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GSW vs PEL gm 80



Once again, I'm from Oakland. I know damn well I will be talking about this Warriors team when I'm good and old. Surely. All the success. All the glory. Broken records. Changing the league, but it's like when I watch a really great movie. Somewhere in there I think, 'man, I wonder if they'll make a sequel? I wonder how long this story will last?". The same applies to this Warriors run. Is what we are seeing simply a crack in the armor that will be mended in the playoffs. Or is this the start, is this the spot I will point to and say, 'okay, right here is where things started to go wrong." I say the league has caught up plenty to the Warriors, however, I don't think our time is up. There's at least two more in this squad. Two more chips. Quite doable. The champions must remember who they are. Defense is the key to the first round.


The end: well fucking said.


at 9:06 you mention the confusion as KD and Cook both dive towards the hoop. Cook also seems to be in the same space as Klay at 6:31 and KD again at 7:03. coincidence? or Quinn just getting used to playing with the others. Trust in the management to waive Omri for Quinn--but still, thanks and best wishes to Omri. I'll miss those rainbow 3s!


Yo alchemy have you seen the standings? The dubs might really end up playing OKC in the first round


The game that will tell us more is our last game against Utah. That game will be revealing. Utah has an elite defense. GSW is gonna want to go into the playoffs with momentum off that game. I believe we will see the higher level of play we expect to see in that Utah game. If we get killed by Utah, that may be cause for concern. Right now, Kerr and the team are holding back. There's a bit of rope a dope going on.


Hmmm....I think we see nothing in that game form either team. like a week 16 gm in the NFL with 2 teams that might see each other shortly.


Great summary at the end there. The only thing that the playoffs can quickly "switch" on is defensive intensity, which should increase immediately in the first round. But the poor switching on defense and turnovers are bad habits that have to be broken over time. We'll see what strategic changes Kerr makes to instigate that positive change


Who watches the Watchmen? GaawdDAMMIT Day-Day is pissing me off with all these far away, flashy passes. Everyone KNOWS he wants to do it now but he just can't help himself. He's always one to keep everyone else in check, but who is keeping him in check on offense? I want some OG D-West to slap some sense into everyone. Also, if we can't win with Steph, I don't think we deserve to win. YouTuber KlayAllen's breakdown of his ankle problems makes me think I'd rather see Steph forced to sit oout the rest of the season and if we lose, great that should light a fire under everyone next season. Sloppy play makes me mad, and Kerr may be losing his grip on the team with wins and chips being expected. If we lose really early in the playoffs, players actually get to rest instead of going hard until June.


They need to run the offense more through Klay. He can distribute, it's not pretty, but running the offense through Dray is simply not working and we need Klay to take significantly more shots each half. I agree, they could get knockout the first round without Curry. I don't think it will happen, but Utah's hungry, and the Wolves at Butler back. We saw that AD is a problem as all big boy lineups are full the warriors even fully loaded. It's good though, last year was too easy with the injury gods and their blessings. Championships aren't suppose to come easy.


Klay popped off today!!! You called it Alch! my man