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Preseason Starts October 4th should be interesting with a lot of roles to establish. Until then I will be dropping a video each week on various basketball topics... some big picture, some outside of the box. As well as some Alch IRL training. Any suggested topics are welcome... The continued support thru the off season is much appropriated yall! 



Chris Chiozza

This is "Chris Chiozza" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I want to see Chiozza play with the team first before i can make any judgement because the other 2 have already gotten some run in via SL


I want to say McLoughlin 1,Chizz 2, GP2 3 cause his passing is a little sus and McLoughlin showed a willingness to pass while also being able to score and create his own shot at times. GP2s defense doesnt outweigh his offensive question marks.


I'm with you. The Cheese seems like what they were hoping Bridge Troll would be for the 2nd unit: steady and consistent play while the chef rests. I don't think GP2 has enough facilitation and leadership power to hold down the 2nd unit. With McLaughlin, I think he will be a lot like JP has been so far with the big boys. Flashes of great and good play coupled with inexperienced decision making and poise. The cheese feels like the best place to start and then let's them compete throughout the season and see what unfolds. The 2nd unit will be an interesting puzzle with the roster. Iggy is comfortable facilitating, depending on how they stagger minutes Dray likes pushing the ball, and with Kuminga/Moody showing point/facilitation skills in summer league who knows how it will all shake out. I am really excited to see where the chips fall especially once Klay gets back in the mix. I just hope Kerr takes a feather from Ty Lue this year and is willing to experiment and let the ego go.

Paul Hanson

I think it should go without saying that Mychal Mulder doesn't have a spot on this team if you can only carry 15 players on it. I don't know if Chiozza and/or GP3 can spend any time at Santa Cruz; even if Mulder is off the team there's no room for both GP3 and Chiozza. If the Warriors were able to get Milsap on the squad-I guess Damion Lee is the odd man out? Interesting training camp-I'm looking forward to it.


Hey! We're forgetting about Keith "Mister" Jennings?


Alch love your scouting reports, absolutely one of your strongest suits and glad you get to showcase it during the off-seasons. Personally I have no clue who I’m favoring - my guy says GPII, then Chiozza and then McLoughlin. Super interested in seeing what training camp looks like for everyone. Hope you’re taking care man 💪🏽

Ezra Abbey

I don't trust GP with the ball in his hands and chiozza seems like a better playmaker than mclaughlin, gimme cheese

Natto Santo

I always like to watch good passer and play with one. Chiozza should become the back up. D is overraed.


well said, got to give guy a real shot. My concern with McLaughlin is his first step and burst. Can he free himself against NBA athletes?


Jaquori look like a Payton Chiozza hybrid and he play a lil like it too? Imma go w him


Jaquori is "young" and can be molded into a better role player than both Chiozza and GPII. D is definitely not overrated. So the pros for J: Passing, Shot Making, IQ and longer than the other guards. Cons. Lack of Athletism, less intense D.

Jansen E

McLaughlin, despite having none of the full NBA experience the other two have, is almost like a good balance between the two. Not a great defender but serviceable. Not the true playmaker Cheese is but can definitely pass. He can shoot and is a good average player that you'd want in the back up PG position. However, the lack of experience is actually pretty concerning. We saw what he can do against guys that arent even gonna make the league. Im in agreement with you. I think to START, you gotta go with the dude who can pass and whos played significant time in the NBA. Start with Cheese as back up, but keep GP2/Mclaughlin on two-way contracts to bring them up at any time. The fact that we have 3 choices is actually really nice. I wouldnt be too mad at them going with any of the three. As long as Mulder doesnt get more than 5 minutes of playing time, consider me satisfied.


Glove was my guy growing up but.... I'd roll with Cheese wizz. I'm liking the idea with him and Poole (if poole isn't starting) creating offense. Granted Wiseman, Joku, and Otto holding down defense. I like that 2nd unit. Slide in Moody on any of the Units easy.


Thoughts on Frank Ntilikina as a buy-low reclamation project? He's still a free agent if remember correctly.


