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Hawks vs 6ers gm 7

This is "Hawks vs 6ers gm 7" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


TJ Levey

LETS GOO!! I’m a hawks fan so this is great!😂 thabks alc


Ive rewatched the highlights of this game so many times today to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. What a win!


Been waiting for this one... LETS GET IT


Well I guess my hot take of Hawks vs Nets ECF was really a just shoe size away lol. Really proud of Hawks young guys and how they fought in these playoffs, I believe they have a real chance against bucks.


Hawks are so fun to watch! Great mix of vets and young talent. Michael porter for Simmons?


Spot on about Ben needing a sport psychologist. He's a stubborn passer like how most guys can be stubborn scorers. Very similar to Draymond where every time they get an assist it's like their pass first mentality justifies itself to them and it becomes reinforced which makes them even more stubborn. He needs to get angry and find his inner bucket.


Lmao this was great! “Never shoot that shot again nigga” and “Kelly can’t don’t no more push-ups with his wrist broke” had me dying lmao. It was satisfying seeing the collapse of Philly because I’ve said it forever. Ben being scared to score is the biggest achillies heel you can have. People shit on Draymond but atleast he’ll take the shot. I wonder who Will pick up Ben. Would love to hear you thoughts on that Alchemy!


Ben needs the guy Gil went to see after bron fucked w him


what do you think about warriors tryna get simmons as a potential small ball 5? I feel like it might do more bad than good - we already have a guy who can pass/defend but not shoot (dray), and kerr would need simmons to play in late game situations (which simmons does not thrive in)...still the idea that simmons could be a better 5 than 1 is interesting


"Better call Saul bc that shit is crooked as fuck", solid work Alch

Paul Hanson

My observations for what that's worth: #1: I'm flabbergasted to hear a few notable Bay Area Sports radio media people talk about 'now's the chance the Warriors have to get Simmons!" It absolutely blows me away that people still think they'd rather have playoff Sims than playoff Draymond. If this was the 2018-19 Warriors with all the swagger of being the 2-time champs-that's one thing. Not too many fragile psyches on the team-but this current Warriors team doesn't need yet another recovery project or 'process'. Smiley was bad enough, Mulder was never good when it mattered-and the idiots saying trade Dray for Sims don't understand the difference between being a so-so to bad shooter and BEING AFRAID TO SHOOT A LICK. Showing this kind of fear in the playoffs is like a poison with the track record of Steph, Klay, Draymond, Looney. The last thing this team needs is a $29 million dollar head case who won't work on his shooting because he's already got the money. SO many people seem interested in Simmons on the Warriors-I just don't see it. One project at a time-Wiseman. He's going to be enough of a project as it is.

Chris Styner

he needs a sports psych asap. The fact a "35m+" a year player is passing up dunks under the basket is very concerning, especially for any team who was interested in his ass 3 weeks ago. Do you think this could be one of those all time bad contract situations?

Jimmy Ji

Did anyone think Trae would be the first of the two to lead his team to the conference championship when he was traded for Luka? Me neither but hats off to him. I understand he gets compared to Curry a lot but his game is very different because of what he is allowed to do on the Hawks offense. I would love to see the Warriors open things up for Steph and allow him to become more of a distributor as he gets older because I think it will ultimately help preserve Steph's career. Is this wishful thinking? Maybe in 2-3 years when Curry loses what little athleticism he has left to dribble past guys and the Warriors finally move away from Draymond as the point-forward.


The problem is that Draymond is 31 and I don't see his style of play doesn't lend itself to longevity so if we could trade him for a 24 year old Ben Simmons I can hear the argument. You're getting a legit defender that can find the open man on offense which is huge on the warriors. But if teams can just hack-a-Simmons and he's passing up open short range shots and dunks that makes things a lot more desirable. Somewhere in the trade you also need to find someone to replace Dray's vocal leadership and Simmons obviously ain't that guy.


The Hawks look like a better constructed team. You look at the players they put on the court and you know what they do. So many teams in the league "build" around superstars and fill the holes with scrap pieces, and it's not working well for them. Even KD failed to overcome the Bucks, who themselves are not a well constructed team. Welp, it's even more painful if you take a look at the Warriors. Hopefully the Hawks and the Suns and advance to the finals. These two teams make me feel good about loving basketball.


