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vs POR GM57



What up Alchemy, didn’t get to watch the live stream you did, but listened to it afterwards at work, quality shit 👌🏼


Colins was out there looking like a member of the Hitler Youth.


Those young Portland boys out for their heads!! Refs giving some absolute blatant shit calls in this game too. Hood klay got me off my seat! That got me fired up.

Major Powers

I'm still hurting from when Collins banished Lee to the shadow realm. God damn. That was embarrassing. That was like when you play with little kids who can barely even get the ball to hit the rim on a shot and you're swatting them to make the parents laugh.


Killa Klay lol, Portland needed the kool-aid more than we did so it is what it is cause they know what it is... Also I know you said sum about Bell being "Wit the shits" cause of his reposition as turmoil started brewing but did you peep when he grabbed at his own shorts 🤣🤣🤣 like "Wait til these camera go off cuzzz, on my momma" 😂😂😂 priceless...

Major Powers

Rockin' that Tiki Torch Hair. It's too bad white supremacists ruined that hair do, it was one of the only cool looks white guys could do.

Kahlil Baker

It’s so funny to look at twitter after games we lose when we are severely undermanned. People talk the most shit like we got booted out of the playoffs. But refs did the Dubs mainey last night and that flagrant foul was the worst. Do you think the NBA will review it and take that off his record?


Rough game, would have been nice to end on a high note, but you can't win them all, and a nicely timed ass kicking will sometimes bring the boys together


Yo Bell if ball don’t work out, we’re always looking for talent in cage champ


When I played, I rubbed a lotta other players in the wrong "Danny Ainge" kinda way.


If Draymond doesn't address the holes (yes multiple holes) in his offensive game i'm gonna lose my mind....what a waste....


Loving the intensity this game spun up. Haven't seen the Warriors engaged like they have for the last couple. Good playoff vibes. Klay getting 8ast is amazing would love to see more of those when he's not stroking.


I didn't know I could love Klay any more. He proved me wrong


Exactly, Dude literally has 100millions reasons to but he rather pout about “gimmick” defense...smh


1) we need a real center to back up Boggie via the buy out market ASAP, I realize looney is status post hip surgery, but dude can compete against real centers regardless of weather they are good or not, Portland steady bringing in centers as they know Nurkik ain’t the answer, Yet he kills looney on the glass consistently. Looney runs like he needs a handicap sticker on his rearview mirror &amp; I’m tired of it. Boban is 7’3” 290, and runs the floor better than 6,9” 220 looney...looney has the measurements of a modern day wing/SF/3 with the mobility of a senior citizen (if you think I’m joking bout boban look at this clip 20 seconds in: <a href="https://youtu.be/sales6DinjQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/sales6DinjQ</a> 2)at 9:40 of the video, dray has the ball at the 3 point line and his defender is literally in the paint, Dray wants a max deal but won’t develop a three, a floater, or a midrange off the dribble. At 9:40 Drey is frustrated at the entire 2nd unit when HE needs to take his non shooting behind to the low block and play make form there, otherwise spacing is trash. 3) damion lee can’t make an NBA roster without nepotism, mean while we cut 6’10” Chris Boucher for his spot, CB immediately gets scooped by his home town raptors, now he working on 50/40/90 (actually 46/39/85) with his 7’4” wing span and hops. Yeah he barely gets min but his upside is huge while damion upside is nonexistent. 4) Couldn’t agree with you more alch...KD pushed Collins on some “I wish a negro would” type stuff..lol...Klay wanted the smoke and KD let Portland know the whole squad has Klay’s back....which is all good, now they even more united going into the break..good stuff.


We all know LBJ recruiting at the All star game...lol...so I love how "Klay Thompson told ESPN before this game, unsolicited, that he wants to finish his career as a Warrior." ...him going hood was just the icing on the cake.


I really liked the take on this one, good spin on it overall. It felt like a nice glue job for the Dubs going into the home stretch. My only regret was that Boogie wasn't there for the fireworks, but Collins might have spent the break in traction instead of on the beach if he had been...


There was definitely a manufactured quality to some of it, though, the last night before the break. Kerr's outburst was definitely that, like Brown said to him before he got up, "You want a clipboard for maximum effect, Steve? Text me when you get tp the locker and let me know what food's in there." I think his main concern was that Dray didn't get tee'ed after that "flagrant", but at that point the game was slipping away anyway and I think he was playing psychologist, the result less important than the mood on the flight back home, so he made sure it was well and truly flushed.


i was hoping to see klay go off after that altercation


Agreed w/ everyone it's not a flagrant, but Draymond pisses off the refs up until it builds up to a volcano. Watch him mouth something at the ref as he commits the foul. That I think may have been what triggered the rage of the refs. Jordan Bell needs to get more credit this game. Really nice screens and he was more disciplined than usual on his on-ball defense. He also moved off the ball well. There was a time in the 2nd quarter before KD came in where the offense was incredibly fluid, everyone was moving and played the traditional Warriors basketball.


