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vs Bucks gm12



No resistance at the rim, no communication on d, bell let's everyone pass trying to block shots. Couldn't touch Giannis without a whistle and then curry and his quick bad shots out of rhythm. It was a series of events.


Hella ppl avoid the L videos but this is where the realest insight is. Keep it up Alc!


can we assume that Ker took Popovic move and didnt show team? can it be assumed with worriors as anyone anyway analyzes GSW more then any other team? IDK it seemed game was a day off for GSW and everyone went out with losers mindset like nah... its lost anyways ... idk what to think but its nice to lose some time see staff u dont see when everyone is splashing nuts


It's funny how when Steph slumps it really hurts this team, especially the role players... My ideal game is when we find Klay early, then KD gets his go and when it's Steph's turn and he makes it the game usually goes in our favor... Tonight, not so much... Dubs can really be a letdown in these regular season marquee games either getting blown out or winning by the slimmest of margins lol but those one sided whistles definitely shit in our cereal smh...


I actually thought this was gonna happen. Watched some TV and they were all - of course bucks are gonna lose and all. And I'm thinking, if you look at the regular season from last year, most of these competitive matchups they actually lost. Maybe on purpose?


Dubs played poorly as a group, poor execution especially on the offensive end and not enough physical effort on the 50-50 plays. Did they get their money's worth on any of their fouls? Best case, maybe it will have a little rope-a-dope effect on the next time they meet.


Yeah, after all of the whistles i knew we weren't going to be as aggressive on D... Steph being pulled out earl for foul trouble is always a sign for disaster. I think now that we have played them we have a bunch of good film to study. Ron is gonna figure something out and i think Dray will take it personal since he couldnt play. As far as Steph goes i think this injury is good for him so long as its not serious because its always nice to feel needed and he will get that feeling after missing a few games.


Losing is the best way to really dive deep into film sessions and get your mind right.


We really need Draymond. I realized last night, it's not only defense, but on offense as well. When Dray is on the court, all our players are coordinated and every move had a purpose. Our players(minus Klay and Looney) looked lost last night. I also thought Klay would be the one to struggle in this game, because of the lengthy bucks players. He had laser beams last night!


I know Kerr and others said effort and focus were a problem but honestly the Dubs put in a lot of effort the first two quarters. It's just the one sided foul calls man. It was 19 vs 2 FTA at one point until the refs knew the Warriors couldn't win and started feeding the Warriors. Someone pointed out the Warriors have a terrible FTA rate on national TV vs local. Entire team getting away with hindering movements by Steph and Klay. It's bad enough Steph is already out of rhythm (e.g hesitant pass to Klay when he was open) and dealing with length. Funny enough Steph made all his toughest shots, it's almost like a rhythmic issue. Kerr needs to run some plays for Steph being able to shoot off the dribble or in transition off a screen. You cannot just make Steph into a catch and shoot shooter and have him move off the ball all the damn time, when he already has to deal with offense targeting him and refs call all sorts of personal fouls on him. Freedom of movement my ass.


I loved Warriors' consistency. Always in a blowout game with curry resting the 4th quarter. In all seriousness, I'm really disappointed in Bell. He's still acting like an excited puppy in every play in his sophomore year. Officiating was horrible, but that's not why we lost. Kudos to Bucks. Now let's see them get through the 1st round of the playoffs.


i lowkey like that we lost


I've got some love for the Bucks, they deserved to win. And lol, I don't know what it is... last year the Rockets were just very easy to hate, don't feel that way with the Bucks at all. They're just a nice team. And Giannis, man, what a beast...


I blame Klay. Steph went out of his way to help him. And now that Klay found his rhythm, Steph lost his. The lesson learned here: be selfish.


Despite the obvious crap defense with Jones and Bell/no Dreymond, man we missed a lot of easy buckets early on.


At 1:04 Eric Bledsoe looks like Phife Dawg from A Tribe Called Quest <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=phife+dawg&amp;safe=active&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiOtcWhoMjeAhWKK3wKHRPWALkQ_AUIEygB&amp;biw=1094&amp;bih=504" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/search?q=phife+dawg&amp;safe=active&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiOtcWhoMjeAhWKK3wKHRPWALkQ_AUIEygB&amp;biw=1094&amp;bih=504</a>#imgrc=J4LJR4O0qBTEZM:


I salute Alchemy for calling it what it is: Steph for the last three games just wasn't there. His body language says it all. But, Warriors fans have seen this for the last three years, too. About this time, after the excitement of a new team and new season, Steph gets his lazy turnover passes, lazy defense, and it turns into a crappy product to watch. I still love Steph, though. Without him, none of this joy would be here.


Regarding his injury, I know Alchemy is an old school Niner fan, so Alchemy may know who I am referring to.....Roger Craig, the high stepping full back in the Montana-Young days. Roger Craig was fanatical about taking car of his body and staying in shape. He was known to practice hard, too. Roger Craig said "I go 100% everyday, because when I don't go 100%, that's when I get hurt." Steph definitely hasn't been going 100% lately, and now he has the injury. Are they related....I don't know. It's LONG NBA season, and we all know what really matters is how you play in May and June...

