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Uploading from my phone while some 20 yr kid scratches his head in my living room looking at my modem 😡





Sounds like s new provider is right around the corner, mofos


Right! There is only one other option looking at their website. I am not eligible for their fast speed.... the kid just tried to tell me it was because the wire out of the wall was bent down. I was like you really believe that? Changed it out...nope!


I’m not sure if the tnt feed caught it but on the local warrior feed after stephs 4th foul he went straight to locker room (to break some shit) and on the way there he kicked a chair...WE LOCKED IN 🤘🏽🤘🏽🔥


The fouls on Steph were disgusting, no question at all.


People ask how us fans can differentiate "effort" and "engagement" with KD's play, well compare this game to the BOS blowout game where we all criticized him of being tuned out from the team. The difference is night and day. My only concern is, are we going to see THIS KD for at least the next 2 games. We know KD had a little bit more juice coming into G3 because of the narrative but he can't let off the gas pedal just yet!!


That no call on Beverly when he bumped into Klay was outrageous.


It's so great that Loon has developed an offensive game. As you said he is going to be huge in that Houston series.


I don't want to hear the "within the flow of the offense" bs to excuse Durant's passivity ever again. KD could make a shot on nearly every possession if he wanted to. The sheer difference in moving off the dribble, catching the ball and initiating an attack right away, and even moving off the ball - it's night and day difference. If I had to guess, he got the "talk" from the Warriors staff like he did when he suddenly started shooting far more 3s in the middle of the regular season. Question is how does he play from this point forward? The Durant we had yesterday wasn't hogging multiple isolation shots in a row nor was he being overly passive. You're right about Klay, his bad shot selection is back again. It absolutely makes ZERO sense that a 40% three point shooter takes off balance poor angle contested fadeaways. Over the years, his 2-pt % from various distances (0-3, 3-10 feet) actually improved significantly while his distances (10-16, 16-3pt) have stayed relatively the same. But a big dip in TS% because he's taking less 3s and at a lower percentage. None of his 2-pt shots are even close to being as efficient as 33% from 3. The shots he chooses to take is the difference between winning a close game and losing one.


Klay might be a little nervous playing in front of his Instagram girlfriends in LA


The ref calling the double tech like a shopper with a 2 for 1 coupon about to expire....back to reality indeed Steve Balmer....

Neal X

KD is such a heel lol he NEEDS to have to shut somebody up to get him going.

Jansen E

My quick take away from this game. I 100% agree with you about Gallinari now. I have respect for basically all Euro players. Ginobli (obviously), Nurkic, Jolie (despite how ugly his game is), and Luka. But goddamn I have ZERO respect for Gallinaris game from here on out. He is straight up Eurotrash. Flopping any chance he gets and always doing the most with arm flailing and locking to draw the cheapest shit. Glad he went 3-15 or something. Zero respect for his game. I don’t care how good of a shooter he can be. Second.....it’s about damn time Durant. Idk why it takes a 31 point blown lead for you to decide to wake up (*ahem* also looking at you Kerr). I’ll leave Durant alone for the rest of this series as long as he ends it quickly. Thank you Durant. Your greatness is recognized but it shouldn’t have to be provoked. Third. This officiating man. I’m telling you, my conspiracy theory is looking more and more like a logical explanation by the second. The NBA is completely anti-warrior. They aren’t trying to get the warriors to lose this series. They need the money that will come from a Rockets-Warriors series. But they are doing EVERYTHING to get the warriors the most agitated, the most provoked, and the most unstable across the board. Tell me how Curry picks up 4 fouls in back to back games at virtually the same time stamps of the game? There was a two second different between his 4th foul in games 2 and 3 (8:40 and 8:38 in the third quarter respectively). They are trying EVERYTHING to keep Curry from getting any rhythm and for him to get pissed off and overreact in the next series. If we think Beverley is bad....my god I can’t imagine Chris Paul getting EVERY call against Steph. Subsequently...they are doing everything to get Durant in position to be suspended AT WILL. What I said after game 1. The NBA will wait for the crucial game between the Rockets and GSW and right then, they’ll T-up Durant and he’ll miss the next game which will ultimately decide or swing the series. It’s totally laughable at the moment how obviously rigged it is against the Warriors. They all jizzed their pants when they saw Cousins go down. That was a blessing for them. Draymond has been the MVP of this series. Despite his turnovers, his defense and playmaking has been hall of fame level. Curry and Klays defense as well. Idk what’s up with Klay being all selfish with dumb, turnaround fading leaner shots. He might be trying to be in the spotlight a little more than usual. Save it for the game 6s of the Rockets or WCFs. We love you Klay. No need to be a try-hard. Just play the way that works best. I hope he calms down a bit as this series progresses and prepares himself for the rockets. I think the Clippers defense being so bad makes his eyes get big so he thinks he can score on anyone so he just chucks shit up looking for the spectacular shot. I think he’ll be fine when he’s going up against Tucker, Gordon, Gerald Green, etc. this series just needs to end NOW. I hope the Jazz force at least a game 5. They’ve been pathetic so far. They need to take a little more gas out of Paul and harden. I’m extremely nervous for the following series man. If the warriors aren’t locked in for 48 minute shots every single night.....they WILL lose the series. I guarantee that. They need to lock in every single second. The rockets are coming with vengeance and fresh legs.

