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Hopefully this was a fluke from Youtube. If not I am prepared to move to another platform. The uploads seem to take a bit longer, but the quality is higher. I apologize for the delay.


Houston Gm 2

This is "Houston Gm 2" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Ed Malloy is the most Tech trigger happy ref in the league LMAO


that snack


It's the beard that cried wolf....the beard!


I had to miss the game. I'm so glad the stream is working. I need Alchemy's breakdown!


Check out the drive by Harden at the 50 second mark of this video. James Harden drives exactly right at the defender. That's his move. It's the same move that injured Iguodala last year in the playoffs. It awful to watch because Harden's intention are not good and clean.


Chris Paul is the biggest bitch of them all. Harden holds his own of course but it feels like he's doing what Morey / D'Antoni want him to do, of course at a ridiculous level. But with CP3 you know he does that shit for free, he's just naturally a dirty player. I'm surprised players don't call him out but he's boys with LeBron and runs the union so 🙊


F youtube tbh


Thanks Alch!


I love the Jerebko high energy off the bench. I have no idea why Kerr has given Jerebko the red headed step child back of the bench treatment.


I just love your breakdown of plays being run (iggy double screen). Makes me observe the following games even closer. You’ve added a depth to the viewing experience I’d never have on my own.


so....will we relax in game 3 and not match the effort from Houston? Or just sweep the shhhh out of them....


Check out the 5:40 mark of this video. Austin Rivers drives right at Jerebko, then basically falls right into Jerebko's knees. That is the James Harden move! Drive forward with hard downhill momentum, and fall on the defenders knees as he back peddles


damn I think I dislike CP more but Harden has more times he pulls some bs flop so idk


That Klay thumbnail is epic!


The passing at the 8 min mark (off a Rockets made basket no less) is just poetry. Modern day showtime.


I died when you said “I’m glad kerr stuck with Shaun cus I wouldn’t have”😂😂 forreal he was lookin ready for someone to put a fork in him for a while there lol. But I’ll never question that dude’s intelligence and heart. Idk why, he’s still just a player I always trust on the court.


I'd love to see more jerebko tbh, we need a goon on the court for some hard fouls lol.

Neal X

If we can hold off Houston when they're shooting 45% or whatever it was then we're looking good, just gotta maintain the intensity and hope nobody gets hurt. But seriously Warriors defense when it's actually engaged like this is something they'll show tape of to future generations, it's a thing of beauty. Just watching Draymond alone is fun as hell. EDIT: oh, and Iggy is absolutely out to take a massive shit on the "Rockets woulda won if CP3 wasn't injured" narrative by reminding everyone he wasn't there for that series all the way either. Well, I'm definitely convinced and judging by YouTube comments so is everyone else.


At the 11:17 mark, the slip to the rim by Draymond. Thanks for showing that Alchemy. It's a great hard cut to the rim and great leading pass by Curry. I didn't see that move all damn year!


i hope warriors play the next two games like they have been on road games! and i loved how there wasnt much interruptions from refs and also less flopping.


Alchemy I’m shocked you didn’t mention CP’s dirty little spiteful shove of Draymond’s feet after dray dunked that ball with two hands and swung on the rim! Shit was clearly a product of a temper tantrum about losing. What a petulant child. Oh and it’s CP for me to answer your fan poll. Harden is annoying on court but CP is like a crabby little gopher

Ezra Abbey

Iggy is a god damned beast, dude is probably STILL the best 6th man in the league. I don't know the exact number but Harden's 3pt percentage against us in the past three years is atrocious (something like 25-30%) this solidifies him as a choker and a playoff liability, this also shows you who I dislike more. I haven't been following the NBA long enough to have really developed a hate for CP3 like a of people have in his Clippers days so Harden for sure is the player I dislike most, when I see him play live I just curse the dude he pisses me tf off.


Harden flops, but he's not dirty. CP flops and plays dirty. He's definitely worse than Harden in my book.


At the 15 min mark, I see Austin Rivers falling into Steph's knees. Austin on offense, doing that same move that Harden does. It's serious BS.


