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vs OKC gm19



Lol at this point I can't even watch the games. I mean is Kerr really that one dimensional? Curry is 30. If he wants to keep his job, he should have made contingency plans last season on building around Durant and looking for ways we can make plays without the Chef


yeah its tempting to blame KD right now. But they are not putting him in position to be successful. Kerr, the 2 vet guards and overall roster construction is all need a slice.


Pretty sure KD is looking forward to having Steph back. Everything's easier with tha chef on court.


Yeah I'm from Germany and we don't really celebrate thanksgiving. At least my fellow German Schröder played well, but I agree that we probably won't see an end to this losing streak until Steph gets back. Keep up the good work man!


What's the metric? DJ 21 minutes no rebounds, Iguodola 26 minutes 1 rebound, Livingston 17 minutes 0 rebounds....Cook gets 5 rebounds. I bet ZaZa where ever he is, would have gotten rebounds in street clothes and dress shoes....I'd say more rebounds but that wouldn't be a high enough metric....Bring back Jerome Whitehead.


I mean that's putting a huge pressure on a guy coming off an injury to ignite 'role' players like Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson

Kahlil Baker

What’s the update on Curry. Last thing they said was 10 days


He'll be re-evaluated Saturday, won't play against the Kings.


This is hard to watch. I think KD should learn one main lesson from this time without Steph and Dray: If you leave to another team, you won't have Steph and Klay's gravity getting you easy looks and you very well might end up in a slow down offense where you will be asked to have the offense run through you. Maybe you will get a lot of shot opportunities but the new team may be more like it is now. I just hope he sees that long term, stay with us and the new Chase center. He just has to learn to put up with Green, take the good with the bad and if KD and Klay take all the money this year there won't be any left when Dray comes up next year. Personally that might be more what the beef was about.. Dray needs to stay on this team more than KD does. If KD and Klay get their money, Dray might be left out and Dray on another team..., ah he doesn't want that.


I don't think you can put all the blame on non-KD/Klay roster. If you look at the offense like at 0:46, for whatever reason (1) they're not guarding Cook at the perimeter and Klay could have passed it if he had the court vision and (2) KD standing near the paint basically means they have to chuck midrange shots instead of spacing the floor, and running off the ball to get more drives in the paint. At 1:03, Iguodala should be moving around the arc and allow Klay a different option instead of just sitting in a corner. Man look at 4:05, Livingston and Looney should not be standing on opposite of the corners because that just crowds the paint. There's a reason why Lebron worked so hard cherry picking his team to create space for his drives. At 6:54, my goodness both Klay and KD have no spacing IQ like Curry does. So this is not just a mediocre bench issue to me. Because LeBron's game is more limited than KD offensively, in some sense he developed better understanding for when to pass and has a high spacing IQ since he can't just pull off a jumper at any moment. I agree shoulder charge calls are annoying. All these physical freaks like Giannis and LeBron make a living out of offensive fouls. Sure you see this with other guards and even KD but it's not nearly as atrocious and consistent. Is it an offensive foul or does the player get an and-1? Defense of this entire team was disgusting this game. Not just Damian Jones getting castrated by Steven Adams but also Klay ball watching and KD not guarding his man at 3:57. Damion Lee put effort in both ends as a rookie should. 8:40 is the offense flaws in a nut shell. KD in the post and both KD/ Klay not exerting pressure from the 3 point line and letting other less competent players like Damian make cuts. Where are the set plays by Kerr? This is why Warriors have historically high offense ratings with Curry on the floor but mediocre otherwise. If they're going to run that same play in 10:23, why isn't anyone moving to the right side of the arc? Happy Thanksgiving Alch!


I give thanks here in snowy Quebec for your one of a kind commentary...many thanks!


Good take. I think the two all stars also stop looking after weak or indecisive plays from others. LBJ first instinct has always been to pass. That’s what makes turning himself into a scorer all the more impressive.


I think it might just be helping our cause with him. The writing is on the wall, Dray is the odd man out.


Man would love to see someone like Steven Adams screen for Steph, not to mention he's such a good rebounder that I think he'd fit the Warriors well. Here is a shocking stat for the Warriors: <a href="https://imgur.com/a/gHRdySN" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/gHRdySN</a> It's funny LeBron and KD both make it clear that they don't think Steph is on their level. Then you compare their non-adjusted plus minus stats, net rating, TS%, TS% impact on teammates, etc. and it's a pretty substantial difference. I don't think Durant is the kind of guy that thinks "man now I appreciate Steph Curry's presence a lot more". No I think he's the type of guy to make excuses out of pride (e.g this roster isn't good enough for me to carry). Which isn't a knock on Durant, almost every star has that mentality. But it's pretty consistent with his Twitter persona, like the famous "I can't win with those kats".


