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vs HOU GM67



Go warriors great to see them play hard


Finally got to see that Steph pick and roll! You think they’re gonna go to this during the playoffs more often? We haven’t really seen it this season.

Strong Foru

Great analysis as always and your color commentary is lit too! You slide in so much innuendo and hyperbole that it's hard to keep up. Keep up the good work!


lmfaooooo the little chode that is chris paul

Major Powers

hahahah did you just call CP3 a little chode?? hahaha


i've heard kerr or commentators remark on how livingston was effective in directing traffic on the floor--making sure cousins and the rest were in the right spots--so maybe that explains his +16. with steph--hopefully, like klay, he breaks out of his slump during the playoffs. and with draymond, he should rest and get right. we need him being his best. i'm not tired of draymond!

Major Powers

I think Draymond and Livingston have both been in "wait till the playoffs" mode, whereas we've been seeing off-and-on full efforts from Steph, Klay and the rest of the gang. I just can't see Draymond having *already* lost a step. He's *just* turned 29. I think he's just playing at 75-85% to nurse the ankle/avoid injury and we'll see Draymond at full Draymond speed in the playoffs. Didn't we kinda see that last year? Like out of nowhere suddenly Draymond was flying all over the fucking court last playoffs, or am I mistaken?


Damn, AA! I can't tell which you dislike more, the Rockets or just CP lol.


I do see him talk a lot between the whistles. Hard to say with Steph is it mental fatigue or is something off physically?


Good point! Laterally is where he would nurse it too..Shaun It’s all mental, the way he is built and stills bounces when he wants to.


I love when we play with some sense of urgency, especially against a team with lots of reasons to hate. Their ugly ass offensive schemes, Chris paul is self explanatory, and d'antoni I just wanna punch in the nose.


bruh your innuendos got me dead

Dan Doerge

OK Alc, Boogie assuaged my fears about his iso defense in this rematch. And made the Rocks pay on the other end. Loon was the MAN also! We got to keep beating these guys.

Chris Styner

Watching Chris Paul play is the worst. It’s like pulling teeth that’s how much I hate watching him. It’s still mind blowing to me that the refs still reward the rockets for misleading them intentionally. Like it’s well known that this is their game.


CP3 and Harden are like the most despicable backcourt ever created. Really Houston fans must go through some serious cognitive dissonance trying to like those dudes. I thought Steph read the flow of the offense well and getting guys involved, he barely took any shots in the 2nd and 3rd quarter outside of that one possession with the crazy offensive rebounds. Nice to seem some more iconic Warriors basketball for once. Looney was amazing, Draymond was poo-poo, I honestly think Draymond cost us like a 10 point differential in this game.

Chris Harris

Like i said earlier this season with or without KD the warriors will try to trade Draymond


Austin Rivers trying to be a bad brother-in-law to the Currys, dude needs to know his place and stop draping his sweaty body over Steph.

Thomas Ogas

"If you watch Rocket games -- and I don't know why you would." I nearly spit out my drink and started laughing when you said that! While I respect the Rockets management and coaching. For instance, I respect their defense and their intelligent tactical attacks on offense, I just don't enjoy watching their brand of offense.


I walk around saying innuendos all the time, but now cause of Alch I’m like "Pause" all the time. Did it to my wife the other day, and she busted up laughing!


Right! I know my lens is super bias, but I feel like even if I was a Nets fan Id still hare it.


I think what really bothers me, he never ever! Gives us a "you caught me" or a grin like "I know that was BS" he acts as if he MJ killing folks.


hopefully its the ankle, if he cant switch out on guards anymore...thats a huge loss to us and his game.


Great video Alchemy thank you. Both Chris Paul and James Harden clumsily "fall" into Demarcus Cousins knees in this game. That's no accident, especially after Harden "fell" into Iguodala 's knees last year playoffs


thanks for pointing out Draymond's defense. People are blowing by Dray night after night. Fact. If you look closely, Curry, Looney played great position defense against Harden. Draymond's footwork not in good form AND Draymond didn't play Harden from the left side, basically giving Harden an open path to the rim.


Kerr's weakness is closing out tight games. I thought last night was gonna end with me sucking a lemon, head on the pillow


AA this was some of your best work, a great balance of clips that gave a real feel for the game with commentary to match. Boogie was fantastic as was Klay and Step really worked. Mckinnie and Looney's rebounding really helped. Seeing Capella talk after the game it is was clear that he had no clue that he will never be able to guard Boggie in the playoffs. As for Paul, I heard Jim Barnett tell a story once about why NBA players didn't dunk in the 50's and 60's. According to Barney, it was considered a show off play and there were several players on every team who's job was to put players who broke unwritten rules on the floor and out of the game. the rule didn't apply to Wilt because Wilt was Wilt.


so good i watched it twice bck to back!


