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this game got me so heated last night


Oh god I’m nervous to watch this. I avoided the game as you could just FEEL this was gonna happen.


I legit don't even know if we're gonna make the finals

Jansen E

I know it’s “still the regular season” and they could just be “bored”. But that’s not a excuse for last night. This is a contending team, on your home court, with two full days of rest, and you show up like that? I get Klay wasn’t out, but that was just horrendous effort and starting mindset. I’m disappointed more in the coaching staff for not doing better to keep the guys in check throughout the game. At this rate, even if they do get Bogut, the warriors are making a playoff exit and won’t be making the finals. OKC will tear their ass up if they go into the playoffs thinking everyone will just bow down to them. Nuggets and clippers too if they aren’t now careful. They better wake the hell up come Friday.


I just think they're bored, this game outcome in particular didn't concern me. I am however concerned about what Houston will do to us given Boogie's defense issues. Separately, if they don't win this year I think it increases the chances that Durant stays, what do you.think?


warriors are 0-4 at ORACLE against the top teams in east (phi, mil, bos, tor)


I think the biggest reason we signed bogut is to neutralize Steven Adams. no way bell or looney is going to matchup well against him


Yup, looks like McKinnie’s stock is at its’s lowest right now and he will probably be the odd man out if we want to sign Lee. It sucks cuz we praised him for his journey back to the NBA not too long ago. I’m getting tired of “we can flip the switch anytime”. I god forbid we hope we don’t have to resort to that. This last 20 games need to be polish time but these last stretch of games haven’t been pretty at all. If we look bad or lose on Friday and Boogie looks bad again against Jokic, that’s when I’ll officially worry. Even if it’s just a regular season game, we need to make a statement AT home, for once...


This whole KD/ Kyrie really bothered me more than the loss. Like for the first time I watched KD’s body language and it didn’t look good at all, not one bit. Both KD and Kyrie starting to look the same and match made in heaven. They check out when they are losing but put on a fake smile around their team when they win...


We’ll get a good look with that matchup next Wednesday in Houston and hopefully Bogut can play in that game too with everyone, including Klay healthy

Matt Hanna

Boogie to me just isnt the right system fit or is ready to be playing all star level basketball. ESPN showed the numbers this morning that we are WAY better with boogie off the floor both defense and offense. He is liability defensively in the high pick and roll, his 3 pt shooting is shit and he is just getting roofed down low. If the warriors are serious about another run, ONLY play boogie with good match ups or second units. The stars need to have iggy or some other small forward with them.


It really bothered me! After a beating like that?! Then combine it with how he has been acting around the team. Now you are in a good mood! FOH!


just cut a YT video talking about it...he's going to the bench come playoff time! Maybe Kerr wants a little losing streak now, so he can do it sooner.

Jansen E

I noticed that too and that’s INCREDIBLY concerning.

Strong Foru

I stopped watching after halftime because it was obvious the game would be a blowout. Plus, it was really late here on the east coast. KD seems to be totally disengaged the last few games. Watch the way he makes certain shots that he's know for making, like the jumper and his freethrows. It looks like half the time he just throws the ball willy-nilly into the air. He's also adopted Steph's body language of hanging his head when he doesn't make a shot. That is very uncharacteristic of KD. I still have great hopes for the Playoffs, but it won't be easy this year. Remember, last year we might not have gotten past Houston had it not been for injuries on their team.


haha that last comment about KD. oh man Alc. Continue to be real!


Honestly while this game did really irritate me I’m also kind of glad we got our teeth kicked in to be honest. Hopefully since 5 of our next 6 games are against good playoff teams we’ll be engaged now, but I doubt it. KD needs to get over whatever is going on in his head and really be a part of the team. Us trying to play boogie in games he’s going to be abused in hopefully has a point to it. Really ugly game but hopefully they get engaged for the last 20 or so games.


So we are at the point that Boogie is making everyone in the starting lineup worse. Will Kerr Bench Boogie in time for the Warriors to find their groove defensively, idk.


Kd got alot of nerve smh


I have defended KD quite a bit as well, but I did take issue with something you said at the end of the video alc. We have no clue if KD has been grouchy and moody with the warriors, we know he’s been grouchy and moody with the media. He could be behaving exactly like that when talking to Steph and Draymond and whoever else. I don’t think the team angers KD I think the media does. Just my two cents, looking forward to the YouTube video my man, great work.


It didn't concern me much because I truly feel we are just cruising through the reg season plus we were without a few of our main guys


I think the mini slump Steph went though was because he knows now that KD is for sure leaving. You see clips of the Dubs before games, hyping each other up in the tunnel and they all run out together.. and then KD follows up behind them stretching. KD and Kyrie being so sensitive to questions is obviously because they're ashamed of how they've already checked out and are planning their next vacation together. They're fools to think the grass will be greener in NYC but they have clearly made their decision. That said, missing Klay and Looney clearly hurt us defensively. Bogut and those two should help shore that up. I hope Kerr has the balls to check KD when he's being a punk, and to only use Boogie when the matchups require it. Dubs gotta go back to being a defensive dynamo, the offense was never in question.


Warriors’ will be a lot more exciting next year after Durant’s departure. See what type of options manifests in free agency but excited to see a warriors game without this constant KD narrative. It’s exhausting and boring at the same time.

Chris Styner

I could not agree more about slim. Its clear he has checked out, hes been low key a bitch about it the last few months, and hes all of a sudden all smiles with KI and JT like bruh, this shit was embarrassing. I almost want him to leave. Hes so sus


Now what was that trade I was talking earlier this year? Oh, yeah - KD, Livingston and Cook for Hayward, Brown and Rozier. How many would take that one today, in Boston and the Bay? Hmm.


