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I will have a video version of this early in the week, nothing is super time sensitive if you want to wait on that. But a lot a good  warrior coverage in this one I think... 

Here is a video of the meat of the pod. Had a mishap with my actual video so had to create all the visuals. Got a Warriors Halloween special on deck that should be dope. 





Yeah, I’ve been racking my brain around it for months but yeah I think the Warriors are picking Advija. I don’t think Steve Kerr would just fly out there to pull a smokescreen. NBC Sports Bay Area had this random YouTube interview with Omri Casspi, who played a year with Warriors and was pretty mediocre, last week. He was pretty much hyping up Advija to the fans. I think I’m sold on him. Advija’s got the whole package. Height, ball movement, playmaking and defense. Plus Macabi and a lot of these Euro teams seem like they push team basketball, which is our calling card.


Yo alchemy I’m wondering if you could post these Patreon only podcasts and videos on en embedded platform that allows you to control the video speed? It’s just that I can only listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos at 2x speed and would appreciate if you would make that option available


Don’t stop the pause Alc, I say it with ya 😂


I tweeted you some Wiggins workout videos. He was working out with Bell, Lyles, and Snell. Wiggins and Snell were balling bro, check it out!


I agree 99.9% with you on the trades. I think I'd take Wiggins over Beale though. At least for us. Beale is the better player but we need another defender to throw at the top wings like LBJ, Muray and Kawhi more than we need the extra offense. I'd be pretty hyped for the Nets/Indy trade that would bring us Allen and Dimwitty, especially if we keep Wiggins and the Minny 2021 pick. But you are right no way Nets are agreeing to that.


If I search for the tag “bum ass crack addict” does a Pat Beverly breakdown video show up?


Thank you alch love the work, number one NBA commentator on the online platform IMO


Valid point! I will say Beal can defend if he chooses too.. but obviously he doesn’t have the size for big wings


If they take him @2 it would make me even more intrigued. As opposed to trading back a few spots to grab him. They like him that much! I think that would say a lot.


I was confused about your "mental health" comment. Who is suffering from mental health issues? Wiggins? I just don't know the full story so the context is missing. Can you elaborate?


DeRozan has spoken up with Love about being depressed and how hard it is for him. Now apparently he is “ unhappy “ in San Antonio.


Ok phew. Yeah I don’t want DeRozan anywhere near the Dub’s locker room. I actually think Wiggins is going to be great in his new role. Lots of people taking endless shit about him. I might have to eat crow but I’m feeling very positive about him. Time will tell

Daniel Fries

took me a minute to find this. How do you spell his name? https://www.patreon.com/posts/deni-avdija-35647339


I honestly don’t know why, but I’m really intrigued by keeping Wiggins and the pick. Wiggins just seems like the type of guy that could really ball out with this Warriors squad 🔥

Daniel Fries

Nah I just had the spelling wrong. You can search if it's right. Don't waste your time!


The nets would be nuts to take the trade, but damn I wouldn't mind having that at all. Dinwiddie is a weirdo, but one of my friends plays at colorado and says he's the real deal. And in a perfect world we snag a long athletic wing at 19 like Woodard from Mississippi State.


Thanks for the reply Alch! Not a lot of good FA's out there but what about taking a flyer on Boogie again? Or how about flipping picks with Detroit for D. Rose (for Poole or something like that using the trade exception)?. He'd help the bench and could kind of play a Barbosa type role. And with all he's been through I think he could provide some vet leadership. Picking 7th we'd still have a shot at getting Avidja or one of the other lesser-regarded dudes in the draft we are interested in.


Trading back to 7 for D Rose was something that intrigued me too. Don’t know if I’d give up Poole for it, but if we give up a young guy with lesser potential like bowman I’d be all for it. Instant offense and vet leadership off the bench. And if Avidja also somehow slips to 7 that’d be dope too. But I’ve also kinda fallen in love with Wiseman with all those monstrous workout videos lol. We shall see


I agree with keeping wiggins and the pick as opposed to trying to trade for Beal. But in almost any other case, its a no brainer. Imo, it probrably takes a little less than lightning in a bottle for Wiggins to ever come close to Beal's calibre despite his athleticism. Beal is perfect as an on-ball alpha and an off-ball second option, but I completely agree that I would keep the pick and Wiggins. However, Wiggins doesn't finish at the rim as well as you'd expect, and his shooting from 3 is quite average and lets leave out the midrange because its cold.


