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I realize a lot of people are not Football fans and it was suggested to me to take a poll.

Mind you! The Basketball content will keep flowing regardless! All it means it might be delayed on Mondays.





It's a great bonus to get your 49er content!

David Liao

Do you see yourself sharing some of the football vids to youtube? I figure it would expand your youtube demographics and flex your knowledge outside of basketball.


Love the basketball content, but as a 49er fan and Bay Area native I love seeing the local support


I'll support regardless, but football isn't something I care about. Imo do it if you want to.


I dont underatand football but i love watching your breakdowns and try to learn about the game

Mayansh Upadhyaya

As someone who's a big football fan but has never had the chance to play it your kinda of breakdowns even though not your expertise is hugely beneficial. Please keep doing them.


Absolutely do both alch sky the limit


How about 80% warriors, 20% other stuff.


I will support either way, but I'm not interested in football


Hope there was a 'UFC content' option 😀. Always loved your MMA takes Alc.


I am a football fan but I live in missouri, so obviously 49er games alone are not of much interest to me. I think you have a strong following from outside the Bay Area because of how popular those warrior teams were around the world and to a lot of those outside fans, 49er games aren’t super interesting.

Connor H

I love the niner breakdowns since I just don’t have the time to sit and watch a whole game anymore


Both is great IMO but priority is Ball.


As a non 49ers fan but NFL I'd love NFL stuff in general. But understand you can't do everything, just my 2 cents


long offseason. Do what you gotta do alc

Kahlil Baker

I’m fine with you dropping some Raiders breakdowns also🤣


American football is as big a mystery to me as it is to every European. I truly don't get why this is your biggest sport. No disrespect of course, to each their own. Anyway, do what you love man, I like listening to your rambling anyway. 👍 Mayhap that I get to understand the game a little.


I enjoy the football breakdowns, they make the games more enjoyable to watch knowing some things to look for as it's happening live


Bro I enjoy your breakdowns weather it's basketball or football idc! I'll be fine watching your 49ners breakdowns until the basketball season is back!


The NFL has a fair following in the UK although maybe you don't consider that a part of Europe. :)


Big niner fan. Love your breakdowns!


As long as you're enjoying the content you're making, I'm down to watch whatever you create.


Have you given any thought to doing broader NFL breakdowns/podcasts??? I (and it seems like several other patreons as well) am starting to get into football and would love to get your take on the overall landscape of the league


Great content. It seems Poole keep improving, we should definitely draft a wing.


Sure, if you like doing it, I'd love it.


yes niner content!!!!!!


I have no real preference since it's gonna be high quality regardless. You are just entertaining bro.