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gsw vs uth gm17

This is "gsw vs uth gm17" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Not only a couple players with 5 assists what about 7 players in double figures? I liked the effort all night and you're right they're having fun not worried about the scoreboard


tell you what, maybe its a good thing Poole has to play. or they might F around and win too many games to secure a top 3 spot.


Even though we're losing its fun watching these young guys go out there and play their hearts out! Spelly getting buckets and Ky showing the bunnies hype me up! JP is gonna figure it out..his drives to the basket look good and his ability to create for others and distribute have also looked good. If he can just focus on that portion of his game right now the shot will eventually fall more consistently after he's gotten a bounce and flow going.

Kahlil Baker

It’s amazing that we got more shots up, and less turnovers. They did a great job last night. Every game they get better and it’s great to see! I can’t wait till we are at full health again.


Lol true shit at this point we definitely gotta secure that top 3


Can we put Jordan Poole on a 2-way deal instead of Ky??? Also I'm hearing rumblings that we should get rid of Willie? With Looney returning the front court depth is looking good. What you think Alc. I think we need Willie's height. He didn't play well but he needs a battery in his back, queue Draymond


Nobody likes a soft willie 😂 you’re good for one of those a video


Alc, also you keep talking like Burks is gonna get dropped off. You don't think we can bring him back next year?


What did you mean at the end when you said, "We don't want to win too many games" ?? That threw me off, and I'm still scratching my head. Also, why doesn't Dramyond drive to the hoop a LOT more and make more baskets for us? He has the talent and physicality. And opponents know he almost always passes the ball (and makes an occasional three). Seems to me that's just lousy, lazy playing … especially with Steph and Clay and D'Lo sidelined with injuries. Is that on him, or Kerr, or both ??

Branden Edwards

Can an undrafted rookie be the steal of the draft? Because if so, Ky Bowman might be it.

Branden Edwards

The worse our record is the better our draft spot is. And if we finish in the top 10 (we won't) our 2020 first round pick goes to Brooklyn

Branden Edwards

The way Burks is playing he's going to get priced out of what GS can pay him. Since he's on a 1 year deal it's almost a guarantee he gets moved at the deadline to a contender so we can capitalize on his valur


I love seeing the team all laughing and joking before the game. Even though there's no pressure, it probably gets demoralizing losing time after time. I think Kerr and his staff have done a great job keeping them focused on the right things and building chemistry. I hope Steph and Klay stay present during their injuries, that'll be important once it's time to reintegrate them into the lineups.


Kerr is enjoying himself as well! Steph is going to be hard to keep from coming back this year I think. Klay we need to just tell him no.

Vittorio Servino

Spellman has been a nice surprise for me. He looks like he is trying to shed some pounds as well. Could be a mini Barkley type player (that’s a reach but hey why not)


Nah I think that would be Kendrick Nunn. Ky has been great tho.


Good bounce back game by the hateful 8. I look forward to the day towards the end of the season, when the all stars have returned and we roll into the town of a western conference foe battling for seeding and/or a playoff spot and the remaining members of the hateful 8 still on the roster to exact some revenge (with the tune "how ya like me now" beating in the background). DALLAS YOU'RE AT THE TOP OF THAT LIST. Good shooting Spellman, Nice shooting GRob, good all around game Ky, Burks doing what he does, Gobert 3/8 8 points hat tip WCS/Spellman?Chriss.


Nobody in Utah swears at their gandkids they just quote the book of Mormon at em.


he has lost like over 70lbs since the summer! I think he could potentially be your first big off the bench on a contender.


for sure , they deserve some credit for executing the strategy. I would probably of leaned the other way and let Rudy have all he wanted and stuck to the shooters. But aye they gave themselves chance to steal one!


Tough as usual. Can we get that clippers rockets breakdown?


Its not something I can just do real quick. The process of watching the game taking notes and doing the breakdown is like 6-7 hrs.. Im have some big game breakdowns soon, Dubs have played 3 B2B in one moth.


Can we get rid of WCS for like a second and keep Ky Bowman? With how Chriss and Spellman are producing,when Loon comes back it’s just too many big guys.


I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed the Warriors losing games before like this. Great take, Alch!


I think we gotta let Willie learn the system and learn how to play smart defense. He has all the tools is young and is on the cheap. I think we will need his size. Spell, Looney, and Chriss are all power forwards. Willie is the only true center. It pains me to say but I think we need him. So many seven footers around the league. Big men making a comeback we need ours until something better comes along. But I do agree we are getting a log jam for our bigs. We need to start playing two at a time as they have been.