The interactive Q and A is really dope Alchemy. I appreciate all the answers to the comments :)


Alc, your comments about veteran presence were great. When we got had D West, Dray, and Boogie it was like we had the baddest ass squad with back on back. And D West, Iggy, and S Dot (I actually don't know if he's smart but he looks like a jazz musician with that facial hair) seemed to be this very wise old head crew. D West and Iggy specifically were great about being outspoken on reality. I think these things are huge for a teams mindset. We had everything !

Zachary Jordan Gunter

Man the tags were a great idea. I'm gonna rewatch some shit.


So I was watching the ESPN interview with Anthony Edwards & Mike Schmitz and Edwards brought up Beal as a player who’s game he really liked. They do have similar physiques and games. Edwards has that killer, scoring instinct you’re talking about. Who knows what Edward’s trajectory will be but turning in to a Beal type player is definitely in the realm of possibility. Which got me thinking that If the Warriors were interested in Beal, maybe they go Edwards in the draft instead of trying to pull off a trade. Curious about your thoughts Alch? I personally lean Wiseman but if Minny does something creative & Wiseman is off the board, you intrigued by the potential of a Beal like player in Edwards?


I like Dinwiddie and Allen (maybe it's the fro) so I would have no problem with that Nets/Indiana trade. I'd probably be a little sad to not get Wiseman though. Can't have it all


Avdija has never excited me. I'm no scout, but what stat does he have exactly in a bad league that would indicate he can do anything? Euros were discounted forever until Luka. This guys riding the Luka halo. I'm sure he was great in the interview. Just not sure what anyone sees in his game


Yeah definitely not as excitin, but couldn’t be mad at it. Specially if someone we all like slid to 19


That’s a great point! They are the same archetype.. if the kid interviews well he should go 1.


I was scanning the FAs.. not much out there in that mold. You’d almost have to dust someone off. Maybe it comes with the TPE


I’d say wigs has a pretty good chance to get to Beals level.. but maybe I’m overly optimistic


Came across this clip from the Ringer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJhvfIPN_5c Alch, your content is so much better than what these clowns produce - and they are associated with a reputable outlet (wasn't the Ringer started by Bill Simmons?) All these guys know how to do is be snarky and cite stats - none of them has played or coached like you and can drop real knowledge and analysis or the intricacies you point out. And their naseley ass voice delivery is just grating. could barely listen through the whole thing. Keep up the great work. my man. I would not be surprised to see you on ESPN one day!


lol yeah I cant get through any of there stuff really unless Bill has on a good guest. I appreciate the acknowledgment tho...I feel the same way, got to just keep at it!


Alch have you seen Christian Wood on the Pistons. And do you think he can fit with the Warriors as a 3&D Center?


Yes, I had brought up the Lakers interest, but I think everybody will be with skill set... driving his cost up. Detroit will probably overpay


I think the thing about pascal not being at the scrimmage means he's on the block. He doesn't really fit that well as a non stretch 4. So i think thats them makin sure he's healthy to move.


I think they want him to work because he is so cheap for a few years being a 2nd rd pick. But who knows maybe they have seen enough behind the scenes.


Shout out Alc from Israel! Deni is our guy - the best prospect ever from the Holy Land. The correct pronunciation of his last name is like Aria (from GOT). Sounds like Avdia in the same tonality as Aria

Ezra Abbey

How to pronounce Deni's last name - Av Di Ya in the emphasis is on the A.


I saw some chatter on the Jump about trading for Oubre Jr. Does this make any sense? I think I'd rather have Wiggins (though Oubre'd ace the DUbs 14 mil). Especially if it means giving up other assets. Alch, living in Phoenix you've seen him play a bit. What do you think?


Shouldn’t cost Wiggins.. I like him on paper, but there are Ted flags. Young modern wing keeps getting traded.


Man the tags were so clutch , please keep doing em. So stoked for your draft coverage!