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Thanks as usual my friend


…cringe worthy ? With the intellegencia and dependable shooting on the bench, Kerr's system, is not a good system. For players without the experience Kerrs system is too much to ask. What the second unit needs is a great point guard, ahh like Lemelo. I know Poole got thirty whatever, but his first and second option is himself and then when the third option for himself fails, then he looks to find a bail out. He does not look to help the team score, he looks for his scoring. He does not seem to look to win, he looks to score. Wiggs is not a good primary option, because when he is the primary, he cant pass wortha shit when doubled. We have no true point guard on “this” team, no young quarterback. Being great is also knowing your limitations. Kerr doesnt seem to know this. Take away Curry and his system fails. I cringe when I watch this lack of flow on this second team, and double cringe, when just as soon as Kuminga is put into the line up, Kerr follows up with Poole. Shit... as soon as Poole goes in, even if Kuminga has got himself in a nice position in the post, you know that Poole is going to defer to some potential Poole centered play. I mean, if you have to put Looney in to salvage the game. Glad for win, but for me, tough to watch!


A championship team needs wins like this. Glad that they pulled it out. It took Jordan Poole about 2 years to to reach this level. Plus he had a lot of playing time last season. I am afraid that Wiseman will need quite a lot of playing time I'm to reach a great level as well. People are talking about that when Wiseman comes back the Warriors will be great. I am sceptical. Just another thought: too bad durant doesn't have the basketball IQ that belly has.


I liken JP to Jordan Clarkson, he's really only on the floor to get buckets. That doesn't mean players like this don't have value. When Klay comes back I think JP will have a lot more freedom to do his thing as a sixth man off the bench.

Jimmy Ji

Let's not heap too much praise on Wiggins. If he wants to see another max contract offer somewhere in the future, he needs to demonstrate that he's worth that type of money and I don't envision the Warriors resigning him on a similar contract.


As good as Poole was most of the night, down the stretch he made some knucklehead plays and the truth is the Warriors are just going to have to live with his thirst to get his own. Will it ever change? IDK. Manage it with substitutions and coaching that is a luxury the Warriors are probably going to have once Klay is back. It's a limiting factor for Poole right now but not the end of the world.


Agreed....It seems to me that Poole isn't naturally unselfish. Like Curry, belly an such.


Nick nurse v Stevie kerr gone be fire on Sunday


Thumbnail art has become next level this season!


Jordan's confidence is what has made him able to get to this point. I think it's safe to say at a minimum he can be a Jordan Clarkson/ Jamal Crawford type. But if he reigns it in just a tad, pull back on the overdribbling, overzealous passes, tunnel vision just 10% as the years go on, he can be so much more. Look at what Lavine has done. First four years he was also an electrifying bucket getter who struggle with inefficiency and being a bit overzealous. But Zach has struck the balanc between maintaing that confidence and reigning himself in a tad and low and behold he's an allstar with elite efficiency. Hopefully JP takes that path as opposed to the Clarkson/Crawford path


Was so jacked to c Kuminga in on D at the end and equally jacked when he calmly tossed in those FT's down the heart. That and Young Glove sinking his 3's and FT's. If Kuminga sinks his throws he's going to live at the line and eat steady. Looney has been great on D and the Boards lately but Lord have mercy it looks like he has someone sticking his Voodo doll with pins every time he tries to put the ball in the hoop. Rarely seen anything that bad before, it's worse than watching Dray blowup the backboard on layups.


Loon is still a very solid defender and an A tier rebounder. He's obviously limited offensively, but he screens well and he's our best offensive rebounder. I don't think you give him his due credit. Just like your comment about Wiggins, I think we need to value the overall team game/chemistry more than the individual critiques. He's a top 50 rebounder right now overall and top 25 offensive rebounder on only 17 minutes a game. Look at the charts, everyone above him on ORebs is playing more than 22 minutes a game. Show me a better defender/rebounder in the league at his salary point. That would be a very short list. And then from that list ask yourself how many would fit in our system and know how to move the ball. If Wiseman and Kuminga develop as we hope, they will naturally take minutes away from Loon. But in the meantime, I'm going to stay with Loon.


The Kevon hat has got to stop. Offense isn't everything.

Jerry Heverly

I agree with everyone that Poole, to be a great player, will need to sacrifice his own offense at times. That fast break where he ignored Moody was glaring. When Klay comes back his role changes and his mentality has to shift, if his ego is capable of that. This is one area when Steph is no help; he isn’t the one to preach unselfishness. Iguodala is probably the only guy who might be able to get through to Poole. On the flip side JTA’s ‘unselfishness’ is annoying. He mucks up plays by passing up shots he must take.


