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69 vs SAS



Award for best Pop voice goes to...... Alchemy!

Matt Hanna

I think the biggest frustration with the refs for me last night are - touch fouls that arent going both ways, late whistles and then fouls that just broke the warriors rhythm. You cant straight up look at the free throw attempts for both teams and be like oh that was pretty even, gotta watch the game and look when stuff was getting called and how it just can break your spirit. Great video and I felt the same way with Durant, he wasnt engaged and lazy on defense again.


Do u think it’s a coincidence that Steph and Klay has brick mode activated once kd comes back?😂


Great point about Dray and KD's motives defensively. Is this going to be a problem in the playoffs? Or are they going to flip a switch and stop being lazy and caring about getting a block or rebound? Also, I agree that our energy was fine its just that for some reason the rhythm was off. Never seen Steph AND Klay have such a horrible game shooting wise. Spurs defense was a cu;prit at times, but like you said, Steph needs to pull the trigger right away when theres an opening instead of making it harder on himself. Hes expending all this energy trying to get open a second time when he was already open the first time. I think he wants to show off as crazy as that sounds. I truly believe he's just putting on a show. Hopefully that changes come playoff time. IDK what that Spurs whistle is about, but I know Pop works his dark coaching magic and does whatever it takes to get a win and get into the playoffs. He is a genius. I could talk all day about him and but I definitely think he has a big role in that aspect of the home whistle.


Of the teams to lose to on this road trip I’m happiest with it being this Spurs team. Can’t hate em. They were thought of as dead in the water this season. Glad for em to come roaring towards post season!

Kahlil Baker

I don’t understand why refs don’t get publicly reprimanded like the players do. Games like this when they blatantly don’t make the same calls on both side of the court are really starting to get ridiculous. Curry should be averaging more than 4.4 FTA a game, Klay should be above 2.2. Do the refs have something against the team?? I could be biased because I’m a fan but I think 85% of the time someone either lands in Curry’s landing space when he takes threes or hits his hand but he doesn’t get the call.

Branden Edwards

I really like Jakob Poertl. I hope he ends up in San Fran at some point in his career


Yeah i think steph is really doing the relocation stuff for highlights but at that point it was too late. I think thats why he was so indecisive on what he was going to do. He wasnt in rhythm so he started dancing on people and doing other stuff to maybe find one? Anyway i think it will all work itself out when they watch the game film. He passed up open looks after he missed so many early.


completely agree and ive been saying it for years. Curry doesn't get calls like he should. IDK what it is about the refs and the NBA but they don't like Curry as much as they like Harden.


Im sure theyve watched film and they haven't pointed that out to him.

Thomas Ogas

My theory: Bogut arrived in San Antonio the night before the game (team arrived in San Antonio the day after OKC game) and guys went out and got lit with Bogut to celebrate his return. Knowing Bogut, they partied pretty hard. Hung over day of game. Still feeling effects at start. All in all, I still enjoyed this game because of the effort. San Antonio (when not resting) plays serious basketball. Challenging basketball. Forces us to play high-effort ball. They may be an island of misfit toys, but they play high IQ basketball or they get screamed at by Pop. I swear., the guys they draft are so ugly and uncharismatic that their talent gets forgotten by GMs who are looking for stars, and only stars. I still want them in round 1 because I think playing them teaches us what our weaknesses are and forces us to play our "A Game" ... they get us into the right playoff mindset. Plus I don't fear them in a 7 game series. They play "playoff level" basketball during the regular season and don't have another gear like we do.


Steph has no choice to relocate, this team's offense is incredibly mediocre without the chaotic miscommunication Steph brings to the opposing team. Moving so much off ball isn't going to positively impact his stats against a good perimeter defense team (a.k.a most elite teams) but only guy who moves off the ball is Klay while the rest are inconsistent screeners and rarely slip screens. Like you said Alchemy, elite teams don't fall for the miscommunications especially when you only have one to two guys creating it. I don't think Steph genuinely likes moving that much every single possession when he could pull the trigger at any given moment. Team has some serious flaws I've pointed out all season but people assume the team is just coasting.

Ken Bradford

Does anybody know why games are starting this early (for y’all in the us)? I’m not complaining but kinda it allows me to watch these games but still curious


Teams in the East have a different time zone, so if we're playing on their turf we usually get 5pm games here in Cal.


IDK Id like to know where the Refs stay when they come in town. Where do the eat? What do they do around town? ....just saying


you see the embrace and a few words that Rudy Gay and Steph shared at the end of the game? Is it crazy to think that Steph is recruiting him for next season to fill the KD void? I think he adds all the things that we'd need, without being a negative in the way that others might be if they came. He can iso when necessary, but happy to let the game flow around him. He can shoot the 3 (42% this season) and defend a variety of positions.


Hey alc why don’t you like mark Jackson and Jeff van gundy just curious


Let me ask you... do you enjoy there commentary? Its more of a Mark Jackson thing, he is as phony as it gets.


Just take bad shots, really. His bad shots are usually better than those he gives up to generate. Facing a good defensive team, every pass gives more time for the defense to set, because they only need to defend probably 3 guys.


The refs were ridiculous, in that 4th quarter every single time we hit a possible momentum changing shot there was some cheap ticky tack foul sending the Spurs to the line. overall though whole team was cold and they still were in the game on the road against the hottest team in the league