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Started off with a quick intro on today's news, got a surprise call in! Then you have Stevie and I deep dive into the young Warriors. 

FYI Im looking into some software  to clean up the sound on the other end. 




Just finished the first one and was refreshing the page in anticipation. Looking forward to the takes, these pods are always amazing.


Have you seen the talk about okc vs jazz postponing? I just read they are wiping down the jazz bench. One player gets infected and the season is over


I wasn't expecting boos I was actually expecting a tribute video and MVP chants honestly......I think warriors fans and even non warrior fans see the nets drama and actually feel bad for him.......GSW Twitter IS ALWAYS giving KD love...more love then they gave him while he was here honestly and I just think it'd be a classy move and might help KD mentally solidify what he was for the team

Dan Doerge

Dude - no need for wild ChiCom conspiracy theories when the mofos are butchering bats and eating bush meat.


These pods make my day every time. You’re the only NBA analyst (that I’ve found anyway) who just gets to the point and keeps it real af. I appreciate you Alchemy. Thanks for making me smile and laugh


Omg NBA suspended... i knew it was bound to happen


Rudy Gobert just ended the whole nba


DPOY (Diseased Player of Year) Award goes to Rudy Gobert


The conversation with James was hilarious😂😂😂


Wow, NBA season suspended. I hope everyone keeps supporting you, Alch. I will.


After I recorded I was thinking did that sound too optimistic!? But that’s how I feel.. Both of them would probably be late lotto picks in a redraft. EP for sure!


Chances are that moron Gobert already infected a ton of people. This is a very easy to transmit disease, carries through air and you only have to be within 6 feet to get it. They just released a study in Germany which proves you're infected before you know it well before the symptoms and through air. Seeing people even in their 40s that have serious conditions though good news is children seem to be the most resilient to it like hepatitis A. I would avoid any public spaces if you're in your 20+ age group, not only for yourself but also others. A vaccine is nowhere close to being developed.


Stevie’s take on Draymond not starting or closing is utterly trash yikes


It's crazy to think but if chriss, Paschall, and Poole were in a redraft of last year I think all would go in the lottery. It's really looking like we can contend next season and the one after is gonna be scary. Klay recovered fully, all the young guys will have playoff experience and another year of development, and we're bringing in another lottery pick. Is it optimistic to think we can contend for another 5 years?


I missed James. My stomach hurts from laughing every time the two of you talk.


NBA season is suspended. That’s a smart and logical decision that probably should’ve been made a week ago. I’m sure the corporate media darlings are freaking out but let’s face it, they have enough money to cover themselves while this gets sorted out. It’s the independent media folks who will suffer the most. I will continue to support Alc


this was great alc. can you make another one wiith james


Think Poole will end up the back up point. I think we will see his playmaking, passing and finishing will shine and open up the shot. Obviously Steph will always be the better shooter, but I can see Poole’s playmaking overtaking Steph’s despite Steph’s gravity and taking some of the regular season load off Steph. Agree with Stevie on Klay. Think we will see Game 6 Klay (particularly from this recent finals, right before injury) become a regular day Klay. Felt in that last game 6, we saw everything slow down for Klay in terms of generating his own offense off the dribble. Excited to see the growth continue.