say its back to the private Youtube links..which I have already been doing. Not sure if they are going to do away with my whole library on Vimeo or not. but I have everything backed up and again most all videos have a youtube link as well. But if you find something in the back catalog that is down let me know and I will reup it. 


gsw vs orl gm24



Omg am I first?


The Hell JP doin in that thumbnail 🤣

Ken Bradford

Wiggs smiling honestly made my day just really happy for him. Just shows how the environment shapes us


Just in time for lunch


I'm cool with YT, the Vimeo player sucks anyway, at least on Android it does. Thanks for the highlights, I've been enjoying them greatly since the 2016/2017 season. Keep it up my man!


2 Way Wiggs is only 26 and is on his way to being a (hot take incoming) elite player by the time he's 28 or 29...aka his prime.

Branden Edwards

Steph wishes he could shoot like Maple Jordan


YouTube works perfectly fine for me


Oh wow! 4K bullshit 😂😂😂 straight fuck em 😂😂


If Wiggins can get above 20 PPG and dubs continue to win I think he’s gotta be an all star. First seed teams always have at least 2 All stars

Jimmy Ji

Not gonna lie, I've never been more hyped to watch Warriors garbage time.


vimeo wilin'


We should decline the next advertiser and just put the wiggins stank face on all the jerseys. Powered by Fish and Chips.


fish in a vegan restaurant...def feel you on wigs being super helpful for Klay's reintegration. Wig's has become a low key diff version of Klay in the system. He guards the best offensive player and does his best to play robin to Steph. Given there is no way for Klay to be 100% when returns, even if he is 100%, Wigs and Klay can find a way over several games how to share the Robin role utilizing their 2-way abilities. Excited to see how Kerr stagers Klay and Wigs over a game so they can take their turns with and without Steph, and it will be fun when they are both on the floor without Steph. Gonna be interesting!!


I actually liked the vimeo video better but if they charging you, I'm fine with waiting longer for the private YT link.


A big topic of concern from the telecast has been the team’s poor free throw shooting. Hell even Steph has been off from the foul line lately if you’ve noticed the antics he does when it doesn’t feel right leaving the hands. I like how the team has responded to their first mini slump of the season, they’ve stuck to the system and continued to execute. And like you said it’s very important they get a convincing win tomorrow night to get over the hump and keep the ball rolling on the road trip.


its almost as if they are taking the FT line for granted because of how dominant they have been

Paul Hanson

So glad to see Kuminga get some well-deserved garbage time minutes. He's gifted and I'd say closer to contributing than Wiseman at this point. I had a torn meniscus last year-I'm no athlete but they can take longer than you'd think. It's never exactly the same as it was. It's a good idea to take time with Wiseman-as long as he really does start to scrimmage within a month. There could be a use for him-even if it's 5 fouls in 10 minutes against Ayton in the WCF. Just to show some other options besides Draymond, Looney and possibly Kuminga who is fantastic but only 6 ft 7.


Can’t even watch this lol it won’t let me


I think steph thought he would have gotten the record at home already and is nervous that he is going to lose the opportunity to engratiate some of the new fans in Chase to a pretty significant historical NBA moment

Kahlil Baker

I think Steph is rushing trying to get the 3pt record done at home. Wasn’t that like his goal to do it in front of the Bay Area fans?


Fire vid as always. Wanted to know your thoughts on our end-of-the-quarter offense. I don't know the data, but it must be one of the least efficient in the league. Starts with Steph dribbling ball, gets doubled, finds someone who doesn't know what to do with like 3 seconds left, then either a bad shot or none at all. Want to know if you think Is this a big deal or not?


It’s funny because out of time outs they are so good. Let me think on it and I will highlight it some more in the upcoming breakdowns

Jello Smooth

Hey young glove …. You been bullying them guards and you forgot why …

Jello Smooth

Every now and then I would like for Steph to go into PG mode - when he in da 4th game in hand… I’d like to see him work on his CP3


The Warriors look so solid, the roles are becoming defined, everybody plays D and with some success (no weak defenders), JK's talent screams future star and soon we add Klay and Wise. It's really happening as Dub fans have been dreaming about.

Jello Smooth

Lastly - thought it halarious your video opened up to a fitaid Looney commercial… sooo fitting


Orlando was 11 for 38 from 3, but it looked much worse. Most of the misses were brick-like. Some of it was hard close-outs, but I don't think they could shoot 35% wide-open. Don't think any of Fultz, Isaac, Suggs are considered 3pt shooters and will help. They really need to overhaul that roster by selling some athleticism and buying some shooting.


that Kuminga 1st step.... good lord


Thanks for the awesome breakdown again, Alch. Warriors are like a well-oiled machine….a happy and loving family with perfect compliment of talent, wisdom, teamwork and leadership on both offense and defense. It’s like watching my young kids grow up. It’s so damn perfect, I wanna just enjoy this stage and time, simply savor the moment and take it all in as much as I can. It’s like that scene from “Soul” movie- life’s happiness comes from all the small little things.


