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gsw vs orl gm 26

This is "gsw vs orl gm 26" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



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“I think he got spike by Azubuike” Underrated aspect of your vids is the humor 😂


Youtube link says it's private, not a big deal though

Shea Johnson

JTA is a fucking baller


Alc it's all small ball tomorrow no DJ for Brooklyn


Day 11,517 of Brad Wanamaker's life: yup he still sucks at basketball


Should draymond and wiggins be on a all defensive team??? Or runner ups??? Should curry be mvp is he has 32 point 50 45 90 season but his team is 5th seed??? Should JTA get a max???

Major Powers

I wasn't noticing how far Draymond was pushing Vucevic before he'd get the ball. Thanks for pointing that out.


Why am I just now finding out about your Hezi podcast?? You gotta do more self-promotion, my guy.


yo Alchemy that Mulder mini breakdown had me cracking up. As the season goes on I hope we see more hops from the Canadian air force haha.


our 2nd unit is officially broken. maybe the nets porous defense will be a remedy. steph will need another 50-piece for us to have a shot. if steph slays the nets, they might as well hand over the mvp now!

Nathan Glanzer

Steph's 3 to go from 80-83 was 100% a 2 right?


It will definitely be interesting to see how our defense handles NJ. Wiggins/Durant, KOJ/Harden. Are we assuming Steph starts on Kyrie? I have a feeling Draymond might want a shot at KD.


i am expecting an upset on saturday. there have been plenty given by the nets. although all 3 nets stars have some sort of chip with the warriors. lets hope for a scrappy game with lots of harden and kyrie crying

Nathan Glanzer

Curry definitely excels in those hectic balls not really under control situations. He's got a drill just for that.


Draymond missed an early layup and so on the Orlando broadcast they were repeating over and over just let Draymond drive he might miss anyway then, in the second half, Draymond made a layup and 2 quick dunks and they finally shut up. Give me the Draymond drive over the Draymond 3 any day of the week.


nice.. me too man! If he can start to attack some closeouts and get up could be a game changer for his career


Love to see it Alc. You think you can leave the live up after it’s over?


I can’t tell if Oubre is just calming down or if he’s cooling on the team/teammates. Notice after the steal foul towards the end he doesn’t do the big celebration like he usually does. Was also noticing him being a little aloof towards teammates. Who knows maybe he has other stuff going on in his life too but just something I’ll be keeping an eye on.

Jerry Heverly

I officially crown them, the New Hampton Five: JTA, Steph, Oubre, Wiggins, Draymond. They tear up teams on the defensive side.......I am amazed how much JTA has improved in, basically, one season. He was the key to that fourth quarter massacre, ball hawking, rebounding, and cutting to the basket........Under other coaches I think Mulder would have sulked and given up, but under Kerr he has found a way to contribute. Kerr's calmness and steadiness allow players to find themselves.

Nathan Glanzer

Dude gets hype with celebrations too. Love that. He loves being out there and it shows in how hard he plays. He had a crazy recovery on defense in the 4th that I was pretty amazed at cause he got beat hard haha.


I think oubre should guard kd. His aggressiveness can disrupt kd's rhythm. Besides he used to guard him when he was in Washington. Wiggins should guard kyrie and juan on harden.. steph can guard joe harris.. thats what i think is best for us. Never let bazemore guard hareen cos harden will get 20 FTs off him


Well done Alch! Loving the content as usual. Did you catch the latest House of Strauss podcast with Bogut? He definitely drop sneaky gems. Like how Iggy wasn’t playing with the bench guys that were not picking up the read and react system when he was on the team. It makes you wonder how he’d handle some of the new guys team now. I honestly wouldn’t mind the tough love. Also, I had no idea league isn’t testing the Ref’s for Covid. These guys and gals also aren’t on hotel restrictions, so they can go where ever they want and still ref the games without being tested. If that’s true then I think it’s pretty messed up.


Juan is surprising the heck out of me, I was with you Alc thinking he shouldn’t have made the roster or 2 way. Props to him and the coaching staff


Let's be real: it won't matter who guards KD. There's nobody in the league who can stop him, let alone on the Dubs. On that note I don't mind Wiseman sitting out against NJ. He'd only be embarrassed, being cold off the injury. Why set him up to fail? Waiting only helps in 2 ways by saving him that and letting him heal fully.


Great defense(man to man or team defense), great playmaking; runs pnr well, and doesn't shoot the ball particularly well. yup, JTA is mini draymond.


Lonzo and Oubre have been on fire since the trade rumors


any thought on Jeremy Lin? any chance of him beating out Wannabe-maker, Poole, and Nicco for that last spot? he definitely got the experience in his favor


This is the Dray i remember. One that gets into people's heads. Also, can we talk about Steph. 40 points, only 2 fts that he only got from an intentional foul in the final minute. The dude is nice at the game, and definitely should be in the MVP conversation.


I'm loving the team effort on the boards recently, going small has forced guys like oubre and wiggs to really box out and hunt down those rebounds, curry, wiggs and oubre all had over 7 rebounds I believe. We just gotta keep that mentality when we get Wiseman and looney back


Juan T is really growing on me. Real talk I don't believe the warriors will get rid of the bridge troll because on ball he is a pretty good defender... Its just like you said going under those screens is awful. Hopefully whatever deal we might make at the deadline does include him tho. Do you think the warriors have an eye on the John Collins situation? Not sure how he'd fit on the roster unless he started as a small ball 5, but he'd be interesting to get if it was the right price.