Alch I hope I can get your take on this one but I’ve been saying send Ben to the Bulls for Zach Lavigne I feel like an even trade for both teams even tho his stock might be down after the playoffs him and Vucevic would be nice but Zach is exactly what Embiid needs


Todd Christensen......that's my take on how to solve Simmon's problem. Christensen didn't start out as an all pro record setting TE for the Raiders, he was special teamer and long snapper for 3 years before the Raiders convinced him to play TE. Ben is not a point guard, he'll never be a point guard, he doesn't have the mental makeup of a point guard (just has the vision element) and he doesn't now and never will have the full skill set to be a point guard (he can't shoot from distance, he can't shoot with touch, and he doesn't handle so well that he can't be picked) even though he is fast, and mobile and has that old school point guards passing first acumen. If Ben Simmons really was an all defensive team player this year with size and ability to guard 1-4 positions then his path is to stop playing point and model his play on Dennis Rodman (same body, same mobility, and has the length and the strength). Go back and watch what Rodman himself says turned his career was when he realized how he could rebound by just playing angles and beating guys to the ball and then realized how good he could be at that 1 skill. Now does Ben have the want to to give up the ball and the point position and concentrate on defense and rebounding? IDK. As a life long "shooter", I do know that those guys saying that all you have to do is lock him in a gym and he'll learn to shoot don't know what they are talking about because to be a good shooter you have to have the mental makeup of belief and even more importantly you have to have touch and touch is not taught.


So your saying that you think Ben would be in for going from playing as a 1 (point) to a 5 (small ball center) where he rarely handles the ball? And his ego wouldn't get in the way because you would tell him we didn't bring you here for your scoring or to shoot.


Had Klay not been injured this season the Warriors would have been head-and-shoulders better than Atlanta even with Wiseman injured. In 2014 the A's had a team headed for the World Series. Then the Genius traded for two premium pitchers and shot the team chemistry to hell; result, they were eliminated in the Wild Card Game. Trades do more harm than good most of the time in my experience with a few notable exceptions. I say keep the core of this team intact. Add a couple draft choices or free agents. That's a team that can make it to the Western Finals next year.


CJ 2rp for Ben


Simmons got the yips on the biggest stage. You gotta feel a bit bad for Embid--he did his fair share and has now lost a few prime years in Philly. Excellent takes as always, my guy!


I honestly don’t believe this. The way the warriors collapsed in games this year tells me the roster has serious fundamental issues, and it starts with draymond green offensively


🤔 that’s interesting one..Ben would just have to park his ass in the dunker spot and cut off jok.. but he would definitely help hide him in PnR coverage


Thanks.. wonder if Joel at this point wants to just blow it up. We have never heard any grumblings of him unhappy.. too his credit


Ben would be on a plane before the bulls hung the phone up. I feel like sixers would have sweeten the pot significantly


the shot is a pipe dream…. At least outside the paint. I think he could figure some sort of push shot or long floater foul line and in. But I like the Rodman model. The key is the FT line.. he gets respectable there and he will be fine, but that’s a big if


I don't think I can ever remember seeing a players stock drop in the playoffs as much as we just watched Simmons drop. Shit I'd be very surprised if Philly FO isn't on the phone tonight trying to off load him. Embid flopping kills me, as big as he is where did he learn that pansy weak shit. I'm glad Atlanta won and Trae's stock soared. I want Collins for the Warriors but it aint happening. Atlanta offense works because Trae can always blow past anybody 1v1. And Embid is in tears true but I wouldn't want to be Simmons dog.


I don't get how not everyone in the NBA at least shoots 80% of their free throws. I mean, almost all of those guys start out playing basketball when they're still young, meaning below the rim. How can you then not have gotten this kind of fundamental right?


