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let me clarify my comments at the end. No doubt Andre will play, but **IF** Iguodala is limping around I no longer like our chances, considering our depth. 



hou gm4

This is "hou gm4" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Really expected us to win this one. Good thing we've got home advantage this time, otherwise, I'd feel like this series is as good as over.


i say try bogut. I think his screens will get klay and steph going. He cant be worse than looney at this point

Matt Hanna

As much as I dislike Harden for how he draws cheap fouls on offense, I truly cant stand CP. Didnt even notice that last little bullshit at the end. He truly is a bitch on the court, its disgusting.


Loon is the only option there, he at least bothers harden on the three, Bogut would be worse than Gobert on curry. I think it's time to play jerebko more, at least at oracle, he never lacks the hustle and maybe he can raddle some threes in when they leave him like they leave mckinnie

Strong Foru

I fell asleep during halftime. (The games come on late here on the east coast.) I could tell by the body language and the flow of the game that we weren't going to win this one. I guess have to revise my prediction from Warriors in 5 to Warriors in 6 as long as our guys remain healthy. I'm not sure how much more physicality Durant or Curry can take. I can't give an honest assessment on Harden's health because he fakes everything so well. (Side note: the NBA needs to have a fingernail length rule. There's no reason Draymond's nails should be long enough to scratch another players retina.)

Freddie D

Two more games at Oracle, I think you still gotta favor the Dubs.


The most frustrating thing is, that Austin rivers is killing us, he has the ugliest jumpshot of any player in the NBA that is allowed to shoot threes, with his joakim Noah impression.


Seems like you are playing Houston's game. And it's understandable. All these little cheap shots and the flops and then the whining at the refs and the drama has got in many of the warriors' heads. Klay's for one. Curry's for sure. They got sucked in this and i believe they need a monster shooting performance to get over it.

Ezra Abbey

Praying that our lord and savior Klay Alexander Thompson comes back from the dead and rids us of the evil that is the Houston Rockets. Wed need game 6 Klay!

Connor H

Loony looked AWFUL on defense. Looked like he could barely walk


Although I understand it's hard to have a well rounded bench with 4 all stars on your team, I wondered at the beginning of the season why Myers didn't do anything to address the issues apparent in a Houston series. Boogie thankfully fell into his lap (idk he would have been playable vs them this year though), but he didn't construct to roster to be able to pacify the depth and wing problems vs Houston. The funny thing is I actually think that the bench would survive against any other team in the NBA. But if HOU was clearly you biggest West threat, why did they not try to get any playable wings for the series? Just my thoughts.


He is going to miss a big one at some point I feel like. Because he has been knocking them down he will take an ill advised one late.


So how much does our matching their small and strong with our small and weak actually work? In some respects this is kind of LAC deux, with Paul playing the Beverly role. If we're going to stay small KD has to play bigger, which of course isn't his mentality at all, he's a small man in a big man's body and refuses to really use it (except for shooting over guys from 20 feet). But they need to physical these guys more, goon 'em a bit, and this kind of feels like last year when Kerr didn't play Zaza or Javale until the finals, when it started to make everyone wonder. My take is we're missing two things in this series - Boogie and McCaw - who at minimum would have given the big five more rest. But the bench bigs simply can't play? This isn't quite LAC where your 2nd unit can get destroyed by Lou and Montrez. Anyway, this is back against the wall time again, and one would hope that the Splashes will find something in the chem bag to take it up another notch. But if Andre is hobbled that might only bring them back to even. They say a series doesn't start until someone wins on the road, so I guess this one hasn't started yet...


One of my favorite things about Alch is he reminds me of my brother - super smart, insightful, but at the end of it all, still a highly emotional being. Breathe brother, this is the biggest series of the playoffs for us, we still have home court and lost 2 games by a combined 9 points. No reason to be worried until after game 5.


💯 It’s one of those things where I know my judgement is skewed but I still have to go with what I’m feeling in the moment.


Boogie would have forced them to keep Caplea in there. Not to mention he would be dishing out punishment to match PJ


It really started with KD taking less to bring back Shaun and Iguodala. Andre while at times int he regular season just coasts. Has obviously been vital, Shaun other hand has given us nothing. The guard they were grooming McCaw revolted and left, oh and they sign Quin Cook ( KD's childhood friend to a roster spot as well as Mickkine and Lee both friends and family of Steph curry


Did you peep that foul call at 12:10 on the vid? I saw this live and the late whistle didn’t blow until AFTER the ball fell off the rim. Like “we will call it if he misses the shot”


bench Livingston. He’s giving us nada off the bench and looks physically compromised

Thomas Ogas

Seems like we controlled the paint in Games 1 & 2 -- we scored there, rebounded strong, shut down Capella. But we've ceded control of it while in Houston. Get that back -- dominate down low. We can't give up open 3s, and need to limit corner 3s, but let Harden jack up random 3s as his legs get more and more tired. That's a win. Attack downhill in transition. Attack Capella and Tucker. Simply the offense to draw fouls and wear them out as well. We can win a prolonged series by wearing them down, as they depend more on the 3 ball than we do.