I believe Klay talked to Collins because that's KD's habit if a guy flops. Like "that's a flop, just play basketball..." Klay has been watching him do that all year. So Klay wanted to give Collins the same shit. trouble is Collins is a fringe player whose main skill is being a scrapper, and is probably insecure about his check coming in. Oh and Klay's not Kevin Durant, not saying anything about value or skill level just not Durant who has always talked like that to everyone. Klay talking like that for the first time to a fringe guy didn't work.. But I loved that he did it anyway, and the scrap was fun as hell, wish Boogie was playing. And this is perfect glue stuff for the last 26 and playoffs.


One of the BEST Alchemy commentaries ever. Takes us behind the screen scenes to reveal game and player dynamics that turn a disappointing loss into a fun and subtle circus show. Bravo, bro. Your enthusiasm made my night.


Too bad you didn't livestream this game lol!

Strong Foru

I feel like Steph doesn't want to outshine Seth when he plays against him. Either way, there were just too many damned Curry-Lee's on the court! Lol. Great commentary as always Alc!


I don't know what I want in the Playoffs: the Rockets dusting the Blazers in the 1st round or the Warriors bodying the Blazers in the 2nd round of the playoffs. The Warriors already had enough fuel with the shit talking CJ and his "I'm trying Jennifer" ass during the Summer. But now we got Zach Colins trying to call Klay a Hoe? Nah Zach, you don't get to talk shit when your team get bodied in the playoffs every year. I wanted Klay to 2 piece that man, despite the dislocated finger, so bad. Oh well, the playoffs will show what's really good with this Blazers team.


This was a fun competitive ball game until the refs man. I don't care about losing, if anything, this is just gonna fire up our starters. I absolutely enjoyed every second of Kerr going off LOL

Neal X

All I know is that Portland fans better prepare their sphincters for the next time we meet.


I got to add one more thing about Collins, I'll bet money Collins is feeling pressure to be a tough guy with them signing Kanter. Because Kanter was signed to be an instigator and will be taking Collins minutes. And brilliant call AA on the sideline taking away the ability to go over the screen.


I don't know why, but this felt like a fight between closely related families. Cousins against cousins.

Ezra Abbey

ayo alch are you gonna breaking down the all star week?

Matt Hanna

Never seen an 8 point possession.. had to do the math in my head on like how tf did they just get 5 free throws? But entertaining none the less, hood klay is hilarious. 6'7" klay looking little small out there next to collins. But you are right, didnt get a competitive ending with that bs call.


Crazy! It was a reputation call as well as context call. Klay and him don't get into it and that's probably not called a flagrant.


Lee could really stand to work on his body and athleticism. Its there! you can see the fluidity... but he is carrying an extra 15- 20lb


You see something wrong with Steph's form? It looks okay with the occasional high jumps because he's coming fast off a chase. When he's open, his jump looks normal but I think on every other shot he lost that control at the beginning of the season. You can see it with the shot. When it's fast and low arc'd, there's a good chance it doesn't go in. Smooth long high arcs is what seems to go without a rattle, and it's those shots that he shoots in practice sessions.


"Smeagol Steph"...🤣☠️. Seeing Day-day shoot that mid-range made my night. I hope he, Bell, and 2D-Looney really work on that. I like "Hood Klay."


Man, Alchemy, that was the best one ever. I was crying laughing at times, especially with, "What Klay is this? Is this Killer Klay? Right? Is this 'Hood Klay'?" And you're right: I have NEVER seen Klay get ready to throw like that, talkin' and jawin'...Collins is clearly good at what he does to have drawn out 'Hood Klay'. Just made my night watching this.


This game felt like a MAGA rally. We gonna show them what's up when they come to town


Man, when I first saw the box score, I was like...eh, not sorry I missed it. But seeing your recap? Seeing KLAY GO KRAY I was like damndamndamn, I wish I had seen the whole game. Yeah, the ref'ing looks like it was pretty sickening, but you win some, you lose some. I don't really like to blame it all on the referees, but they had some heavy thumbs on this particular scale. Also, the champs just don't get a lot of champ calls, you know? We've been saying it for years, but KD is the only one who gets the bennies. Any ideas why that is? Do our guys just not sell contact well? Is it Draymond's rep guilting us all by association? Eh, whatever. Looks like it was a super fun 3.5 quarters of ball, and about .5 quarters of yelling and throwing my empties at the TV and invoking Milcom the Abomination of the Ammonites to rise up and eat a ref's soul or two. Always love playing Portland...we may have own a real estate empire in their heads, but they always bring fire. Dame especially; there's not a bone of quit in that particular dog.