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Takeaways form Steve Kerr interview, Draymond back at it..and more TPE talk




Much appreciated, I've been dying for some Warriors content.


With the current salary situation and owners concerns about spending for the upcoming season, the two 2nd round draft picks may actually have more value than say the Warriors (projected) last first round pick in 2021, as they could fill two roster spots for less than 2 million. Since the Warriors already have 13 roster spots filled, without including the pick this year, trade exception and the mid-level The Dubs do not need those 2nd rounders (Or better to say, trading them as the attached incentive to the trade exception would be of better use of the assets) That said, Jeremy Grant would be ideal, And the only hope would be, as you stated that Denver just can’t stomach the salary he will require But with Millsap, Plumlee, and Grant It seems extremely unlikely they are able to sign all three Millsap most likely the one they let walk He has not looked too promising thus far in the bubble although in excellent shape so let’s see Plumlee would also be ideal But I think the Nuggets will pay him He fits too well next to Joker. If you want three point shooting You have to look Gallinari over Inges Even if it requires the use of our late 2021 pick, he’s been one of the best 3 point shooting bigs and is in excellent physical shape entering the bubble. Regardless They need to use it on someone and preferably use the entire 17.2 million for the player. Because of the Minnesota pick in the bank, that contract could later be attached to the pick if that player doesn’t pan out. So either they fit or get moved by the deadline either way There is a guarantee an additional B-/B level player is added to the 2021 title run.


I think I like Ingles more than Galo TBH...not sure I agree with having to spend all 17..its the players value that matter most.


If we are going get Grant, Plumlee, or Gallo It would require to spend north of 14 million anyways most likely And you come back after these playoffs about Inges over Gallo The Ozzie’s looked semi washed and Gallo just came into the bubble looking light


Not sure if you’re seeing the value of having a contract to trade when you have an asset At the moment if we wanted to trade the Minnesota pick it’s pretty much Wiggins or Dray, but with an additional contract over 15 gives far more options if an audible at the line of scrimmage is necessary going into the trade deadline next year


Galo is injury prone and toast on defense. I see what your saying about the contract. Teams are going to be frugal post pandemic. As long as it say 12 mil I’d be more worried about the value attached to it.


Ingles all but disappeared last post season And watching him play against Denver at the moment, seems he can hardly stay in front on anybody, but let’s see who can hit there 3’s when it matters And of course it’s about the player attached But the majority of players that would ideal would cost north of 14 It require a bit of tampering as the best options are sign and trade options as we’ve discussed So the warriors would offer a tad bit more than their current teams are willing to pay


No it’s worry.. they both have looked shaky when it counts.. and Joe is the older guy. I just have a bad taste in my mouth with Galo.. I think joe is much more feisty and mentally tough.


Been saying Grant would be perfect for us!!


Yea I agree, I was super high Ingles until last year’s playoffs And because Gallo’s injury prone nature I actually like him off the bench next to Poole, Pascall and Edwards or Wisemen All of them become more potent with the space he provides What do you think about Dragic? Miami keeps talking about creating space and getting assets


Oh you know I love the Dragon.. I’d like to know more about that bionic knee brace and why exactly he is wearing it. With Miami so much rests on when Giannis decides. They have been setting aside space for him for over 2 years


After seeing that disgusting choke from Dame I needed to get back to Warriors content SMH


The only thing that would have been perfect about this Bubble Beef between PG and Dame is that 1) if Dame's sister and the PG's Baby Mama stay out of these two player's business. We don't need it to go outside the court since it won't be a fair fight, and 2) if neither the Blazers nor the Clippers win a chip within the next 3 years. We would have so much content over which player is arguing over a Participation trophy. That said, appreciate the Warriors content as always Alch.


What a great post. You gave me a great cake day present. Thank you.


I’m not warriors fan don’t box urself in keep branching out you will eventually get a bigger audience in the long run


I love the cut in with Steve and stuff! I see the set up in quality Alch! I love how Steve smoothly transitioned into the curry praise. That was dope to hear. I have hope for Wiggins man I really do. The warriors can get another chip and honestly need it after all the discredit we have on all our chips.


3 year window, 2 rings! Cmon boys let’s get it 😊


Yeah Kerr has talked about it many times about the downfall of centers. And we're seeing how successful teams like Rockets are doing without a center which valifate his points about versatility and zone defense over a traditional rim protector. I'm interested to see how well Wisemand defends the perimeter, if he can do that he can be a bad shooter and still fit the roster like Looney. The crazy thing about Joe Ingles is he has insane defensive metrics multiple seasons in a row. He'd be a great addition to the Warriors.


Yo Alch great content as always! I like any analysis you put out but it'll always be Dubs talk number one for me. I really enjoyed the who would you want to play with / not want to play with segment for the Big Three and prospects. Would you do something similar for mid-level or trade exception targets?