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gsw vs okc gm10

This is "gsw vs okc gm10" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Ravi Dissanayake

Even though we’re taking L’s I’m excited y’all


Communication. Once we get that sorted, which will take time, you'll see these youngins get better. Know each others strengths and weaknesses, know where each player will be, know when to switch properly.


Could D'lo become our Manu?


Taking L's is the best part tbh. No need to win these meaningless games.


Lmao seeing dlo grow on u is funny to watch, i member when u first heard that rumor during that FA live stream and hearing what u say bout him 😂. Character development yall 😂😂

Ezra Abbey

D'Lo is nice but I just don't see him fitting with Steph. Maybe Steph just plays off-ball from now on? I dunno man


I think Kerr needs to simplify things for Willie. He is a high flyer in two ways: either he is high off the weed or high on the lobs.

Jansen E

A game like this I 100% do mind losing. Is it a disappointing loss? Absolutely. But the fact that they were down 23 on a road back to back.......and then fight all the way back. I was sufficiently impressed with their effort. And without Paschall as well. I cant believe how many injuries theyve suffered in the last 30 games dating back to last year. Cousins. KD. Klay. Steph. Smailagic. Draymond. Russell. Now our star rookie. I mean my goodness we are just taking a beating. Then we lose Spellman halfway through. Chriss had a really good game. Your Alchemy curse didnt work. Stein came out with slightly more energy. I noticed that. But still put in a shitty game, and Chriss was doing well. I dont really have much to say about this game. I cant blame them for going down 20 in the hole right off the bat. Tired legs, almost no bench. Credit to DLo for again putting on a display. I dont mind him having this high of usage with Curry out. The problem will be if they dont trade DLo and they all come back next year....


DLo looking too nice. Hope we get to see him, Curry and Klay next season. I wonder if Chriss can take the jump from role player to potential starter / star (star is a stretch).. He seems to have the tools, just doesn't show them every game!


I was lowkey trying to force the alchemy jinx on WCS... Dlo needs to be the lead balk handler where ever he ends up.


He is gaining confidence... I think he lacks experience most of all, he doesn’t really know guys tendencies. Only way to get it is playing!


☺️ yo... at least I’m owning it! I could be going out a my way to point out his deficiencies and try die with my original take... but this ain’t ESPN or FS1

Jansen E

Oh I also forgot to mention. Poole looks like hes scared to shoot now. Like he really doesnt want to shoot anymore. Im hoping coming back home will help out with that. We really need to see something from him soon

Major Powers

Absolutely dope breakdown as always Alc. Catching a bunch of defensive lapse shit I would never catch on my own. Thanks for helping me see the game better!


Thanks MP! Waiting on some Dlo takes from ya! I know your trying to be humble, but you gotta hyped!

Major Powers

Haha. Yeah. I only saw him a little bit in Brooklyn (saw him live at Roaracle last season) but god damn the stop start pace chess he plays is actually fun to watch and something we haven't really seen on this modern warriors team. Ice vein threes. 23 years old? I still think this isn't someone you trade but build around. Steph/Klay/Dray, who knows how their health and fire is gonna play out. We have to think about the future and you have to build around scorers and facilitators. I still think trading him for some 3 and D wing shoots yourself in the foot.


I triggered dubnation by suggesting he could be the one you keep. Hear me out.. and I realize it’s a total 180 from me. But! If this kid is going to complete ball out and take another step up. You have to at least think about seeing what kinda of kings ransom you could get for Steph. I don’t think we are seeing anything near this from Dlo if Steph was still out there. He clearly needs the ball. This is a lost season for Steph and he turns 33 next March. I’m not saying you just trade him to trade him! But IF Dlo becomes a legit lead dawg star this year, and IF someone wants to cough up the kitchen sink as much as dubnation doesn’t want hear it.. it should be considered imo. Anyway... I know I’m getting way ahead of myself, bottom line.. Dlo panning out is huge for this retool/rebuild

Connor H

Urban ginobli has me dyin alch


“Sit down SON!” 😁


I don’t get why Kerr is being so negative in his postgame interviews these last few games. Yes the kids need to learn quickly and all, but they are already giving us so much more than I, at least, expected: close games, valiant come-backs, super energy and heart...why can’t Kerr give them a little more love and credit from the podium?


I think right now he doesn’t want them to get use too or be fine with losing. He smart, I think he has that part down. Now the rotations and in game stuff idk

Branden Edwards

Good free throw shooters, as young, underdeveloped rookies, tend to grow into great overall shooters as they age. Poole is 23/23 from the free throw line this season. He's going to be fine


"needs to run a masterclass in pick n roll basketball" On god, the pace he plays with is elite


I just saw a Colin Cowherd video listed on my youtube feed and youtube said 'Athletic Alchemy viewers also watch this channel'. Frankly I have to say I'm disappointed lol.


I find Cowherd one of the better ones. Maybe I'm biased because he usually talks favorably about Steph.

Thomas Ogas

My brother was in Las Vegas this weekend, so when I hear that paschall is out, I texted him immediately to bet heavy on OKC. Dubs have 9 healthy bodies, which includes 2 g league guys. They just lost in minn in OT the night before, and okc is a solid defensive team with size and length... This game had disaster written all over it. The 12 point spread was big but not big enough to make me pause in my recommendation. I almost asked him to put me down for 500, but I didn't think he could cover that after beting Alabama and losing. Turns out it was a very poor "tip" on my part. Young d'lo Dubs have some fight in them!


The comeback was an encouraging sign. WCS very discouraging but the proving grounds continue.


Wouldn't be a Chris Paul game without a dirty play and the pretense that always follows.


id a back you on the all the way! But Ive learned to stay away from betting on my teams. Like tonight, everything tells me you take Seattle straight up as a dawg...