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The moment I saw dropping Bron I had to click


The Fox hesi just looks so good. Making two defenders go the other way, at the same time. Whoo! That's pretty.


Tatum is going to be so nasty moving forward


If I'm being honest I wanted to vote Hezi, but seeing Bron get sat down had me smiling all day so it gets the nod.


Bully back 1st because even tho he stepped on pgs shoe, it was the meanest and most disrespectful. Fox hesi 2 because he had 2 defenders seeing smoke trails like they were tripping. Less is more 3 because while it's not even a crossover, isn't that the point?

John Z

Tre Play, just looks nice and the finish from Bembry is nice as well.


I think one you missed is the one where Harden made Beverley nearly jam his knee, when I saw it live I flipped up and I thought we won the game too... until Russ's decision making and refusal to come back in transition cost us the game. But yeah, Harden did exaggerate the contact but it was still a heck of a play.


Bully back, this one was easy. Very close game and in the final seconds to tie, Tatum does the seemingly impossible to drop Paul George. You couldn't have said it better, PG13 is considered a top 5 wing defender and he's left on the floor to watch Jay drill the three. Close game, on the road, clutch play against an amazing defender. Also the added context of Tatum's rise to stardom. Easy pick.


Good reasoning..plus the fact it was PG too me. It’s one thing to drop Solomon Hill or Heziona