I would vote the for the steady hand and good habits. Therefore Chiozza gets the spot imo


GpII in my opinion. Not because he is the best bet as a point guard , but more so because on defense he will be a great POA defender (can even play a bit w Steph when facing nasty guards) and on offense I think his limitations could be a blessing in disguise, handing Jordan more time w the ball and responsibilities. I think Andre will be a great ball mover/steady presence and Jordan will be the actual creator. I’m not sure chiozza makes our offense that much better if Jordan doesn’t have the ball in his hands that much. Plus his defense will be so bad that it might not be worth it. Obv I’ve never seen him though so I wanna give him a shot


Not sure who I got in the 3 guard showdown, but just wanted to say I think Millsap would be a great pickup. I see a lot of folks online saying he's washed...I think he would see a bit of revitalization in the Warriors system. Things look a lot different when you're playing with Steph. Also, would be nice to have someone with a lot of playoff experience outside of the big 3 + Andre.


From what I can gather, since the Warriors were reportedly in talks with him prior to the draft and now again a few days ago, is his agent wants our mid level money, which would translate into 40 million with the tax. If he's willing to take the min like Otto Porter it will be the biggest steal of the 4 vet signings for the Warriors. Millsap if on 20 minutes or less will still be extremely impactful.


Still want Chriss haha I'm surprised nobody picked him up yet, same with Omari Spellman since he's still slim like when the dubs traded them


Agree with SRay, if we can get Millsap cheap if he wants to play for a ring and get some light, steal him. But if he wants what would cost us bank, I don't know, I think maybe not. I like Cheese over GP2, because he makes everyone else better, especially dishing to Kuminga in the paint if that works out that could really jump start King Kuminga's career. Plus having creators like Poole and Cheese could save a ton of energy for Steph and Klay, knowing Cheese might not play much with those two. McLaughlin might have been hampered trying to get assists because he was playing with some scrubs but on the other hand the scrubs on the other teams might have made his scoring look more than it is. Cheese has NBA experience and can plug and play a lot easier. We already have 3 young players without experience, Mclaughlin probably doesn't fit as well because of that.


I'm going with Jaquori, Cheese, and Payton. But I don't think Payton is a player for the warriors. We always gravitated to long guards that can pass and switch on defense. The only problem with Jaquori is experience and since we are making a run in these next years it becomes a problem for him. We got the last two down years to develop players, and we got Poole and (hopefully) Wiseman. I think right now we should secure Jaquori and ride with Cheese and in the middle of the season, we see how it turns out.


1 Chiozza 2 gp2 3 McLaughlin Neither McLaughlin nor gp2 rival the cheese's steady hand as was said. I love gp2 defensively and i think hes the best utilitarian guy out of the three. McLaughlin looking nice in SL, but doesn't pop out as much in the roles left by the dubs roster. Hopefully he can chill in santa cruz and no one else steals him away.

John Pettus

I dunno. I think the Big Cheese is gonna get eaten up any time he’s on the floor. Whereas GP2 is gonna be a headache for anybody he’s got to deal with.

John Pettus

I think GP2s O is more likely to improve than Cheese’s D.


There’s no tax on 2 ways so thinking Ws will give second two way to Jawuori and hold 15th roster spot for either Milsap, a buyout, or just save the $$$. GP will be odd man out. Also, agree that Wiseman and Kuminga need a pg like Chiozza that will make it easier to score without handling the rock. GP can’t do that.


Itd be cool if you were right about that. Respect but ive seen chiozza play in the 2020 bubble fro blykn, hes not jrue holiday but i dont remember him getting destroyed


with klay out i think we gotta keep/get another defensive minded guard and give the nod to GP2. In theory when healthy if we went small and put dray at five it would be steph, klay, wiggins, iggy, dray. We don't know how iguodala will hold up so if you needed a defensive team out there it would be either otto or GP2 in that lineup for iguodala and we know otto is probably way less mobile than he once was. For development, Chiozza probably the guy but for winning games deep into the season, I think GP2 is the more valuable player.


this is what I see. When the team is healthy, where will Chiozza get minutes? GP2 is a plug and play guy where we don't have many options to shut down a smaller quicker guards if they get going. i don't think klay can be asked to do that anymore.


