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gsw vs was gm61

This is "gsw vs was gm61" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I know you’re an mma guy just wondering if you’ve ever considered covering some fights? Big one coming up this weekend

james moore

I know im on a island but I want to see some more of bender lol. His shot not dropping now but he hustles hard and fights for rebounds


Lmfao Alch with the voiceovers HILARIOUS 😂


lmaooo this was one of the funnier breakdowns😂 that dlee slander 😩😩😂


This season has been exactly what we needed to reboot the dynasty. We found a starting center and 2 legit rotation pieces in Paschall and Poole. And we have 2 lottery picks incoming. We're starting to look like we can contend again


Also holy finish from Poole


ALC u think mulder will be a good piece for next season ? With his defence and shooting... and also spellman was a better version of bender. Stretch four 🔥. We need one of those for next year


he looks like a NBA player out there, I like that he doesn't play with the ball. Lets see another 10 days.


yeah we just got trek through this final 20. Then once we now where are pick is, its going to get real fun again.


On paper he is so intriguing..IDK like I said young Lacob really likes him so maybe he will get another 10.


Yah another 10 would be perfect. These breakdowns are fire ALC 💪🏾💪🏾


I found it hilarious that rather than trade jerseys at the end of the game, Zion just gave McGee his jersey and dipped.


Also what y’all think about benders shot Arc ?


Id love to get to a place where I can just order them and go live with yall. But I usually am on a struggle stream. So providing footage is a issue. but in a pod format I can do more MMA talk. Dangerous fight for Adesanya man....

Ezra Abbey

yo alch I was wondering if you could do a video on what moves you think we'll make in the off-season and how the team's gonna look next year. might be too early but I'm interested to see your thoguts

Major Powers

Can't wait for a whole new season of KlayThoughts in October.


A lot of 7fters can get away with flat shots because they are already way up there on the release..but yeah ideally it would have some more arc.


All these subtle shots at Steph. Shame that with all the basketball knowledge you're not able to appreciate Steph's game.


you know what...it really bothers me how sensitive people are about steph, If you watch enough of my stuff no one is off limits. Are you referring to his taunting of Bertans? There is nothing subtle about that, he was taunting a dude while in street clothes


😂😂😂 can’t be eating cookies... donuts 🤣😭


Josh I think you’re misreading the tone of his “shots” at Steph. I wouldn’t even categorize it as a shot. Opinionated criticism? Whatever


@Alch I don't think most of these antics (e.g pointing to line after someone steps out of bound, bicep flex after and-1) are personal but some players take them personally as taunts. It's like people being triggered by him chewing his mouth guard. There's no disrespect there but people will perceive it to be arrogance. I remember young Novak Djokovic had the same issue becuase he took himself less seriously than others. Alternatively, I think there's some animosity towards smaller light skinned guards, Trae and Nash gets a ton of hate and disrespect too although Trae flops like a mofo


Rock paper scissor analogy is right on. When two players are that good and media wants to pit them against each other, they're afraid of the challenge, the potential risk of humiliation. It's like when LeBron got 'screened' by Curry and just let KD go to town on JR in the finals, instead of defending KD straightup.


Right he is playn... but what I was pointing out is too us as a fan base we love it. Live I loved it! But watching it again, it’s easy to see why players get annoyed. His success is the biggest reason for the hate.. but looks always play a part like you mentioned. And I think we as a fan base don’t always realize how much taunting he actually does because we’re celebrating right along side him.


Yeah I understand your pov. From the other team's perspective, it can be more easily seen as an insult whereas he's just being an entertainer for his fans and for himself.


Ha ha ha ha 🤣😂🤣 how long did you work on that conversation between Zion and Lebron, Alch?! Epic. Your belly is soft...


Taco Tuesday...”me too, me too, me too...” Man, you have made this season so much better than it actually was.


Tbh I one taked it.. than added “ me too” They always cover their mouths so it makes it easy


Also like how you ended it super abruptly "ok love!" as they part :p Gold right there. You can release a whole series of players covering their mouths and you just speaking their dialogue. I'd totally watch that.


Josh, Over the last couple years you can scroll through the YouTube thumbnails of all Athletic Alchemy videos and see how many times Curry is featured and praised as the Chef. I can’t really comprehend the unwavering sensitivity towards Curry criticism, especially since Steph himself seems to be absolutely comfortable with his place in the league and seen as the unquestioned “greatest shooter of all time.” I love his game as much as any Warriors fan, but if someone is doing a full game breakdown and the point guard and number one option has 6+ turnovers, how exactly do you recommend that not be addressed? Or when Curry mentally checks out of a game when things are not going well for him, it has to be pointed out. In the same way he gets all the love in his many 30 point performances, superstars also also carry the burden of criticism as winning and losing is more on their shoulders. And I agree, Curry has a lot of hate and much of it maybe is not merited for a variety reasons, but in my honest opinion, Alchemy has never even come off as a strong Curry critic and certainly not a hater of any kind. He has countless videos praising the sheer genius of Curry’s scoring abilities and impact on winning. It is impossible not to when breaking down Warriors games as Steph is one of most impressive phenomenons to ever play in any sport. However, when he plays poorly or mentally checks out, it has to be noted. If you don’t wanna hear the obvious criticism in a hard loss, then just don’t watch the breakdown after the loss. If you watched the type of games I’m referring to, you shouldn’t need an analyst to explain it as these issues are quite transparent. Curry is the second wealthiest current NBA player, 2 time MVP, 3 rings and counting, and will be viewed by many as in the conversation for one of the top 3 point-guards of all time. He doesn’t need your protection, I promise.

Thomas Ogas

Much love for these quality breakdowns, Alch. I was rolling with laughter at the Bron/Zion conversation at the end.


From the small sample size, though, his release can be all over the place. Like, he tries to shoot the same way every time--and when he's making it he's locked into his form--but a lot of those really bad misses (one in the game vs. PHX springs to mind, one of the ones you showed, incidentally) it was like what are you doing? Did you forget which joints to straighten in what order, and when you release? Some dudes have a weird shot form and it works out, but a super inconsistent one is death. That's like one of Alch's Laws of Shooting, from seeing basically all of your videos. By the way, given how EP usually leaps pretty high on 3-pointers, you think he'll ever be a decently efficient shooter? Shoots right at the apex, too. Thankfully when he's doing those like 4-5 foot shots in someone's body, he can release any time in his jump and the shot's butter.


I'm kinda shocked at this Mulder kid. He looks like he could be a real NBA player, though I don't know how old he is, if this is him playing far above his normal ceiling, etc. I just wish we could have like done a Voltron power-merge with him and JT-A. Their skillsets combine to make a damned good wing.


The Bron Zion convoy at the end lmaooo