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It's crazy to me how people can watch the game and say Kawhi can't defend LeBron, or that he got bullied. LeBron scored on him like once or twice, most possessions were a screen fest, but when he did attack, he got clamped or passed the ball.


I don’t kawhi was really trying like he didn’t want to get his

Dan Doerge

I'm dying. Slap a fried chicken between 2 crispy creams.


Coronavirus may even lead to playoff canceling who knows... some major tennis tournaments already canceled.


Exactly, that one where Kawhi got 'blown' by he got screened. I firmly believe LeBron is one of the most overrated players in the league and I believed it as far back as 2010. Media and chinese Nike intern bots are doing a lot to shape him as the GOAT but he has so many flaws in his game when looking at it in detail.


He has definitely been overrated in the all time rankings. He should be in the top 5 or even 3 conversation, not GOAT or clear 2nd, that's ridiculous.


I said Kawhi could bully AD.. I do think at this stage with LeBron he is going to do what he wants regardless of who is on him. he gets the whistle and he is no longer looking to dance with the ball or try to be cute with it.


Laker fans always saying LeBron gets no calls but when looking at free throw attempts per fga on drives, he has one of the highest in the nba. And that's ignoring all the offensive fouls on his drives. They act like the most marketed Nike star in the NBA gets no calls lmao.


Seriously that would be pretty cool to see / hear. I just hope we don't get a loud ass commentary in the background by Mark Jackson and JVG.


Hey Alc, Do you think it's so much that Giannis isn't a thinker or that he's aware he doesn't have many options to pass to in big moments? I mean he's literally carried the team to where they are single handedly. Kris Middleton be damned. They're kinda absolute garbage without Giannis.


3 weeks ago I went as far as to say Lebron is mentally soft in 4th quarters, and Kawhi and the Clippers are my title favorites. And I don’t feel much different today, but these last two games were these last few games, and Lebron was un-guardable and is playing like the MVP this season. Just because you dislike a player or his narratives doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the basketball you’re witnessing. I still think Kawhi is the best player in basketball, but he wasn’t that night in LA.


That's not what the stat says, they're a playoff team with Giannis off the floor with a ridiculous +8 per 100 possessions. That's one reason he only needs to play 30 minutes. Giannis has okay playmaking, the real problem is the same problem LeBron faced back in 2011 with teams just putting a zone to stop his drives and giving them less efficient options. Raptors last season forced the other guys to shoot and they choked. LeBron improved his shooting to the point where you should at least be around 2 feet of him, that's done wonders for his drives.


I think its pretty clear (on the court) he just goes.. that’s in part what makes him so good.


I don't care what the whole "regular season running thru trash teams" looks like, but one thing that's proven already is if a team does what the Raptors did last year to him in the playoffs which is neutralize his drives, the team is stagnant you gonna rely on Middleton to take over? It'll be the same story as last year and tbh I'm hoping for it so he sees that Milwaukee ain't it chief. Come to the Warriors 👌🏽


@Thomas The difference is they don't have Kawhi and Green this season. Curious if Giannis will choke his free throws though.


I wasn't talking about you alc, most fans and media outlets are spreading that narrative. (that Kawhi got bullied and couldn't defend LeBron)


Kawhi lost one finals against Miami,you forgot that


As much as I like the Giannis snubbed of MVP chip theory, they don't reveal the MVP till after the finals now so we wouldn't really know who won.

Qiushi Hu

steve is great but I lowkey miss James


Alc, I’m curious what you think about Draymond taking so much time off. I hear a lot of snarky podcasters who don’t seem to know a lot about basketball making comments. He’s put his body through a similar amount of punishment as Steph and Klay going to 5 straight NBA finals so frankly I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten injured. It makes a lot of sense to me that he’s resting, whether that’s a coach’s decision or his own. Does Dray have a future on the Warriors? I think so


I think once Steph went down this was always the plan. Because he hasn’t had any real injuries they have had to kind of BS every few weeks. Like I said they are going to run it back next year with OG core 3 then will see


i fuck with you heavy stevie but the mic tho 😔😩 sounds like ur in a bathroom lol


Lol yea man it’s rough I’ll be moving to Bali next week, see how the new setup sounds there.