"Tempting fate" playing Curry in extended garbage time instead of "encouraging fate" by playing Kuminga, in other than garbage time...fear is never constructive. Playing Curry this much, with the score up like this, and playing Kuminga this little (considering that he needs the fire of real competition to alchemize his growth) is very indicative of Kerrs fears. I want to root for a team with huevos, not a bunch of cowering pisspants


Well, I'll be at Chase tomorrow and that would be absolutely awesome to see him break 2 records but I'm guessing he'll break it in Philly when he's with Seth. Love to see the energy of the young guys but I'd love to see Kerr spot them a few more minutes early on.

Jansen E

Its too bad that Steph is gonna break the record on the road. Unless he plans to hit 16 threes tomorrow (which he shouldnt get anywhere close to because he should be RESTING, STEVE KERR IM TALKING TO YOU). He might get a mini standing O from some away crowd, but its just not the same as seeing him break it at home. Unless he does so on the road by getting 10+ threes and the record breaker is a dagger. If Dame is out for Wednesday, is this not the perfect day to rest Steph and Dray? Put Kuminga and Moody out there. Hell, even Dowtin seems like a Walmart-brand Kevin Porter, Jr. The dude lowkey has a nice iso game. I dont care if CJ drops 70 on us. If Kuminga and Moody get 30 mins each and combine for 40pts, I'll be happy. Just please give us more Kuminga before this road trip! Cuz we all just KNOW Steve wouldnt dare play a rookie on the road...


Might be that leaving steph in is an agreement that Kerr made with him in order for Steph to accept his new rotation minutes. Steph wants at least 30 mins to be able to play and chase that MVP so Steve puts him in. Idk what do you think Alc.


Wagner is looking great but I'm not trading King Kuminga for 2 of him. Garbage time right now is his time and I'm loving it. I think Klay and Wiggs will play well together, they are both big enough to guard bigs and quick enough guard smalls. Our D is going to be insane with Klay, Wiggs, Green, Steph and GP2 available, not to mention King K working his way in sooner than we might think. Throw in Looney, JTA and Andre and Kerr will feel secure. I think coaches like Kerr pride themselves on how their teams play D more than O. The players get the credit for scoring the coaches get credit for the D.


Yea I was thinking the same thing. The old rotation was almost set up for him to sit the 4th if possible


What are people thoughts on about a Miles Turner trade 👀


You mentioning GP2 hands, got me thinking I know he is the son of the glove but how does a 6'3" guy have so much better hands than a 7'0" guy...


Bro "like you just smelled fish at a vegan restaurant" had me rolling


That looney intro man..... who knew he could move around like that? Half the time he looks like a geriatric during the game


You think Steph is hella thirsty for the record or more just wanting to get it behind him? I could see scars from 2016 and the best season record hunt got him wanting to just get it over with so the distraction is gone. How could he not want it/think about it? At least it’ll be done early in the season


First 30secs... what did I just watch? That was insane. In a good way. Please tell me (I too uncool to know), was it intentional they misspelled "Launcher" in "Looney Laucher.exe"??


I hope Steph chasing MVP doesn't turn out like chasing 73 wins did...


That's what I'm thinking, the expectations is a distraction. Better for it to be over with and focus can shift to post season


I think Steph just wants to get it behind him. The expectation is almost a distraction. It's kind of affecting his game as he's been taking a lot of careless 3s .

Christian Hollaway

hmm, it loolks like steph curry to me. He has always hovered just north of 30 minutes a game. He has always shot alot of three's in bunches. I think most of you are reaching.

Jerry Heverly

What you didn't show was Orlando's shooting. They had more bricks that Independence Hall. I disagree with you about Kuminga and Moody. I think they should have 4-6 weeks with Santa Cruz uninterrupted. JP benefited greatly from his extended time in the G League. It's a long season and there will be time for them to get NBA minutes but for now they need to listen to the SC coaches and learn. Playing garbage time minutes in SF doesn't do them much good.


Why you gotta do the poor vegans like that....🙈🤣🤣


Alch...you're f'n hilarious!


Listening to the Hezi, and I hear you say that Wiseman lacks feel for the game and “it factor” when comparing him to kuminga. I remember very distinctly seeing moments were Wiseman demonstrated an obvious “it factor” and feel for the game. So much so that people were ready to call him the next Greek freak. Unlike, kuminga, wiseman was placed into a poorly defined role of an offense that has never been designed to highlight the abilities of a gifted scoring center and asked to play off of instinct. This made him look like he lacked feel when he really just wasn’t put in position to shine. That is not the case for JK. He gets 5 min spurts and has a very defined role. How can you make these conclusions about either one, when they have not seen the same type of environment. If given more minutes and a larger role, I’m sure JK’s flaws would make it easy to come to the same conclusions you came to about Wise. Conversely, if the warriors hadn’t botched Wiseman’s rookie year, we might all be singing him praises. 🤔

Nathan Glanzer

Man the close up of Kuminga's dunk he literally just appears in frame out of nowhere. Crazy athleticism. Idk if I've ever seen anyone that can get that high that quick. I'd love to see a jump off between him and GP2 haha.


JK is definitely ahead of James in terms of feel of the game but I remember JK played in GLeague last year right? That definitely helped him.


Steph cracks me up at the 10:20 mark. Can't see what's going on but the crowd is going crazy, so bloke just starts clapping.