It's Harden I dislike most because he endangers the game being played both the "right" way and honestly with his constant crying wolf. Leg kick contact that's a borrowed fake but that head flop thing, the grabbing your neck/face, the staying on the floor for effect....oh man...and that's not even counting my disdain for his traveling. Paul is a dirty punk and most fans know what he is but there are some fans who think James has genuine mvp talent and he does not.


Fam why doesn't Shawn just let those mid range shots fly more. Is he scared that he's taking shots away from our stars or something?


It’s unfortunate that Harden has his best shooting night of the series “blind”


Thanks for finishing with Klay. I love to see Klay fired up.


Klay is like KD you can have Dorris Burke interview you cuz I got the good looking honey snatch interviewing me!


That's what I thought too, Harden was trying to tell the world how badly hurt his eyes were. Frankly reminds me of the LeBron excuse tactics. They know the camera is on them. Curry and Klay had an insane defensive night. It's always the light skinned dudes that are underappreciated on defense. They were both fairly passive in moving off ball, which is most likely due to their ankles. I don't like KD bringing the ball up court (kills the pace) or even taking this many isolation shots but both Klay and Curry are leaving him on an island. KD's midrange has not been efficient enough to use every other possession, we've relied a lot on Draymond and Iguodala getting easy dunks.

Major Powers

Did you guys see Chris Paul even subtly flopping and acting like his elbow hurt when he got fouled by the microphone? How deeply ingrained can it be? <a href="https://streamable.com/50ivj" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://streamable.com/50ivj</a>


If Warriors win the championship this year, Andre solidifies NBA hall of fame, not first ballot, but he is punching his ticket right now


Did everyone see CP3 try to injure Klay's ankle? <a href="https://streamable.com/ucxar" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://streamable.com/ucxar</a> CP3 is basically the anti-Currist


I disagree. I think Harden is dirty, just look at what Harden did to Iguodala last year in WCF. That wasn't no accident

Neal X

2nd comment but 1) yes, Harden was absolutely being extra with all the blinky shit and 2) I honestly can't decide who I dislike more, CP3 or Harden, fuck them both about equally I think. Seriously, I'm usually one to respect opponents but fuck those guys. I actually fear Eric Gordon more then either of them simply because I respect him more as a player and you're 100% about them needing to run him off the line, was thinking exactly the same thing.


Good question. After tonight, Livingston's confidence should be much higher. He'll probably put up a couple more shots now. When he gets to his spot with a strong effort, his mid range is nice


Who do I hate more? Harden. Who's dirtier? Chris Paul. This is a guy who yanked his best friends arm down when they played the Lakers. They are both manipulating the rules because they know that they CAN'T WIN UNLESS THEY DO THAT.


Curry's effort on defense, even though his fouls really hurt us vs the Clippers, Curry's effort can't be denied. When you play hard with heart, your teammates take notice

Thomas Ogas

I know that Houston believes that obtaining Chris Paul was their best possible move to championship contention, but trading away Beverly and Harrell (and Lou Wil?) for him was fucking stupid. Their gimmicky offense works best with Harden, Rim Runner &amp; 3 "3&amp;D" guys to spread the floor. Sure, Chris has learned to shoot the 3, but he's a negative defender. Harden is an average defender at best. Gordon is average at best. PJ Tucker is the only good defender. Capella isn't dominating or playing nearly as good as Harrell was. Beverly was a capable 3 point shooter, but an excellent defender and Houston could use a guy with his attitude, not a guy with Paul's attitude.

Major Powers

I was thinking the same shit about House/McKinnie. House needs shot attempts to make his mark. McKinnie is a high-energy leaper, rebounder, putback dunk, corner 3 guy, which is ***exactly*** what we need in the rotation. House woulda been redundant on this club (in hindsight). McKinnie is a bench medicine, he can impact the game in several subtle sneaky ways that House doesn't. I'm Team McKinnie all the way.


think he might just be super tough, so its not obvious when he is hurting. But I think he finally got ticked off after the hold on that lob. Dray or somebody needs to fire him up pregame.


that's is a valid point. He definitely is changing the way the game is being played. I see every week at the rec


I was disappointed he didn't show up out game with a patch. I think he knew it would be an instant meme


you're right they weren't moving well off ball. Probably also because of the effort on defense as well, got rest somewhere.


notice how he doesn't really get paired in with the hate of this team, because he just plays basketball.


everything you said is correct.. but also in hindsight. No one thought it was a bad deal at the time. Morey is like a scientist who just keeps tampering until he blows up the lab.

