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Dat NBA Life EP 10

The Kevin Durant interview, NBA smoke, Blog Boys, and some other funny $hit.



Hi Alch, we really appreciate more content from you including these podcasts. Some words of advice though; you should definately make your talking points more seperated and clear in the podcast. As the podcast is right now it really feels like one fifty minute talk where several interesting NBA topics and points hide between humor and funny stories from both of your personal lives. Dont get me wrong, you shouldnt lose the casual talk. But I think you would speak to a broader audience if you had clearer sections in the podcasts. You could even announce the topics in the beginning of each podcast, something like this: "Hey fellas, today we're gonna talk - KD's behaviour - Warriors remaining schedule - Fan questions - Topic #4" And then edit the segments so there could be a break for you and James and the viewers would know that youre moving on to the next thing. You feel me? =) As of right now you pretty much have to listen to the whole segment from start to end, you cant skip five or ten minutes because then you're lost (suddenly youre talking Shannon Sharpes glasses). Peace :-)


Theatrical??? No think circus, clown, exaggeration, over top top on purpose....Shannon Sharpe.


If we're all gonna be in Kevin's head I think his on going problem is summed up in Disney's Beauty and the Beast with the scene where Gaston says to the crowd "I say we kill the Beast". So apparently, when Kevin switched teams he didn't expect the media to play the role of Gaston and worse the fans to play the role of the mob that takes up pitchforks to kill him. Kevin's problem is that he forgets that the Beast got Belle in return (with a ring and finals mpg) and became transformed as well (as in the best defense ya ever played Kevin) so stop pursuing the love of the mob.

Strong Foru

That was good, but let's ease up on the doodoo talk. Although, the viral clip with the kid crawling under a strangers bathroom stall was hilarious!


I hear you! It is in part a time issue. To produce all of this by myself between Warrior games is a lot of work! But I recognize that is needed. Thanks for the feedback and checking it out.


Hey Alch I just wanted to say thank you, I am enjoying this podcast. Its difficult to find people I enjoy listening to talk, but you and James have that special blend of humor, intelligence and realness that leads to a podcast I can mess with.


hi alch, have you considered breaking these up into shorter videos of just one topic per video and releasing them frequently throughout the week? i think it would help with views if people are intimidated by 50 minute videos, and it lets people pick and choose which segments they're most interested in!