THE X-FILES MUSIC ON THE MULDER DUNK!?!!?? Hahahaha!! Holy shit, this is top notch content! Thanks for another banger, Alc!


Ahh, good point about opposing coach being in the refs ear about moving screens. Every coach does this right...kind of one of their responsibilities? We already know Draymond has earned his hate among the refs and historically Steph hasn't gotten the whistles he deserves. Does that point to Steve not having much pull with refs? He's a new coach with his share of sideline blowups, but a long-time vet...


With you there, Big Rig Draymond all day! I've given up on his 3pointer (except the occasional clutch playoff 3).


As for the Nets matchup: this is gonna sound crazy, but what about putting Steph on KD? Hear me out. Do you happen to remember Game 5 of 2016 WCF when Steph found himself on KD twice and Steph stripped both times? I think that Steph could play him like CP3 did a lil while ago by taking up KD’s space and not letting him get into rhythm for a pull up jumper. Plus I’d actually say Steph has the strength advantage now if KD tries to post up. Now obviously KD has the height to shoot over Steph, but maybe an uncomfortable face up/fade-away jumper would be what you would rather concede instead of a Harden or Kyrie drive and kick. Edit: this was before I heard DJ is out, and I assumed that BRK would start Jeff Green instead of Harris


Bro you had me dying when u said steph was gonna do so.ething reall nasty here.


I just love how Steph has now completely changed his 3 pt shot. He has mastered the Harden hop slide travel move. I hated it when only Harden got away with it, but now that Steph has it down this year I love it! It's so much easier for him to get his shot off now and a key reason why even with constant double teams and the box and 1 he is still scoring at will. His D is better as well with the new strength, notice his 3 key late strips of Vucinich yesterday. But I still can't understand why Kerr isn't asking for more O rebounding like we used to do in the glory years. If we get O boards we can often just kick it back out to Steph for wide open Auto 3's. We used to hit those all night. We r the smaller faster team now, send a couple guys and we can still hustle back on D easily if we don't get the ball. Example on Alc tape at 9:56 watch DLee walk down court as EP is shooting a shaky 3 that of course actually bounces exactly where Damian was standing, it's just lazy ball and DLee isn't lazy.


I agree, Wiseman isn't really ready for this to be his first match up after a break.

Jerry Heverly

I watched the highlights of the first G League game. Poole seemed overmatched, Mannion was...small, but JLin seemed like an NBA guard. I hope they pick him up.

Valentine Nguyen

that azubuike line went over my head for a second lol i was like wait isn't that the dude on the jazz 🤣


Slightly off topic Alc, but do you think the Jazz are for real or are they overachieving right now?


2nd unit made that Magic team look like the 90's Bulls my goodness. Eric Paschall was the main culprit. He first enters the game to start the 2Q, and this is what he did: Missed 3 pointer Charge, turnover Defensive 3, tech Shooting Foul All of a sudden it was 38-37 after the 2Q started 19-29. He was horrendous.


Btw, your Hesi pod is legit. I can't get enough NBA pod content, and yours is already one of the best by far. It's really good and your filling a need. Keep it up my guy.


He does have a lawsuit out on his ex who’s trying to extort him for i think 3 million


What a 4thQ by Anderson, that was some Iggy-liked impact. I apologise for saying he ain’t an NBA player at the start of the season

Natto Santo

Wannamaker got to sit, we need action from Pool or Lin to keep the second unit vital.


"Chicano throw-ahead dribble" :D Jim Barnett demonstrates here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mBkAdtkZ80 I swear the Warriors do it more than any other team and ever since seeing this video I wondered if they got it from Barnett.


There is no help in Santa Cruz! S.C. is playing a 3 guard lineup with Lin/Manion/Poole. The ball is kept almost exclusively in the hands of the 3 guards (they take turns) all 3 are shooting and scoring inefficiently, there are no post splits, no p&r, no backscreening, the scoring the 3 guards do is mostly off 1 on 1 dribble and crossover moves and Lin is the only one of the three that makes any effort to set up a teammate. In other words, the style of play is the opposite of what they would need to do if brought in to replace Wannamaker who also is not doing the job but none of those 3 in Santa Cruz can defend at an NBA level and Wannamaker is the bigger body with the ability to absorb contact and strip the ball occasionally. Shooting splits for Manion 40/28 Poole34/26 LIn 36/37. Last night Manion scored 22 with 3 dribble drives to the rim for 2 handed dunks which tells you the level of defense and that is not going to be his role when he joins the Warriors. The games are on the internet and youtube the guys playing the right way (in a role) with efficient numbers for Santa Cruz are Toupane and Wesson who are nowhere near ready for NBA level.


Steven: That's the best defense of Brad I've heard so far. It's still sad that it boils down to "lesser of two evils" situation though. Hmm, isn't the whole point of any G-league team to prep the players for the NBA squad? If so, hearing the entire team isn't playing like a team sounds troubling. I was figuring that someone from the S.C. squad would eventually get called up this season.


Interesting you mentioned JTA with the Iguodala strip. His game reminds me of Dre more than Draymond. The long arms, doing simple things well (making the right pass, being in the right spot, does the little things to keep the offense moving), and there’s a calmness about him when he’s playing. He looks slight when going up against bigs, but holds his own. Can guard quicker guards too. I love his attitude, and he’s obviously a sponge when it comes to learning from the vets.


Any plans to do some kinda Juan T breakdown through these small ball games? He’s been improving pretty damn quick over the past couple weeks. Definitely carved out a bench role with the warriors in the future.


I try to point out his growth during the breakdowns. I do player breakdowns in the off season where I have time to do it justice