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tried to provide yall some laughs and a little sports content with some reality sprinkled in

Tiger King Breakdown

16 min real world problems 

22 min Sports talk




Instead of shaking hands or bumping fists, I think we should start kicking each other in the ass.


Diet: totally agree with you, man. Hard to stay away from junk these days. They call it comfort food for a reason.


Covid-19: I hope you're right, but here's what I worry about: people are stupid and I always (ALWAYS!) underestimate people. If Trump doesn't get elected again, then I'll take this back.


whats your opinion on rising racism on people asian descent?


It's always been there. Only difference now is there's a reason for them to show it. Just like when Obama got elected, the racists flipped the fuck out. Just like how they were even more emboldened when DJT was elected. Honestly, when Obama was elected I thought we had made more progress than we have. What's happened since he was elected has shown me there are a lot of racist people in the US. It's very easy, living in the Bay Area to think everyone is like us. That's the trap I fell into.


I hear you! I’ve been really kinda taken back buy all the stupidity. How bout the People in NY gathering to watch the Navy ship dock 🤯


Yeah it’s just ignorance at it’s finest.. ultimately people are scared and want to blame somebody or something. Maybe it’s best these people are exposed moving forward.


And given the reason for the gathering is what really blows my mind. And, the guy tested positive right after. D'oh! EDIT: headline I just saw: "5G-coronavirus conspiracy theory spurs rash of telecom tower arson fires" W T F


I used to live in New Orleans. One thing I always liked about the south is the racists tend to broadcast their thoughts and intentions outright whether it’s on their truck or on their jacket. Now I’m in Maine and I’m sure there are just as many racists here but they keep it hidden and fly under the radar. I often remark to my wife that I would rather live around blatant racists than closeted racists. At least that way I know who I’m dealing with. That being said, they’re all dangerous when emboldened by this orange freak


Growing up in the Bay and moving down here to AZ I have experienced this as well, its very easy to spot down here confederate flag and all. A lot of the old people down here (70-80 yr olds) are not really purposefully racists. They are polite and nice and all, but they will say raciest stuff not even aware of it. But I think thats a generational thing more than a regional thing.


This was really fun to listen to...you and James always manage to both entertain and generate some laughter. You gotta laugh during this crazy time in History...Thanks to both of you guys. Much love...