Somethings wrong in Philly man. First they mess up Fultz (clearly a capable basketball player) and ship his ass outta there, now they have destroyed Simmons too. I am not a fan of putting this series on him alone. Its a team game and the team lost. Check out Embiid and Doc's response post game, they threw that boys ass under the bus. That's not how teammates and coaches are supposed to act. Thats not how an organisation is supposed to act. I feel bad for Ben most of all, and I hope he gets out of there and gets the proper training and coaching he needs in order to succeed. The Process is over.


I legit think Ben would be best stepping away from the league for the time being. I can't see any team in their right mind making a trade for him and the Sixers can't want to keep him at this point. He really needs to rethink his life choices and decide if this is really what he wants to do. Even if he gave up 90% of the rest of his contract that is still a shit ton of money in the real world away the lifestyle of the NBA. I mean he has had every opportunity to improve his game. So this situation is on him. The CJ trade on paper doesn't look like the worst idea out of all potential trades. The fit is not terrible but the optics of it don't exactly scream yes Dame we are doing whatever it takes to build a contending team around you does it. It's more of a massive gamble for the Blazers even if a good move for the Sixers. TO get to the other pieces of this though. Doc is just not the coach that one chip in Boston might have led you to believe. He's far from the only coach in the league to struggle with in game and in series adjustments. But his mistakes couldn't have bitten him harder in the ass. But tbh does firing him really do anything for the team at this point? I'm not sure it would magically solve their problems. Finally Embid, still a top tier talent and maybe the best big man in the league and he played a good series. But he clearly can't give them 4 consistent quarters of MVP level basketball even when healthy. They need a more well rounded scoring team.


“Don’t ever try that again nigga” 😂🤣

Ryan Mitchell

Here it is - the trade for Ben Simmons: 76ers get: 1. Andrew Wiggins 2. The Warriors 2021 1st round draft pick (not the one from the Wolves) Warriors get: 1. Ben Simmons The 76ers get a solid defender with more offensive upside The Warriors get an A1 defender, with a huge ceiling, whose skills would benefit from a system that moves the ball. Like seriously - does anybody even get assists on the 76ers (other than Ben). Now tell me why this makes no sense haha. . .


Wiggins is a better player than Simmons and will always be a better player than Simmons.


Ryan I assume u r just having fun. Wiggins is improving and already a much better player than Simmons. Simmons is a head case he’s a couple inches bigger but that’s it. Wiggins would have done a better job on Trae who’s probably too quick for either of them. I would laugh in the face of anyone who would trade Wiggins for Simmons straight up. F the pick.

Ryan Mitchell

Ok ok - you guys don't like this - that's fine :) Here is my response: 1. Wiggins has never been an all-star or made first team defense; Simmons has multiple 2. Simmons is better at defense than Wiggins is at offense 3. If you think at all that Wiggins has benefited from being in the Warriors franchise then surely you would have to assume Simmons would as well. OK - I leave it at that


man sometimes huerter looks like klay out there with that shot. hopefully lou takin him to magic city to get some lemon pepper! 😂 hawks have been one of the best stories this playoffs.


Well I know Simmons is elite at D but Wiggins is also very good but not as good. But come on Simmons can not shoot the ball at all, and he wants to play as a big guard or a wing? I’m not saying he’s a bad shooter, he’s worse than Draymond bad and that’s bad. And then the free throws, do u want to watch that every game that matters he sits the 4th quarter as a max athlete? But to your point if there is someone on the warriors staff who can turn a non shooter into a shooter and a train wreck from the line into a good free throw shooter then yeah move over Lebron… It’s tantalizing but not at the money u would have to pay. Non starter for me.

Ryan Mitchell

@Russ V - fair points indeed. So you’re right - at the moment - it wouldn’t seem like a good trade for GSW. But the UPSIDE potential my friend!! Haha. Looking forward to watching how this unfolds in the off-season. It’s what Silicon Valley likes to call ‘a moon shot’ move. Or it’s a complete flop


Since you'll have to do some more Hawks breakdowns, just thought you should know the minute Huerter moved to the south, his nickname changed from Red Mamba to Red Velvet. And his shot is velvety AF.


is trae young more fun to watch then luka despite the flopping? his speed, dribbling combos and flair is just like watching an action movie


They both flop and whine, but I prefer Trae because he doesn't have a resting bitch face 99% he's on the court