Jansen E

I apologize for the giant chunk paragraph. I’d break it up but I’m on an iPad and and idk how to separate paragraphs lol


"We were gonna get clipboard kerr for a sec here" Bruh I was on the floor xD


great breakdown


Alc, the referring had me hot all series. But especially last night! That "foul" on Lou Williams was absurd, he quite literally didn't touch him. Then the one on Shammet where he was trying to move to a different defensive position was even more ridiculous. It seems like the refs are trying to eliminate defensive or something. For Steph though, we already know he gets no respect. And it's crazy because this is the best defensive season of his career and they're not letting him or really anyone play D. Well, that is unless they're playing ferocious D on Steph, then it doesn't matter what they do, no call. I feel like the only way Steph will be overcome the officiating is doing what you said, having to players this stupid gimmicky game of drawings fouls all the time just to get respect.


Most disrespected star in the league. Dude had 81 drives in the WCF last year (3rd behind LeBron and Harden) yet only 2 FTA off of those. Ridiculous. Curry's stats would be absolutely insane if he could get calls on off ball and drives. I think he can improve in drawing his 3 pt fouls, though much of it relies on him willing to do complete bullshit.


Can't we just get the ref.'s to get together and make a decision to stop calling fouls when the offensive player is making an obvious manipulative move to get a foul call and not actually trying to score. They did it with the rip through not being used to get to the line as a shooting foul anymore. They could refer to it as not a natural offensive move, a bit like how they interpret techs. Harden and LouWill would be a lot less effective but they would still be fine, not that I care. Steph plays so clean I'd hate to have him start copying this trend going forward, as tempting as it must seem.


Nice transition Alchemy: "I'm Kevin Durant. Y'all know who I am" right into Soul to Soul (one of my first records)


ha ha "The pasta president himself" Galinari.


Klay is showing his experience and maturity. He hasn't been shooting that great, but he's doing his job on offense and defense, and (except for game 2) the winning reflects. That's one thing I like about Klay. He doesn't have any interest of being the center of attention, and he's cool with that.

Branden Edwards

Alc hitting us with the Soul II Soul classic. I see you


Shamet switches out on him (KD) and the squire gets a splash in the face (nice alliteration Achchemy)


"side step to the right three pointer" that's great insight Alch


Back to back games with Steph in foul trouble. Got to call it what it is. Steph can't pull that reachy reachy bs against the Rockets (if we get to the Rockets). I love Steph but he's the king of saying the right thing and doing the wrong thing.


Watching this game, I couldn't help but smile watching Durant and Iggy. Seeing Andre finish with the sauce, AND knocking down three's?


Gotta wonder what took so long for GSW to make the adjustments for KD. Screening for KD to get Beverly off him, moving off-ball, dribble handoffs, PnR. If we want him to be more aggressive, we can't just tell him to be like that. We gotta put him in a better position and give him better opportunities to do so. Sometimes it feels like we want him to just bail the offense out. We need to help get him into that aggressive mindset and keep him engaged.


Apparently Bob Myers told Draymond to drop some weights and Dray was already in the process of losing some. Could explain the new aggression on offense and willingness to move more.


lol seeing Steph's 4th foul pissed me off all over again!


hype Klay is my favorite version of the warriors


A word on KD's improved attitude... I'm wondering if facing some legitimate adversity (blowing the lead, losing Demarcus, getting antagonized by Beverly) has reinvigorated him. When making the finals is a forgone conclusion from the start of the season, it's harder to find intrinsic motivation to perform. Combine that with the media's FA speculation/neglecting his talent, and it's easy to lose that competitive edge. So many of these players become more engaged when people doubt their abilities, so KD is more energized because he feels he has something to prove again. MVP's love an uphill battle, (although this is more of an anthill). I never thought I'd say this... but thank you Pat Bev, you annoying little shit.


i find it slightly ironic that while the media keeps pushing the kd leaving and bad chemistry angle that is exactly what keeps remotivating this team. if people would just shut up about that this team might have actually struggled to get motivated but now Durant is angry again and everyone else is locked in so thank you ESPN lol