If KD plays is it the same result? Not sure Boogie gets all those touches and it just seems like they were more engaged and took less things for granted. The splash bros we’re hungry man, and I feel like klay wouldn’t have gone off if it wasn’t for KD being out. Besides I don’t think KD is happy and the team isn’t happy around him.


LOL @ "relocation impersonation" - keep them rhymes coming Alch!


As I watched the ending of this video, it is apparent that these teams have really built a distain for one another... No daps, just mean mugs... Rocs won't beat dubs in playoffs shooting 3s and that's their whole emo lol slept good as shit after this game 🤣🤣🤣


Despiste the Dubs defending Harden well the game Klay was just being Klay. Curry wasn't playing hero ball which didn't cause us the game at the last minute before the rockets had possession and could've tied the game.

Sean An

They need to realize as soon as the opponent breaks out the trap the chef move, reduce the use of Draymond/Shaun distributing and directing at the top of the arc, which does not help the spacing in any way. They need to have Steph bringing up the ball every possession, abuse the heck out of the high pick and roll with Dray (or Cousins a good passer). I'm still bothered by the way we closed the game yesterday and (maybe) lack of preparation for opponent double teaming Steph. How do they not have an effective go-to play when that happens when they have seen it so many times since 2016 finals. Now literally every team is doing that against Steph yet Kerr is still having him running around off ball which doesn't do any good. He is not to be used as a JJ Reddick.


Yo coach will you be watching the spence vs Garcia fight Saturday?


Possibly the best rivalry in the nba atm?


Woooh, great video and great game. Thanks, video had me LoL


I hate the Rockets, but I gotta appreciate that they are so willing to be hateable. Nobody on that team or in that fanbase is doing that so-so pussy ''we're the good guys" bullshit.




Speaking of cp3 playing dirty, when he went for that out of bounds ball and tried to spike it right into Steph, if Steph hadn’t matrix dodged that that coulda done some damage with how hard CP threw it at him, not to mention at head height as well. At least harden doesn’t try to actively hurt other players, CP is just pure dirt


What I don’t get is, even the nba recognizes these push off fouls in their 2 minute report (along with a bunch of other stuff). These refs definitely go over these missed/bad calls but aren’t making the adjustments for players that continuously do the BS. It’s this type of crap that changes game outcomes...

Neal X

Call me what you will but I fear Eric Gordon more than any player on the Rockets other than Harden.


Gotta give Kerr his due. Some really good coaching and adjustments he's making. You can tell he's learning how to best use Cousins and his unique skillset.


Didn't the Raptors sweep us this season? Although when it's just 2 games played it seems dumb to call it a "sweep"


i dont know why but im just so bothered on how we finished the game, but i thought loons was defending harden well and its also nice to see boogie play like that. statement winnn?? idk by the way we finished


James Harden drives to the rim, and falls forward, usually at defender's knees. This is exactly how Iguodala go injured last WCF. Harden had now taught that move to CP3, so both those guys do that move. Call it now, someone is gonna get hurt in the playoffs from Harden/CP3


11:45. Love watching Green back away from Cousins. Then back away some more.


Houston is notorious for those late game pushes...its a big part of what makes them so dangerous. I would have really liked to see Steph iso and be able to get better looks.


Its been troubling, I think we all tend to remember his overall effort and maybe a big block, and think he is still DPOY caliber.


Agreed...Also I'm not saying Steph should go Russ mode, but he is too easily discourage right now offensively. Pull the trigger off some of those screens. Too often he comes off looking for other options imo.


It’s only right that CP3 and Harden be teamed, Steph game them both the business on his rise to top. For a minute, the clips couldn’t do anything with the warriors, and don’t forget steph edged out harden in his first mvp along with beating him in the playoffs back to back years.


Seems like Livingston has snapped at Bell several times this season. Not sure what to make of it.


I think it's about time we give Steph some sort of rest before playoffs start. He's played every game since he came back from that groin injury. I actually don't think he's been playing bad, just the shooting efficiency has been off but he's still been hitting stots and making plays at the most important times. He probably doesn't want to sit for rest but in the long term, we need him out like two games or so.


He needs to take a summer off form all the UA stuff, golfing ext....its just been nonstop since the first MVP


That was the most satisfying win of the year for me, especially without KD.. Love the Chode AKA. Harden plays cheap and cheats, can't stand him but CP3 is even worse. Like you said AA, he thinks he's a baller when he just tricks some ref or player. Karma and fatigue usually get him hurt around playoff time, but I'm afraid this year he's sat out so much he will last. I love the play when he tried his patented hand straight up but then just walk the chest through u as you shoot on Klay but Klay was too strong..


Maybe because he's the wildcard. When he gets hot and feels he has a guy he can drive on as well he really gets it going sometimes against us.


Jordan Bell earning those minutes now. Sad that theyre coming from jerebko but I'm glad he is finally playing again.