Thomas Ogas

I love the improvement I'm seeing from our young bigs. Spellman's motor is always hot and his outside shot is really good. Chriss has been averaging 2 blocks a game, has the best DFG% in the paint on the team (and near top of league), and he's really improved on offense. If Paschall is a "big", then we have an embarrassment of riches in the front court. Looney is damned good. Smagic has great upside. I'd hate to see us draft a center with our only Lottery Pick since we drafted H.Barnes. We need wings, badly. We have no youth there at all and can't just keep hoping to get by with minimum vet free agents.

Jerry Heverly

I'm not sure it 'bodes well for when we get healthy again". When some of those guys come back it will probably hurt the performance of the Healthy Eight. What happens to Spellman when his minutes are sporadic? Same with Bowman. This Eight might actually be a better squad than the Looney/Draymond/Russell/Evans Warriors. More hustle, more ball movement, more camradarie, more team work with the present lineup. The Healthy 12 might win a few more games but I'll wager they also will get blown out more than the present guys who seem never to give up.

Jansen E

This was again one of those games that you hate to lose, but love to watch. You could just feel that the Warriors themselves werent taking the game too seriously. End of a road trip, coming off one of the worse losses in history, it all got pretty simple for them: have fun, play hard. Seeing them have that much fun fighting all the way back was pretty refreshing. We havent seem some "fun" Warriors ball in awhile. I like the rotation with the bigs right now. With Looney returning, I feel like Looney should play the 4 and keep the big rotation the same. Cauley Stein is JUST now waking up so if he starts to lose minutes, he'll just become an empty roster spot. But my main point here is having Chriss and Spellman come off the bench. The Twin Towers look has been great for them. The energy/athleticism/scrappiness those two bring together has been invaluable. And if Spellman keeps shooting like that, well shit. He easily couldve been a target off that last inbounds play instead of Burcs. Final thought. I guess Im finally coming around on Bowman. I havent been high on him this entire time cuz I still doubt his consistency. I want to see MORE of him on defense. Tonight was some of the best Ive seen but I feel like I havent seen enough yet. And his shooting seems to come and go. Im still not sold on him, but I would like him to stick around so that he can become an important role player. If he could morph into a PatBev type of dude and just bother the other guards with his quickness/hands that'll be helpful.


I'm with you on Twin towers lineup. It has helped defensively tremendously. When Loon comes back, starting lineup should be [WCS, Loon, Dray, Robinson, Burks]. Bring Paschall off bench, with Spell and Chriss. We need the size. It's helped our defensive a lot. Ever since the boston game when we stopped messing around trying to start Jordan Poole at the two and went to a bigger lineup. Ky's shot may come and go but he is a keeper. The man is 22 and will improve, has the confidence, has the motor.

Major Powers

Do we start calling him Alec "The Snake" Burks?

Major Powers

Gotta love Westbrook's 3 at the end tho. Everyone on planet Earth knew he shouldn't shoot that but him.


Westbrook's 3 at the end of the 4th is all you need to see. Same thing as in the playoffs next to PG-13 last year, he can contain himself and play Robin for 3 quarters, but when it comes down to the end, he straight can't help himself. Down 1 with 15 seconds and you have James Harden, who has been living at the line next to you, and you take a pull up jumper from behind the arc with 5 seconds on the clock.


At the moment I don't see anyone giving up a second for him at the moment. Need him to at least get some numbers so somebody who haven't really been watching can pick him up at the deadline when they're desperate.

Strong Foru

"A limp Willie that no one wants to see!" - Classic Alch


Bows aggression offensively has been up and down. But when he chooses to be it’s been pretty consistently efficient.


It’s going to be tough, I don’t think there is going to be a decisive gap between all the top prospects. But as we know there will be in hindsight.


It could be a team that loses a big for the year... say Gobert or Capela go down. Obviously got to be a contender.


It’s truly a funny thing in basketball: i’d rather watch a team having fun and playing balls-out but loses than a really good team that plays mediocre and wins. I hope people can start to talk about this in terms of what’s truly valuable in basketball and team sports. This whole crazy over-emphasis on winning championships has got to end.


my god alch, one of my favorite things about your videos is how every single time the dubs play the jazz, you sneak in some gold on quin snyder. keep up the great work


Alch that Quinn Snyder Gotham comment was pure gold. Holy shit his fucking scowl makes him a wannabe penguin.


holy shit im so glad I came back to watch this one just to catch "Horchata Forever" ahahaha Im dying man