Lot of late whistles in this series. I agree sit him, but for who? Bell? Jerebko? ...... cook!


I like it! You saw their legs betray them late last night. I just really want to see them go after tucker, I get he is tough and will get some stops. But if we pull him out in space That plays into our strengths rather than his.


Warriors need to win the 50-50 balls but from a strategy standpoint Klay, Steph, Andre, KD can all beat their men off the dribble make layups and/or draw fouls and if they do the open outside shots will come. More importantly they can send Tucker, Harden, Paul, Rivers to the bench for some time. I don't think I'm whistling past the graveyard....the Warriors will respond in game 5.

Chris Styner

Yeah idk I had the same idea about putting harden in the clinic. I forget the announcer who was mentioning his stamina. I think we should be working him more on the other side of the court so he has to rest at half court out of the play more on offense. Letting them stash him in the corner sometimes is questionable. Its gotta be 90 feet with the dude.


To me it's Game 5 or we lose the series. We have to protect home court. Houston has quietly played dominantly in Toyota Center going 13-0. The last loss in Toyota center? It was against us when Boogie and Steph beat them. That was a long, long time ago of course


How come their 3 point shooters can get their shots off and we can't? It's a huge problem. Way I see it: - they have advantage in drawing cheap fouls. Steph got fouled on two of his 3 pt attempts and no call. - no driving threat, Dray and Looney can't shoot so constant zone defense at the rim - more physicality allowed by refs for Houston defenders, disgusting. Everytime we put the ball in Steph's hands, good things happened. We need more PnR again, which we've repeated a million times now. Get Draymond and Iguodala more free dunks. Run some goddamn KD-Curry PnR.


We HAVE to make a statement in game 5. Not just win, but win convincingly. Otherwise, Houston would likely force a game 7.


We need Zaza back to fall on CP3's knees.


Someone like bell or jerebko needs to come in and just wipe out Paul. I'm sick of seeing him.


Curry had open lane to the rim for a right handed layup. But, Curry opts for the extra style points left handed layup and misses. Rockets come down and PJ Tuckets hits the 3 ball. That is this series in a nutshell.


Alch, I want to know your opinion on throwing in bogut. I think he’d be a liability mainy because of switching and defending the 3, but some say he’s needed for offensive rebounding and 50/50


You hit it on the head about needing to stop Harden's penetration. I said it during the game, I've never seen a team get into the paint so easily against us. Harden is getting anywhere he wants. It's shocking considering the defenders we got on the floor. It seems like the players are saying it's an effort issue but it's concerning. And if it is an effort issue, why are they unable to get up for a big game like this? There's no in depth analysis needed. We could just see how comfortable HOU felt on offense. We need to make them uncomfortable.


Thanks, Alch. It must be difficult for you to do these reviews. The past two games were brutal.


I’m still gonna focus on the fact that we were right there at the end of each game. With Klay and Steph being wack. We got home court advantage. And to be upset we haven’t swept or steamrolled HOUSTON is kinda crazy. They are not a joke. Each team has handled business at home, like top teams should. Let’s get it tomorrow. And see what happens. Shit we were 2-2 with the clips last round! Yes. It’d be SWEET to have a 3-1 lead by now, but, we don’t, that’s high level hoops for you. We been here before and in far more dire circumstances, at least that my opinion. Let’s get hype for the games to come! All eyes are on this series and we know it. That’s kinda dope.


Alch, just wanted to let you on that one end of game play where Klay didn't foul Gordon, Klay was completely 100% gassed. He probably didn't know what was going on. Look at him after the play, he's spent, bent over, hands on knees. Watch him on the HOU possession prior. He guards Harden the entire possession and forces a miss but it takes everything out of him.


It’s definitely a learning experience. But once I get going my live for what I’m doing takes over.


Alchemy, what is your take on a different approach to guarding Harden? Perhaps a "gimmicky" defense (standing on his side) or a double team. I see Harden now and I think he is completely in rhythm, slicing, dicing, driving, shooting at ease.


I think it’s worth a look with Capela in. You just don’t switch. Let Klay or IG fight over. I think he maybe able to draw some fouls positioning and setting screens. No doubt he will get hit with some too, but so what.