Strong Foru

Vimeo came through Alch. I like!


It did! I have to pay to host videos. But if it is going to be hassle free and better quality Im down!

Jansen E

Game 3 Steph is notorious for being abnormally bad in away games. Game 3 KD is notorious for being a cold blooded killer. Who are we gonna see come game 3 for each of those respective players? If the Warriors arent careful, the Rockets could easily win both 3 and 4. But winning game 3 would be HUGE. I hope they do it. I also hope the refs are as consistent as they were in game 2. I didnt like some of the calls they were or werent making in game 2, but they were doing it for both sides in both halves of the game so I didnt mind. I just wish Curry would stop gambling for stupid fouls. He has yet to play a full 3rd quarter these ENTIRE playoffs. Did you know that??? We havent been able to see "3rd quarter Steph" cuz he literally has been picking up his 3rd and 4th foul every single game in the 3rd quarter.


As a non warrior fan, I wanna ask the rest of the warrior fans a question: Do you guys honestly see yourselves not 3 peating. I honestly can't see a world where an ENGAGED warriors team loses to anyone. The only way this dynasty loses is either because of injuries or inner turmoil. If KD decides to resign, you guys could probably 4 peat.


I think it has to do with how most people prepare them selves for disappointment. Most of us have a skewed view of our own teams, and lean towards the negative in preparation for disappointment. IDK maybe I should just speak for myself. You as a Raptor fan might be doing the same thing. Frankly I think you have the second best chance at winning it this year.


Nice catch Dox. I and the Ref's missed it, hopefully they see it on tape and watch that Bitch and his antics going forward.


Hilarious pics from the Warriors sub: <a href="https://i.redd.it/c46d1i0csnv21.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.redd.it/c46d1i0csnv21.jpg</a> <a href="https://i.redd.it/naohm1nsh9v21.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.redd.it/naohm1nsh9v21.jpg</a>

Dan Doerge

Thanks, Alch, the quality of video definitely better. Oh, and toss the troll every time. CP00.


I respect Harden and CP as top level talents but can't stand either of them with the cheap shot BS, and the whining. If they played in the games I did when I was young someone would have taken both of them out or tried to. Of course after they torched us.. Bottom line CP is much dirtier and more of an asshole, Harden just takes to cheating like a Duck to water. I'd bet money CP is much more of an asshole as a person.


Yeah he does seem to enjoy the honey interview much more. And he is much more open and honest than most.


That OTO Play by Kerr was brilliant now that its intricacies were explained. The art of deception is strong with this one. I like the point that Steph is stepping up defensively because of KD's increased aggression on offense, but I feel like hes taking it personal that people count him out defensively and that teams try to exploit him on that end. He doesn't have the physical tools to be good but he's smart. The downside being that he'll get in foul trouble, and it seems every game he was AT LEAST 4 fouls. I hope it doesn't cost us because its definitely a problem.


I've been saying it all playoffs about Curry's effort being the reason for his fouls. I was thinking, how can a dude who never fouls out, all of a sudden just be racking them up. Then it dawned on me, no one is used to seeing him be aggressive on defense. Paul gets away with the same ticky tack shit, but it's because the refs know that's how he plays. They're reffing Steph like he's some rookie they don't know because they actually don't know. I've been waiting to see Steph show up on defense just because I know he could. His size will never allow him to be lockdown, but he's way better than the world wants to give him credit. If he would do it every so often in the regular season, he could use that as practice to see what he can and can't get away with in the calls. He has no clue right now, so he's just doing it all. I am waiting for one of his 7-9 3 point games, but it won't come this series because of how they play defense. Trapping the PnR and over playing the 3. But if he could start attacking right on the catch he'd score more in the lane. Dre is making it hard to keep him out of the HoF. He's been borderline, but if he gets 1 more with the way he's been playing, he's in. Everyone will remember this team, but mostly they'll remember the death lineup. They'll always say, they weren't even their best until Iggy checked in.