Hayward absolutely getting the best redemption after the anonymous warrior trash talk. We prob deserved it. Boogie really should not be in the paint, I think his presence is hurting our cuts to the basket. Just shoot 3s and set screens, post up when you can find a great mismatch. Defensively clearly he is unplayable despite asking the staff to stop switching. Is anyone questioning Kerr's sanity? His post interviews are all "yeah focus and intensity wasn't there". What about the fucking executions? Movement without the ball is dead on this team, it is clear everytime with one splash brother injured. That's what was great about 2016, you had Barnes and Bogut to add more chaos to the offense.


I’m with you man. Fuck slim. That was some bullshit.


Ok I wont defend KD for his abysmal performance but I still think he is fully committed this year. Dont like his hyper defensive interview answers etc. I just think he hates the media etc. I think KD has earned the benefit of the doubt playing almost every single game this year. It was a bad look for him to joke around with the celts. I'm not all the way 'screw' KD. But I think he needs to be wary of the optics etc going forward.


"Mo Speights on a diet" got me cracking up dude


LOL...Ill give you credit for seeing or sensing KD's bad aura around the team early. But I still aint touching Hayward with that deal! He basically got practice jumpers the whole game. Lets see him in Sac tonight.


Sure seems that way..If it happens I will enjoy them vs the New York media for years to come as they cant get out of the second round.


Your right your right! That is a big assumption I am making. But you know how much time I spend watching these guys and everything they do. That is my takeaway.


Mo on a diet, that's a good one. I've been feeling that way about KD for a while. Wishing for more of the style we had before him. More ball movement, and more movement off the ball (it's like Steph and Klay are the only two running around anymore). And Boogie is looking more like a liability, definitely clogging up the middle. Very hard to watch this one.


We got whooped bad. LOL This is the stretch where we get to see which of our players we can use in the playoffs.


Come on, man. I’m not that big of a fan of KD either, but it’s not like he hasn’t done anything for the warriors. I get it: it’s in the heat of the moment after a ´disgusting´ game, but he deserves better. The season isn’t over yet.


your right...I could be celebrating his greatness next week. But Im say how I feel in the moment.


what i don't get is, we play teams with centers like jokic, or Baynes last night, and we aren't able to exploit their slow centers like they do boogie. I would love to see curry get the switch back up and do some offense like harden at times.


@alch, why do you think Boogie is such a glaring hole in our D, but other equally bad defenders (i think) aren't as much of an issue?


KD and Kyrie's interaction looked so fucking fake with the unnatural body language.and shit. Fuck em.


Random but that tnt players only broadcast has got to die and rot. It is probably the most insufferable thing I have ever listened to in my life.


I think it’s magnified because he is the real one weak link. Where other teams may have 2 or 3 on the floor at the same time. So teams don’t attack the same weak link as relentlessly.


This may sound crazy, but The fact that he seems to vibe with him or at least wants too..really makes me question his character.


You're right, Mckinnie is a horrible defender. We need to give Evans a shot here to get a roster spot. Evans is healthy now so his shot should be better


We can go ahead and say it: “Fuck KD.” He’s living in the future with his boyfriend Kyrie. He’s not fully invested in GSW’s success this year, it seems, because not only does he feel disconnected but also unwanted. His spat with Dray earlier in the season has an impact KD’s connection in the locker room. Stay said that the Warriors don’t need him. Well, if you don’t feel needed then you ain’t gonna want to help. He’s going through the motions, and it reflects on the entire team and locker room. He’s waiting for the playoffs, to get this season over with. I mean there’s a lot of factors that go into his moodiness, and bad performances, but feeling unwanted is a big part of it. He can’t wait to sleep with Kyrie and dream of the championships they’ll win together in New York.

Major Powers

KD is doing it on purpose to make the break up easier, don't you see that? People do this in real relationships. They don't wanna just leave and break your heart, so they act like a dick first to try to make it make more sense. If he invents a narrative that he's mad at the Warriors, leaving will make more sense to him (and to us, honestly). Because really, leaving here is objectively stupid, and so he needs a justification. I mean, you're looking at a supermaxmega bag, playing with record-smashing hall of famers, going for a FOURpeat in the newest arena in SF that you broke ground on, an owner with basically unlimited cash just waiting to put up your statue and do anything you want and anything to keep the team dominant, all of this in one of the culturally coolest metropolises in the entire world? THE FUCK would you go to the Knicks for except that he's got it in his fucking head that he has to save his legacy. So of course he's acting ornery to the media, he's making it justified to leave perhaps the best situation imaginable because of some petty legacy shit that could actually backfire: if he DOESN'T get a ring in NY, his legacy will be even MORE trash, "see, couldn't do it without the Warriors." At least if he stays he can just say "fuck you, kiss the rings" etc. At the end of the day, though? I don't hate KD at all, and you guys are getting too up in your feelings about it. He's just a dude doing dude things. And he's been fucking great for us. Most of the time he was great with the media. He's really generous with his community stuff. Quit being little bitches and whining about KD.


haha we are in our feelings...and I don't near hate him! But the way he is going about this is just kinda bitch made in my eyes...then if you want to go play with Kyrie over Steph! over Steph! Thats speaks to who you are.


YES- I totally agree! The reason that I loved TNT games was I would get to enjoy the reg guys. I'm so disappointed everytime it's the "Player's Only" crew. Maybe they think the ratings will increase with a younger panel. I happen to love Chuxk, shaq, Kenny & Ernie's authentic vibe.