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vs ORL GM62



So fucking frustrating man!!! Completely fell apart in the 4th.. :(


Hoping with all the time between games at home after Philly...they can clean things up and just have Kerr put "3 Peat" on the white board.


Steph with 33 points on 33 shots is laughably inefficient for one of the most efficient dudes in the league. This is what y’all Steph stans want next year? Steph wants to play winning basketball, and that means sharing the load with KD. Fan base needs to get on board.


I was at work when I watched this. I dropped the "F bomb" on that defensive play of Mckinnie with Ross' trailer threeball. The customers all looked at me LOL


Check out Demarcus Cousins at 11:10 in the video. This is the real difference between Cousins and David West from last year. David West was so crafty with his passes. At 11:10 Cousins is drawing attention from three or four defenders, Alonzo sneaking for the dunk, and Cousins just can't see it and can't make the pass. That was David West's bread and butter. D West made the clever pass.


Lol stop at 8:21 mark and watch how Vucevic reacts to the no-call. It was so funny but that shit should’ve been a tech. That was aggressive towards the ref! If that was Draymond....


At 12:55 in the video, Demarcus Cousins has the ball AT THE THREE POINT LINE, and tries to dribble to the rim. 6'11" 275 pounds putting the ball on the court to dribble to the rim. C'mon that shitz aint never gonna work. Kerr is the new Greg Roman, 1st down at the 5 yard line for 49er fans out there.


If Embiid doesn’t play tomorrow I’m sure we all can agree that we will probably lose. I mean I’ve been fooled too many times thinking we would roll a team missing their best player...


Thanks Alchemy for pointing out Steph's body language just before the end of the game. He looks tired and not so motivated. In the last five years, the Warriors have played nearly 80 extra games when you count the playoffs. Our core guys (Draymond, Klay, Livingston, Curry) just looked worn out. Demarcus was supposed to bring something, but Kerr isn't puting him in a position to succeed. For the first time in a long time, I'm not positive about how things look, physically and from an Xs and Os point of view. I'm just not certain Kerr is coaching the guys to maximize efficiency. Couple tweaks here and there, and that Miami game is a win, not a loss.


Steph is tooooo jacked. I can't help thinking this explains his missed shots. I feel the 3-ball science isn't working as well when his arms & shoulders are taut. I'm not shocked anymore when something is going great in a game - Steph/Bell PnR - and that's what Kerr halts.


You would think he could get better at stuff like that, but in my experience that type a awareness\IQ is there or not.


true, but to be fair he didn't nearly have the bag Demarcus has, So that was really option A for him.


I usually don't subscribe to the "shooters shouldn't lift" stuff... but he does look like he has been hitting hella curls and shit. IE aesthetic type of lifting.


I hope Steph truly takes a summer off this year. I heard he was up at 5am during his china trip putting in work. Kobe learned this the hardware. At a certain point there is diminishing returns.


Boogie plus minus last 10 games = -40 Looney + - last 10 games + 58. All the sudden Looney out of the rotation? It wasn't too long ago that Looney guarded, in the playoffs, James Harden, Anthony Davis, Lebron James. Now, Looney can't sniff the court. Go figure.

Major Powers

In a big picture sense, there's also just the passage of time as the champion. The longer your championship run goes, the more tired you get, the sloppier you get, the more uninspired you get. And at the same time, the hungrier everyone else gets, and the more front offices build teams to emulate you or to figure you out and beat you. One line going down, one line going up. Eventually those lines meet.


Nick Young is still on the buyout market...In your opinion do we pick up? He knows the system and he get a buck easier than anyone else on the bench.


Yeah it's not like Steph averaged the greatest TS% season in history without KD right? You must be new around here.


I'm confused as you are Alch, not sure how a coach fired from one team gets hired on another. Yup Livingston is done. He's just too much of a liability on both ends, it's not even because he's coasting imo. What I love about Jordan Bell is he's the ONLY guy willing to set screens for Steph, really not even Draymond does this consistently this season. And he also knows when to slip screens and drive to the rim when Steph gets trapped. The other guys on the team are just too timid, maybe even lazy, when it comes to the off ball aspect of the game. Anyone see how GSW rarely gets blowout wins anymore? Every game feels like it hangs by a thread. This game was winnable if we shot a little better but it never should have been this close to begin with. It's not because the team is coasting, it's because the team has some fundamental offense issues. We can complain about help defensing leading to some open 3s but I don't think that can be helped. We pass the ball a lot around the perimeter but no one knows how to change space, be it driving with the ball to collapse the defense or moving without the ball and finding ways to shift defenders' positions. Each game then comes down to "did we hit the shots or did we miss them". When Steph got injured in that Blazers playoff we still played fluid basketball and took a lead. I really want to know what is in Kerr's mind when he sees this team play.


Nick Young was bad in the regular season but he was lowkey a fantastic on ball defender for the Houston and 2018 finals series. Even hit a lot of clutch shots. Maybe.


Yeah how many times did we get rolled by teams without their superstar? It's pretty embarrassing but maybe goes to show there's more to winning than having one great player on a team.


Well said... obviously they are waiting on KD come July. But I think we see a big shakeup in the roster regardless.


I wonder why they didn’t target the buyout market earlier


I'm definitely interested to see what happens come playoffs when perhaps Bell is a better option over Cousins in important situations. Will Kerr make the adjustment, and if he does, how will Cousins react?


KD leaving might actually be a good thing, so we could add depth to the bench.