Is Dray a dirty player? He hurt Lebron's eye last playoffs this year its Harden. I don't want to believe that he is but I don't remember any other player doing this.


I've been watching Chris Paul since his days as a Clipper and was a big fan when he was a top 5 player in the league (along w/ LBJ, KD, etc). It was inspiring watching him carry the Clippers past the reigning champs San Antonio Spurs in 2015 and hit the game winner on one leg. Statistically, there is an argument for him being one of the best point guards of all time. That being said, as his physical attributes have started to leave him, he can no longer control the game and just tries to manipulate it. Every time he draws a cheap foul and tries to injure another player, I cringe inside because I know that he's fully capable of being an intelligent, talented player. Really sucks.


@alch I agree 1000%. Harden was definitely boosting his eye injury and I can't speak to how little he could see or how painful it was but to go into the post game press conf. and say "I could barely see"... Cut the crap and stop building excuses. You could see well enough to score 29pts (had 0 pts before the injury) and that may speak to his skills and muscle memory as a player... The face squints during the game was defintely extra tho.. You didn't have the clip but after he made one of his 3's he celebrated with making eye drop motions but when he had a turnover, the eye squints would come out just like clock work... Like bruh.. Fr fr?


He's being attacked more on defense (leads to more fouls) but his effort has always been fairly consistent. He simply just gets called for more ticky tack fouls that most superstars would get away with. His only egregious foul in this game was holding Capela, other ones were weak as hell. My only complaint with him is to not reach when he is beaten, that's the easiest time to call it and just let the help defense come.


Just further proof Paul is a little bitch. Watch how far out and how unnaturally big his step is with his left foot. He's so fucking dirty. And Steve javie who used to ref was giving an interview and was asked about Paul bumping into the ref game 1. He said, "I'll be kind and say he's a very, very difficult player to deal with. He's been that way his whole career and you would think a guy would mature throughout his career. I really think it's hilarious how no one ever, ever in the media has brought up Paul being dirty. They all know it too, because they allude to it when they give their real opinion about him in interviews or pods, but none actually calls him out for it. It just proves when someone is good, they get away with whatever. He's just a dirty bitch. <a href="https://twitter.com/warriorsworld/status/1123734723598147584?s=20" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/warriorsworld/status/1123734723598147584?s=20</a>


Yeah the answer is easy for me. It's Chris Paul and has always been Chris Paul when it comes to the rockets and even a bit prior to that too. Harden draws contact and gets a ton of cheap fouls as part of his game. But fine, he gets the fouls and he shoots free throws. But beyond that, I don't really see him as a dirty player who is out to mess with people. He plays the game, and you can kinda take his personality at face level, which is important to me. He is who he is and he doesn't pretend to be someone different as far as I can tell. Chris Paul on the other hand, talks people up like he's the nicest guy, but he totally is not. That one moment the other season where he was pretending to be smiling and laughing and his face totally changes when he turns around. The cheap plays that seemingly puts people in danger of getting hurt. And he is a master of doing the cheapest of moves to get fouls regardless of how compromising it might be for the other player. The way he skipped around like that after Harden got fouled was a clear example of where he is at mentally. I LOVE the comment you made about child abuse when it comes to Chris Paul.. because he is acting like a child. Cheering for something like that so jubilantly? ooookay.. good luck with that! He's a classic example of a man who wants to prove that he is bigger than he is. Maybe its to make up for what he had lost from his prime. But it's not a good look and he's only making his reputation worse.


Because while going for a rebound he accidentally scratched harden? Should he not use his hands to rebound? That's just bad luck and pure coincidence. He wasn't even looking at harden when it happened. Of all the things he's done in his past, those are the least 2 prices of evidence to suggest he's dirty. You wanna know what dirty is, watch Chrissy Paulie for a whole game. Like don't take your eyes off him. You'll see at least 3 examples per game


He's always been a whiny bitch. He just used to be a good whiny bitch, so people wanna act like he isn't. When they beat dubs in 2013 he hit curry in stomach with forearm on the way up on Curry's final shot to try and win the game because he knew everyone would be looking at the ball, so he hit him low. He just stuck his foot out under Klay this last game on a jump shot. Last year he elbowed Durant in the groin while running up court after a rebound. He's dirty as fuck and always has been


Everytime i click the play button, it just goes white n nothing happen. I can play other breakdown video just fine other than this. Anyone can help pls? :(


<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="564" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/333618307" width="640"></iframe>


Thx Alch, but I still can't. I got this "The webpage at <a href="https://player.vimeo.com/video/333618307?app_id=122963&amp;referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2F" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://player.vimeo.com/video/333618307?app_id=122963&amp;referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2F</a> might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address." on the link.