I want Chiozza with McLaughlin on the other 2-way. My concern is that if Jaquori doesn’t get the 2-way, then after his 30 days with the Santa Cruz Dubs on the Exhibit 10 contract are up, I think a number of other smart teams will look at his assist-turnover ratio and perimeter shooting potential and snatch him up. I don’t think GP2 is useful enough offensively to even be consistently playable during non-garbage time minutes, so his ability to be a POA defender isn’t all that useful. And team defense is more valuable anyways, particularly given the general length and athleticism of the warriors coming into this season - he’s good at that too, but not so much that I want to watch him making off-target passes in meaningful minutes.


Atkinson is a development genius. If he wanted the Cheeze, my guess would be he wanted him for development purposes. He could serve as a great asset both in the G-league and the regular squad to build confidence in the young guys; get them touches, easy looks, teach and run the sets. Since we're obviously in the fast development cycle, having a high IQ offensive guy to help the rooks seems like something Kenny would want to utilize. My guess is he's been given 100% control of player development. I don't think the backup point guard question is as important as what Wiseman, Kuminga, and Moody look like in the 22-23 season. That, to me, is what Kenny Atkinson's job is.

Jerry Heverly

Please forgive my ignorance with regard to NBA roster rules: The Warriors have 14 places ‘taken’ as far as I can see: Bjelica, Curry, Green, Iguodala, Kuminga, Lee, Looney, Moody, Poole, Porter, Thompson, Toscano-Anderson, Wiggins, Wiseman. That leaves (if I understand correctly) ONE spot open. They have one two-way player, Chiozza. That leaves (if I understand correctly) ONE spot open. The Warriors payroll presently is second in the league behind Brooklyn. My guess is that ownership, strained by last year’s attendance woes, will not want to spend a lot more money on players unless they are assured that a title is within reach. Assumptions: Bell, Mulder, will be dropped. Porter will, inevitably, get injured. Wiseman is still inexperienced and will lose time to Kuminga, who is a better defender. (Yes, I know they play different positions). That leaves two spots open that should be CHEAP. There are scant minutes available, mostly to sub for Porter when he, inevitably, gets injured. I’d rank them this way: Payton (cheap, has specialized late-game defensive role) Imaginary big man who hasn’t signed with anyone who can rebound and who will play for the NBA minimum. Marquese Chriss Kyle Guy


Problem is Milsap wants the whole MLE which ends being a 30 million dollar ticket for Lacob and co. so unless Milsap is down for the vet min. That aint happening. Avery Bradley seems like anothe dark horse option for that last roster spot. But at the end of the day GPII is competing for that last roster spot and if any of these guys are cool with the vet min then GPII is out. I was still hoping for Quese for that last spot but I guess the FO is not interested in him anymore sadly. There may some conditioning concerns there I heard.


Well we can sign all 3. Agreed on the order. Chiozza is a done deal for the 2-way, McLaughlin is in a battle for that last 2-way spot at training camp and GP2 is in a different battle for the last roster spot on the 15 man. But yeah that seems a bit redundant to have all 3. Stashing McLaughlin is likely the move but it's risky. GP2 brings something that we don't have in any other player. That is guarding guards and being almost like a Pat Bev pest on defense so that makes him more valuable than McLaughlin that seems more similar in play style to Chiozza who is a lock and already comes with a great nick name and can pass like Magic apparently. (Can't wait to see him dish it to Kuminga and Wiseman!)


McLaughlin does have a bit of everything... the court vision, the unselfishness, some defense and rebounding... i wouldn't mind if he ends up the 3rd string PG... too bad he isn't connect to Kenny Atkinson nor is he the son of a HOFer


Yo you gonna cover Jake Paul vs Woodley just for fun?


For the sake of giving Moody and Kuminga the best possible chance to shine in the 2nd unit the Cheeze seems like choice. We all like GP2's defense but ultimately Poole is a scorer more than a passer so we need someone with experience to set the table for the you guys. We sure as hell need another big. we can only assume either the Dubs have no interest in Chriss or he has lost interest in being treated like trash. Either way it's sad times I loved what he brought to the table. Given few other options I wouldn't say no to Milsap either tbh.


Loved the vid Alch didn't know much about Chiozza's game. Hope we have a few of these coming for OPJ and Belly as well. Also would love to hear a pod about what you expect from our internal development next season. How much of a leap do you think Wiggins, Poole, and Wiseman can make?

Ryan Mitchell

All we need is the Cheeze. Let the other 2 go. I don’t think we need more defense - I want scoring ability.