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start| NBA Bubble thoughts

14:35| Some social takes 

22:35| Warriors talk

38:10| Mikey Williams the top HS Freshman in the country 

42:00| UFC 




Peep the new jokic dawg


I just saw Jokic lol but Alc man, any chance we get the video feed of these back? I’m loving the content!


it makes the productions so much longer and difficult...But when games pick back up I have a new format coming that will have video segments.


Drew Brees didn't offend me, but I'm sure he offend the families of black men and women that had their life cut short by the ppl put into position to uphold what the flag stands for or at least supposed to stand for... He fucked up and HE KNOWS it... He knelt with the team way back with the Kap situation and right before those comments he made, he did the black out tuesday thing for black lives matter... I think he blindly followed suit were doing without fully understanding... Thou Blm has been a thing for a while so not sure why he didn't jist ask one his teammates or google it or sum lol... But in the end noone can fully understand your struggle unless they've lived it, empathy is welcome thou and that's what I thought Brees had... I guess I was wrong... But he's "sorry" so I guess it is what is, bigger fish to fry... Salute Alc...


Yeah I don’t buy it.. but I’m not gonna waste energy getting upset. We need to focus on positivity and progress.. which I guess you could say the situation ended in.

John Z

Dope pod. About the sports writers. This is why I follow you, I appreciate the depth and thought you put into the breakdowns. My god, getting pulled over 3 times in one night, the fuck. That shit is trash. I used to be ignorant when I was younger, just thinking about myself and not realizing the real bullshit that was happening. Silva, that dude, I wanna say he embarrassed me, cause I wanted him to lose so bad lol. Dad was a boxer, anything other than that was nonsense to me lol.

Major Powers

Klay's IG post when he re-signed: Come on, Klay's here to the end: https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYsSyhAuYe/?igshid=1p7n9tnvjl2x1


💯 % 📠 Maj.. at the same time I wouldn’t put it past Joey light years who is apparently obsessed with Giannis.


Appreciate that you can see the thought and effort that I put in 🙏🏽... Anderson’s my GOAT to many thrilling memories.


There is no loyalty in the NBA apparently so I won't be shocked if they trade Klay for Giannis. I would miss the fuck out of Killa K but if that's the way it goes down it is what it is


Thanks for another great pod Alch 🙏🏻 hadn’t thought about the player relationships aspect in the bubble...should make for some interesting developments. What’s your take on the supposed 40-50 players who are unsure about returning for the playoffs because of concerns regarding either the virus or the BLM movement? Would be super disappointing to miss out on some players, but I feel like we gotta respect their personal lives.


Idk how I even feel right now. Draymond manages to find ways to get people stressed every 2 weeks, despite there being a Pandemic and BLM picking up steam. I don't know if I am annoyed or don't care about Draymond rn. Forget the Triple Single jokes, he better learn how to hit a floater again.


Alch you gotta put the intro back at the beginning that gets me hype at the end and then I have nothing to listen to! Also I think you gotta keep klay. ... offer the bucks anything besides the new big three. Wish this was last years draft and we could throw Zion or Ja to em for giannis


🙏🏽......yeah what can you do, you have to respect it. I feel like it won’t end up being that many tho.


Haha Ight! It’s so long let me see what I can do. I think the front office attitude will be anybody but the splashbros when it comes to Giannis.