The App doesn't always work well. Are you on a desktop or can you use one? If not perhaps see if you can refresh or update the Patreon app it self.


I'm on my laptop right now, tried using safari (came out just white), tried using chrome n that webdown/moved permanently thing came out. I'll download the patreon app on my phone now n give it a try. Thx Alch :)


I'll probably try a bit later. I think it is the vimeo website that's been having trouble right now cause I can't even open vimeo.com with any of my device (laptop/phone).


Hey Alch love the platform the quality looks 10x better


15:13 in video (4th Qtr, 9:04) - Looney puts a little extra sauce on that shoulder when screening CP, who falls down (50% legit, 50% flop IMO). Good to see Looney putting in the extra effort to secure the offensive board. I definitely want to see Goon Loon and I WANT to see hard screens on Austin, Cry Beardy, and Paul because they are assholes who try to get players hurt with their flopping. Totally agree with KD being a DPOY contender and I think it's a logical step for him to want to achieve. I was actually hoping Draymond would plant the idea into KD's head because I think it would hugely ramp up the teams' focus on defense to know the former DPOY pushing someone to be the new DPOY. Plus, I think that'll help keep KD here. Poll answer: CP by a landslide. Who is a BIGGER baby than he is once he hits the ground? For all of Hardin's bitchy and potentially dangerous flopping, he lacks a certain "je ne sais quoi" of offensive troll-like nature wrapped in a "who me?" smile that CP has.


Uncle alch, I'm not much of a baseball fan...what did you mean by saying it's the the baseball hall of fame?


the puss who cried bitch, guest starring christine whinge.


There is a lot of politics involved. They hold guys out for various reasons. The NBA is much more liberal with letting people in.


Great bit from Andre on Steph's foul trouble: “That’s my biggest issue with a superstar like Steph, and I know Steph’s mindset,” Andre Iguodala told Yahoo Sports. “His mindset is, ‘OK, this is how we’re playing. We’re playing physical. I’m just getting slapped and held and pulled down every time and I’m getting two hands on my drives. This is what the refs are allowing. So, they’re letting us play.’ So when he’s guarding, he’s like, ‘OK, I can play this way,’ and then when he’s guarding it’s [whistle, whistle]. And then he’s like, ‘Damn, now I got three fouls.’ People always ask why he’s fouling, but that’s how he’s being guarded, so why wouldn’t he think he can’t play physical like that?”


I have to admit after pic of Harden's eyes were posted today, Draymond did a number on him. Not being able to see is clearly an exaggeration but I feel strangely bad for the dude. Considering Draymond also did this to LeBron, I almost suspect it could have been deliberate.


It wasn't deliberate as far as I can tell. Draymond is always trying to get deflections and thats why that kind of thing happens.


Yeah it could have been accidental. I only say this because I've seen him kick Adams in the balls


Hi Alch, seems we don't have access to viemo in china...heart break...


<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JeS2EILrlyz8gYefqngS9zwZnDwDVSO7/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JeS2EILrlyz8gYefqngS9zwZnDwDVSO7/view?usp=sharing</a>


You're not an asshole, Alch. It a perfect "Boy who Cried Wolf" thing. Harden flops and whines and complains so much, he should be on Broadway. The dude is SO extra that it is ridiculous. When and if he actually does get chipped up, nobody will buy it. It's not just you. Also, Klay Mother Fkin Thompson :)


Exactly. And it's hard not to feel a bit of schadenfreude when he DOES get a bit scratched, bruised, contused and confused that he's not getting his normal flop-calls. I hope his eyes are okay, of course, in terms of vision...but I kind of hope he flops this game and messes himself up a bit. Some deep muscle bruise from kicking out, tangling up, and landing with, I dunno, Andrew Bogut's Aussie ass smashing down on him.