I think the only reason that was some what effective is because they had Gobert sitting back there. I’d play with distance like KD was doing. Use length on him rather than crowd him every time.


I won’t lie and act like I wasn’t drinking an extra beer or two as this has been going down though! I do hope iggy is good to go, I agree that we are in a tight spot without his help It’s a damn shame we couldn’t convert on a really off Eric Gordon shooting night through :/


Our depth is killing us. Looney is literally the only player somewhat reliable coming off the bench. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Bogut play some minutes because Rockets offensive rebounding is out of control. And he's not entirely inept when he's switched out on the perimeter guarding a guard


Steph's shot looks so much flatter than what it used to be. Idk what it is but it looks kinda broken


One adjustment that needs to be made is taking KD off Tucker and putting him on Harden. We need to get KD out of the paint bc he's just getting destroyed by Tucker. His length bothers Harden. Keep KD on the perimeter

Jansen E

You know what needs to happen? Quinn Cook is unplayable in this series and we know that. So. We need Cook to come after Steph "sits for rest". Like one of those end of quarter situations where they sit steph. Have Cook come in, and just absolutely launch himself into Chris Paul's ACL. Im not even joking. Like no holds barred I dont even give a fuck if Paul has the ball. Dont even try to hide it. I fucking HATE Chris Paul and his bitchass knows 100% exactly the Warriors cant win if Iguodala is out/not 100%. Before this game, I never would wish injury on a player. Not Lebron. Not Harden. I mean I wouldnt shed a tear when they got injured, but Id never WANT them to get injured. I have had it with Chris Paul. The only part of this game that gave me any sort of enjoyment was KD raking him in the face with an elbow. I wish he had knocked him unconcious with a couple of teeth on the floor as well. The Rockets will win this series unfortunately. And if Im Steve Kerr not being a total idiot leaving Livingston out there to die in slow motion, Im putting in Cook and telling him to give me the hardest 1min of playoff time ever, and run full speed into Paul's 35yr old knees. FUCK chris paul

Jansen E

I agreed with just about everything you said up until that last statement. I'd only be okay with Bogut on the court IF and ONLY IF both Harden and Paul are not there. Because if they are out there, theyll just Bogut look like a tree at the 3pt line. Theyll blow by him every single time. Rockets will force that switch to no end, and Bogut will just end up being a -25 with 3 rebounds.

Jansen E

I totally agree with this too. Compared to 1-2 years ago, Stephs shot is almost Korver like in that it lasers in, rather the high arcing beauty he was known for. Idk if its his altered release (his release has changed since two years ago), but thats the only explanation I can give.


I also don't know what offense the Warriors are even running. Splash bros used to fly around the court, sprinting the baseline, running off 2-3 screens to get open for a shot. Now for 90% of the possessions Steph is just getting rid of the ball and sitting in the corner watching the offense. And Klay is on the other wing just watching. I don't know if its Kerr or the players are just that disengaged


Cp3 is the dirtiest little bitch alive, he disgusts me


Wouldn't it be sweet if the Rockets won game 3 for a 3-2 lead and then Klay game sixed them in Houston and Curry cooked them in game 7 at home.....but of course Paul would have to play to remove their excuse.....wait a minute, something tells me they'd find another excuse!


KD usually doesn't box out, and Tucker needs to be boxed out on every play, Klay is not our best rebounder but he very able and willing to box out and he's already defended the lob to the dunkers spot numerous times, if he's forced into a help situation away from Tucker near the basket. Also, I think if Tucker is boxed out early and hard on every play, he will get at least 1 over the back loose ball, maybe 2. Use Tucker's aggression against him.


Better would be get behind 2-3, come back and crush them 4-3 with Paul playing big minutes ineffectively and watch them burn the house to the ground in the off season....I can dream...


Oh, and Paul traded to the Suns in the off season....but probably there's a no trade clause....:(


What you said but with feeling! And I'd have Bell do the ACL dive, Quinns a cupcake, Bell might like it.


One solution is for someone to test Houston for PED's right now. Ah I know that aint happening and I've been saying this for years now but Houston just has a huge strength advantage on us, even CP is much stronger than Steph, Harden and Tucker are Middle linebackers. Boogie would have evened this up some but we got nicked on that happening. We've been trying to finesse this series, I agree with u AA, if they go small get to the Rack relentlessly like the Bucks do until the fouls start piling up on them, then they have to sag to stop the drives and bang we open up the 3 pt line.


Didn't get a chance to watch this one so catching up before I watch the Game 6 recap. Just wanna say that promise of Klay showing up this series aged real well