I think a big part of that is Stephs gravity.. what would Ed Davis look like in that role? Or Naz Reid? He is a really good screener and there was a time he could switch but that seems to be in the past


Your take on Luka Garza, don’t you think you would’ve said the same about Jokic as a rookie?🤔


Those guys were fucking awful in the playoffs though. Both net negatives. The perfect example of win you 1 game, and help you lose 3 in a series. He's not playing in the 4th in the PS if he plays like either of those two dudes. I'd say he's already much better defensively than Crawford and as good as JC.


jordan puddle that was so funny alch on one


That's one thing I disagree with Alch on, there is a reason he's a role player and he plays his role incredibly solidly

Patrick Kennedy

LOVED your analysis, Alchemy, regarding the confidence curve in trying to explain what has been going on with Poole. I wonder what you think of this additional element, what I might call: the way confidence flips over into something that hurts your play. A phrase that captures it is: “He’s up in his head”. Steph and Klay both have this genius level thing where they forget themselves as they play. They fully just ENTER the game, the movements, the reads. They are hunting the so-called “flow” state. With Poole, I saw him enter that in preseason and at the beginning of the year. He simply PLAYED, balls out. And he impressed, too. And then the chatter around the NBA went NUTS!! I mean, nuts: break-out star on the way! But he hadn’t ever translated it fully to a full season! I feel like his idea of himself is as an All-Star, and that idea sabotages’ him…your thoughts??


I wonder if the reason Poole has been taking so many shots now is to pad stats as Klay will be coming back in a month or so, the front office will seek to orchestrate a trade with Poole + others for a vet/big?


I would say Kevan is just being asked to do too much at the moment. He shouldn't really be your first big on a championship contender, but this is unfortunately what is asked of him until Wiseman comes back. As a backup though, he is fantastic.


Kevin I don't think we are disagreeing. I think it's not entirely clear to me why Poole twice in the fourth quarter, down the stretch, overdribbled didn't pass and relocate and turned the ball over to allow Detroit back in after playing so well all night. Rambunctious/overconfident/lack of judgement those are all benign issues that in the Warriors culture will get solved. Presenting the counter point idea that, like Oubre, maybe Poole has overestimated his skills/value/role is just that, a counterpoint idea to be considered, it doesn't represent me saying that is the case.


Tried to get with the JP hype but the optics are discouraging. Most of his rep over the last season was built in garbage time and meaningless games. We all know Steph was just being gracious when he was quoted saying Poole could surpass him, but JP plays like he is feeling himself way too much with delusions of grandeur. Sometimes he plays like the mutant lovechild of Mulder and Oubre.


100% agree on Looney. He'd be out of the league anywhere else. No one else is looking for a switchable small ball center with 0 offense. Hell his perimeter defense declined heavily, like his body ages twice as fast. JP reminds me of Dame in mentality. Ill advised shooting great finishing. But none of the willingness to pass that Trae and Curry has. JTA has McKinnie syndrome. Hustles and can shoot a 3 if he is wide open like an onlyfans. Not much else besides better reading of the plays and slightly better defense.


Agree about Kevon; appreciate his services so far but after his contract, would love to see Chriss get another shot at backup center. I think Poole has better playmaking instincts than he showed on Friday. Looks like he is overthinking/trying to do too much. That pull-up logo though… should be a heat check, not a shot to get going. Haha Can’t wait to see Wiggs vaccinate Siakam tonight


What you guys, and Alch, seems to forget about Loon is the fact that he has always played with a either Steph, Klay or KD on the floor commanding attention and obviously taking the shots. He has had little to no room to grow as anything else than what we see today. The result is a damn fine defender, rebounder, screener and team mate that doesnt fluctuate from game to game: you can expect Loon to do Loon things every night. From my point of view we are lucky to have Loon, who is more than happy to share the ball to other more efficient options when it comes to scoring. If Loon was a ball hog, doing stupid post moves and taking off-the-dribble mid range shots, then yes, he'd be out of the league really fast. But thats not Loon.


Well said.. the way I understand the flow state is you just observe while your muscles memory takes over. No judgment just do and observe as if you are a bystander. Needless to say, it’s impossible to reach if your emotions go up in down with each play. Klay is the greatest flow state player I’ve seen. You go back to that 37 pt quarter he didn’t bat an eye until I think last few makes.


Why? Chriss offers something that would be similar to the #2 drafted center on this team already, Looney on the other hand is a totally different player from both. Already has had some great games in games that matter by playing better D than Chriss or Wiseman ever have, like he did vs the Nets.


Just think the ceiling is higher with Chriss, at this point. He’s a better passer and finisher than Looney and I think he has the athleticism to contain the perimeter as well as Looney does by spacing. Also, he’s cheaper.


Don't forget that Loon already knows the system AND he has a feel for what Steph and Klay are doing. Don't underestimate that chemistry.


Let's say the Dubs win it all this year. Do y'all think Poole will be listening to people next year? Or will he be more inclined to do more of his 'own thang'.