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I decided to rank our guys in some categories that aren't always talked about in main stream media. 


Ranking the 5 Allstars



What would the final ranking look like if u gave each rank points and totaled it in the end? Seems like draymonds coming in 2nd -3rd??


For Talent, I think you're discounting Dray's wingspan as something innate that makes him so good. Just based on that I'd put him above Klay


If you give each category points 5-1, in pans out (Steph-17) (KD-16) (Dray-16) (Klay-13) (DM-13) I purposefully didn't rank it out until you asked so I could look at each category objectively and not try to subconsciously even things out for a total rank.


interesting point..he is probably the better ball handler and defiantly the better passer in skills too. I probably short changed him.I also think Klay's true overall skills do get hidden to an extent on this team.


Fun breakdown! I kept waiting for you to rank the 5 in the bball I.Q. category. The closest thing to it is your Intangibles category: things that won't show up on stat lines but that nevertheless contribute most to a team. Iguodala is a prime example.


IQ is a tough one. Draymond and Boogie might have the highest, but their emotions get in the way, they both almost always know the right play to make but do shit in spite some times. does that not knock down their BB iq or is that something else? Does Klays raise for being so steady? Overall though the team values it so much, we really don't have any low iq guys now that Nick is gone.


Draymond is such a unique player that even warrior fans don't really know his true worth. I think this is also one of the reasons why he has so much haters; they don't fully understand what he brings to the court.


Alch, could be interesting to create a survey with one of those free survey platforms (like survey monkey) and see how your rankings fair against the patreon crowd


If you were going to draft these 5 players for the 2018-19 season, what order would you pick them in. 1. Curry 2. Durant 3. Klay 4. Cousins 5. Dray


<a href="https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2XMQQ5K" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2XMQQ5K</a>


Shout out to Caleb for the suggestion. Here is a link to do your rankings<a href="https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2XMQQ5K" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2XMQQ5K</a>


Kinda impossible to evaluate DMC fairly. Nobody knows how well he will come back from his potentially career-changing injury, plus as Dubs fans, we haven't seen nearly as much of him as the other four.


True. I’m operating under the assumption he will still be an All-Star. I have watched him since Kentucky, I know his game well. Being a Warrior will definitely give me better insight into his day to day demeanor and habits.

Thomas Ogas

Really appreciate your"uniqueness" ranking, and having Draymond #1 there. The vast majority of NBA rookies are drafting for scoring. Big free agents signed because of scoring. There are countless nearly-as-good players out there who can all get buckets. There is no one who plays defense (and who runs the defense) like Draymond Green. Losing him instantly makes GSW a mid-tier defensive team, and half of the game is defense.


Only one id argue with you on is the uniqueness category. To me, revolutionizing the game and making entire classes of players obsolete should give Steph the title there. Draymond is unique for sure but no one has ever done what Steph has done, and although its an unfair comparison, guys like Lebron and Kahwi do most of what Draymond does and a bit more on top. Hardly anyone in history has revolutionized basketball as much as Steph has and that to me makes him more unique.


Training camp is just around the corner