Jansen E

Despite the obvious Anti-Warrior whistle (as usual), and the glaringly obvious fact of how important Draymond is on both sides of the floor, I had 3 big takeaways from this game. 1) Yeah the Warriors only suffered their 2nd loss of the season, but something thats continued to be covered up underneath those wins is this: the bench flatout SUCKS at scoring, defense, and maintaining any type of consistency or rhythm without a starter on the floor with them. McKinnie has been a bright spot, but he's still fairly rough around the edges, and this game showed that. The amount of bench scoring the Bucks were able to do effortlessly was disturbing and shocking. The severe lack of STRENGTH on the whole team is pretty significant as well. The way Brogdon was able to bully Curry at will, Middleton, and that white due (cant remember his name) just scoring at ease with no resistance at ALL was flatout embarrassing. Besides Klay and Draymond, defensive strength was almost entirely absent. Jerebko is weak, Looney (who looked particularly slow of foot this game) was weak, Iggy looked old, and KD was getting worked as well (also giving up shitty offensive rebounds. Here he goes again with no boxing out). The only person who I noticed giving hustle was McKinnie, Jones, and Bell, and it was still very undisciplined defense, with way too many bad fouls. But defense aside, the starters cant be the only guys who put up points. It just cant happen. I think a trade is going to need to happen later in this season. We can't have guys like Cook be as inconsistent as they are. Not having Livingston also emphasized how anemic the bench scoring is right now. 2) Something seems to be up with Curry. I've never seen him miss more layups than he has this whole season. You've probably noticed as well. Curry was the league leader for the last 3-4 seasons in FG% &lt;1ft from the rim for players under 6'9... The last 6 games or so, despite his amazing shooting, he has missed SO many layups. I dont know why thats happening. I'd like to know your take on it. 3) Finally, the entire league is adjusting to the Warriors offense. Sure a KD-iso beats any defense every now and then, but as a whole, the warriors offense is becoming somewhat predictable. And like the Rockets showed last year, if a team has good length/strength, decent athleticism, and are willing to crowd the shooters every second of the possession (ignoring the blatant shitty refs for now), the Warriors are VERY vulnerable. The Bucks, in my opinion, do better in what the Rockets did last year in EVERY SINGLE FACET of the game. Giannis instead of Harden??? My god. Brogdon over Cp3?......if he continues getting bucks like that ....look out. And the entire consistency of shooting and defense across the roster. That is something else. We as fans better expect to see some adjustments made by Kerr throughout this season, because if it comes down to a series vs. the Bucks, even with Draymond/Livingston/Cousins, that would be some scary shit. MAKE SOME CHANGES KERR!!!


Right! It makes you feel good, like I wasn’t just hating on the Rockets cause they WERE good. They are just unpleasant to watch.


33! With the high steps! Getting older and still playing ball. I realized I always tweak something playing 21. I realized, it’s because of how it’s played you chill and kinda take turns playing defense. All of a sudden you get the ball and you going 100.


Coach Kerr and most of the Warriors are experience enough to take last night in stride. Everybody gets punched in the mouth at some point during the year. If we were to see the Bucks in the playoffs, and that's a big IF, then we would see a completely different product (Boogie, Draymond, Curry, KD)....


The bench has been decent, even better than expected. I do agree we lack strength. Nothing physically seems to be off with Steph. I think it’s a lack of being engaged, especially missing layups. That’s focus. You know Kerr by now, he isn’t going change shit until April. Except for integrating Boogie. He loves to play coy.


He legit is the Heart.. we forget some nights when he is clanking 3s and throwing the ball all over the place.


I have been thinking how I’d approach it. I’d have Steph and KD stop short off PnR and draw the foul from behind early on. CP is a master of this. That would back there aggression off, and more importantly clear the mind to shoot.


Curry is king of the November December January rope a dope. He dogs it here, dogs it there, gets up for a big Saturday night NBA game on national tv...Curry throws shade at all the Eric Bledsoe, and other guard totally jacked to cover Curry. Steph doesn't even look at them in the face, doesn't even acknowledge them....Curry has to take everybody's best punch every night, for years and years


There is definitely some gamesmanship on Kerr’s part coming from Pop and Phil’s coaching tree.


What do you prefer a blowout you can except quicker, or those ones where they hang around but never get over the hill. Not that either happens often.


It's still early in season and the streak had to end at some point - And we can't win them all. Kudos to Bucks on their win. Btw Bucks got beat by Blazers on Tuesday so I'm sure Warriors knew they would bring their best. Also Kerr testing the waters with Bucks having a new coach etc...? By his post game conference, he didn't seem bothered at all?? He knows it's a long season ahead. I still have faith in Kerr/Warriors (minus any injuries)


Fun Steph stat: he makes about 2.125 points per attempt (71%) on DEEP 3s excluding buzzer beaters. The league average for DUNKS is 1.82 points per attempt. Is this not a good enough reason for Kerr to run some more plays for Curry?


The reason we lost was because Bud took a stinker in Oracle. Dubs couldn't concentrate after that. Took the crowd outta the game too.


I agree they need to run stuff specifically for Steph but I don't see how that stat is relevant?


AA, groin muscles like the ones Steph pulled are the adductors. Abductors bring the limbs away from the midline, adduction is towards the midline. Great video as always.


AA, are you worried about Klay's defense. His +/- is down this year. He has increased his offensive rating but so has his defensive rating. Do you think he is working more on his offense as it a contract year for him?


I think there are more possessions and more 3 pushing up those bet ratings. He’s looked good to me. Andre is the one that looks like he can’t keep a guy in front of him anymore.