I totally agree with you on this take. KD thinks he's in a tier(with lebron) above everyone else, which is not true. Steph is arguably better. I think the reason people put KD as the second best player is because when Bron was in Miami the only threat they thought to him was KD. But now things have changed, players like Curry have emerged, along with other names such as Harden(as much as I hate him), Kawhi, etc. The league has caught up, and so I don't think we can just assume that KD is the second best player. He's a great scorer, and can play good defense at times, but in other areas hes not so good. Even offensively he has many holes he needs to fill. Doesn't have the same impact as Curry does either. Plus he carries every time he dribbles.


Did some research and found some interesting stats(per Synergy Sports). In 2016-17 and 2017-18 seasons, KD was in the 80 percentile in scoring off of screens. This season he's in the 28 percentile. Now, this season is a smaller sample size, but it still shows that he's being less effective in that area. Another stat: As the PnR Roll man he scores 83% of the time, and has a FG% of 80% in that role in the PnR. Just a thought, maybe since he's been effective in that area they should involve him more as the roll man in that action? When he ISOs his FG% is in the low 40s. And just from watching he's not being effective in that area. With all this being said, I think ever since the incident with Dray he's just been off of his normal game. Looks passive on most possessions. Had 6 Turnovers in this game too. I agree that the losing streak might continue with Steph and Dray out.


Hey Alch, happy Thanksgiving brother! I wanna get your input on this particular scenario. As our losses pile up ‘this’ early in the season and with the possibility of not having the best record against the top 2 Eastern teams, let’s say TOR or MIL, do you care if we don’t achieve that? Because I’m not worried so much about being the top seed in the West. All be it, we know what this team is capable of doing when all guys are healthy. Though this will be the “first” Finals that will be played other than CLE which is all we have ever known. I think it’ll be a tall task but would be interesting to play on the road, GM 1 of the Finals in TOR, MIL, PHI or BOS. Worst case scenario is Canada tbh


Happy thanksgiving! The east having a big 4 or 3 if Boston implodes Helps. I’m not so much as worried about home court as games played in the playoffs. As long as who ever comes out has a tough rout we should be good home court or not.


Every game I watch just makes Steph look more like the MVP. Before, it looked like Steph turned a team from good/great to otherworldly. Now, Steph's absence has made them go from otherworldly to just...average looking. Hard to watch without the chef out there. Yeesh. Happy Thanksgiving everyone


Damian Jones rebounds = 0, Quinn Cook rebounds = 5. That pretty much sums it up.


FYI - Diallo's injury ruled an ankle sprain, not nearly as bad as people thought right away


Alchemy, there's rumors out there of a trade (D. Jones to Atlanta, D. Dedmon to GSW). If that's the case, I think that's great news. Have you heard anything about that trade?


That would be amazing! Im ready to move on from Jones. Great news about Diallo it was such a weird fall. The knee didn’t bend wrong, just violently.


Also, yesterday I was listening to KNBR Fitz and Brooks, and the first thing Fitz said was....something about some really good news about to break, and that KD is very happy with it. He also said it was not contract related regarding KD. So, we'll see. <a href="https://twitter.com/khoee" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/khoee</a>


I never bought into the Jones hype. He had a good first 4 games and has been terrible. This game was the worst. 0 rebounds in 21 minutes. Are you kidding me? Jones is not an NBA player. We made a mistake picking up his option. There are always bigs that you can find on the cheap who are better than Jones. He has no instincts and no feel for the game. Just completely lost out there. Kerr needs to get over himself and he needs to play Bell more. I don't care that he's undersized. We have no chance with Jones.


Man, this is the end of the last regular season all over again. It's just sooo ugly...

Ken Bradford

Im just frustrated with kd‘s behavior at this point. He has all the reasons to be mad about dray but liking that IG comment and shit ? Grow a pair because he needs playmakers like dray and steph.


With KD and the 3 ball I think he just got a thought in head, and a thought can be very strong, something that sometimes reality cannot alter, that "Steph and Klay are two of the greatest shooters, I mean I am as well, but I like to work inside." He said that in an interview and I am curious to see how much over the summer and practices early in the season, how much he was just doing ISO 18 foot jumpers. When we say all the tape on with all the other stars, that what he was doing, and quite frankly, he clearly looked like the best player in every video. However, that setup was not real 5 on 5 because there was only isolation plays and no double coverage or zones, and their was no serious situations of 4th quarters from behind. In the last two years, we saw lots of practice videos with Curry and KD both shooting 3's building off each other, both getting frustrated if they missed a basket. My kung teacher explained to me that boxers hit the bag and look for the sound to validate the ego of their own strength. That the martial artist can practice alone and softly, growing off their inner understanding. We didn't see the chef out on videos, but we know he was in the gym, polishing his craft. KD was out hitting the bag, showing the whole league who the best ISO shooter is. Unfortunately for him and the Warriors, with the gravity that Steph brings, the most efficient shot we had is easily scouted. What will KD look like on a team like New York or the Clippers? Even the Lakers, since both Lebron and KD don't do shit off ball. Someone needs to get into his head and make him understand that his floor game is predicated on him being a 40% 3 point shooter. It ain't 1995.


How does anyone know if this real or a fake account trying to stir up more drama? We can't can say for sure this was actually KD and not fake poster