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GSW vs BKN gm 64



Yo alch! Wassup with the rockets man? They’re looking pretty damn good.


Hey alchemy! Do you think there's a legitimate chance of the Dubs going undefeated for the rest of the regular season?




Weapon X was great...and the finger roll in the 1st period, i could swear it was a young Wilt. The assist hunting is a problem and there"s to much celebration but do we have the personnel to beat Houston....yea with Andre playing this way yea.

Kevin Morris

Alch, I'd love to see a breakdown of how you think the warriors can attack the rockets. What should their game plan be?


Capella pick and roll is dangerous but that team flopping is the real problem, for majority of their games team will out score them but rockets win at the line and win the game. We shall see if that is a sustainable method to win in the playoffs.


Someone was reading off Harden's playoff closing game stats dating back to the OKC finals...shit was spooky! Your right tho , that flop shit tends to be less effective come playoff time.


But how much do we really account “past” playoff stats when teams are obviously different now and HOU as a whole and even Harden plays some sort of defense. When I watch Harden, he is as active as Steph on the defensive end while being the top scoring leader. What will be interesting is Hardens #1 in 1st quarter scoring vs GSW slow 1st quarter starts


I am trying to give these dudes the benefit of the doubt thinking they will flip the switch, but man they do not have any real fire right now.


I’m a little more strict on KD, I mean he didn’t burned as many mileage per season as Curry, Durant, Iggy, Dray. So I need KD to turn up now.


You think he may be settling into those mid range pulleys a little too much? Would you want him to just start bulldozing guys down low with his length? Obviously his body is not built like Lebron be he can get inside dunks/layups if he wants to. KD probably following LBJ in terms of what’s the point of going inside if refs ain’t gonna call the foul. “Chicks dig the long ball”

Major Powers

We should all be seriously considering a scenario where Houston doesn't lose another game this season. Tune in to the Bucks home game tonight, Houston's on a back to back against two (reasonable) playoff teams.


Milwaukee needs to use their size with Parker and Giannis, dont try and shoot 3's with them like OKC did last night. they have the length to really guard the line. Houston is due man!


I dont have a big problem with his shot selection, much like steph whats normally a bad shot for others, is a good look for him. Its his transition passing, communication on defense and lack of boxing out he needs to focus on.


Honestly the guy that scares me the most on Houston is Eric Gordon. You know what you are going to get from Harden and Paul, but when Gordon can get hot and get over 20 it's all bad.


Agree Gordon is the wild card. If Houston wins tonight and the next game against Toronto that's tough for us. Then Houston really only has one more road trip where they might slip up. March 17-18 At N.O. then Minn. with one day off then at Portland, those are some capable teams and a lot of miles.. If they only drop one of those 5 coming we likely can't get home court away from them. But if we stay close enough to push CP3 to work hard enough he might get hurt or tire out my guess. They are out playing us now but we will see..


We have to beat the best to be the best I want everyone fully healthy.


People are getting a little too excited about Javale. The next few games - SA, POR, MIN - will tell us if Javale will be playable in the playoffs. Gotta understand that we've been playing a lot of crap teams lately. In the game Javale started against Adams and OKC, he was horrible and we had to take him off the court. Zaza played 20 min off the bench bc Javale was bad. If Javale really has improved, the next few games will tell us


Eh I’m not one of the guys that excited about JaVale, he’s a good spark plug but against all the possible playoff teams we can face, JaVale won’t be a good matchup at all, most definitely not against HOU. Maybe POR, but wit a healthy Nurkić, it’s definitely different compared to last year. Davis and NOR? No, too reckless. Jokić, no, gonna get finessed and he don’t come out on 3 point shooters well enough, which is what Jokić can do, shoot a good 3 ball.


Alch, Draymond's growl at 13:09 wasn't frustration, it was quite the opposite! Net's shot clock got to 0 because of their great defense! Also, Iggy's fall wasn't Bell's fault, Bell was pushed!


I felt the yell was an accumulation of frustration from the entire game. Did you watch the Full breakdown, I talk about the Push.


Amazing how selfless Klay is. He is like the complete opposite of Westbrook because he just doesn't care about his stats, he cares about making the right plays under the right circumstances.


Is Jordan Bell gonna get that dreaded Asterisk? *Injury Prone

Daniel Fries

series of deuces lol


You called the nets new jersey multiple times lol


I thought the same thing about that dirty damn shove. Pissed me off. And, Alch, we think the same, I can't forget about Jason Williams. That shit is insane.


Great analysis as usual from the Best -->> Alchemy :)