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Trades start -Stay Woke?  13:20 -Wizards & Wall 27:00 Aaron Gordon 34:00 Tekashi69 & Tyler Johnson  37:00 Get the Right pair of shoes! 42:00 Harden's Travels 44:20 SuperBowl 54:00


Dat NBA Life - episode 2

Looking to bring yall something different than the normal NBA talk. https://soundcloud.com/ahren-bekele/dat-nba-life-episode-2-NBA Trades start -Stay Woke? 13:20 -Wizards & Wall 27:00 Aaron Gordon 34:00 Tekashi69 & Tyler Johnson 37:00 Get the Right pair of shoes! 42:00 Harden's Travels 44:20 SuperBowl 54:00



Hey! So personally I won’t tune into many of these episodes just because they’re too long for me to sit down and find time for. You should consider offering this series as a podcast as well. It lets you branch out to other platforms, yields more variety, keeps your channel looking clean.


Also, and most importantly to me, it would allow me to download them before work and listen in the car, while I’m on break, etc! The only catch is trying to work out ad revenue for it. Keep it up, the first one was swell


It’s meant to be a pod.. the SoundCloud link is right there I’m get it on other platforms as well. I’m a one man production so not everything is released as seamless and timely as I would like....yet! Thanks for the feedback and support.


Who the hell is this James guy? He's dope af.

Strong Foru

Great podcast. James came alive in the 'Stay Woke' segment.


Hey Alch, I can’t remember if you talked about it in your podcast, but did you see Pat McCaw asking to be sent down to the G-League?


Loving the Podcast series dogg. Keep them coming.


So I use Pocket Casts and I would *love* to be able to use that to listen. I walk more than an hour a day, so this would be perfect for that. I think to be usable for an app like that you need an RSS feed. I don't see how to do that with Soundcloud. I wish I knew more about how this shit works, and I'd offer to help.


According to this <a href="https://lifehacker.com/how-to-start-your-own-podcast-1709798447" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://lifehacker.com/how-to-start-your-own-podcast-1709798447</a> SoundCloud does support RSS. I looked on your main SoundCloud page and couldn't find anything. Did you set up the RSS? See this for info on it: <a href="https://help.soundcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003451347-Adding-tracks-to-your-RSS-feed" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://help.soundcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003451347-Adding-tracks-to-your-RSS-feed</a>


We’re getting James setup for video and building some unique weekly segments. I always prioritize the content, maybe to a fault. But we will get it on multiple platforms here soon.


Sorry for spamming you. Apparently this is the proper link <a href="http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:251197926/sounds.rss" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:251197926/sounds.rss</a> but there aren't any episodes in the RSS that I see when I visit that URL. But, once you fiddle things on the SoundCloud side, it should work.


According to wikipedia generation z is the one after millennials. Born from mid-90's to early 2000's. 25% of the US population, making them larger than the baby boomers! On the one hand: uh oh. On the other: f**k yeah, they can out-vote all those baby boomers (unfortunately, I was born near the end of that group) that elected our infantile POTUS.


OK, so I just googled Tekashi69... oh, shit. I can't unsee that.


😂 I didn’t get my point fully across in that segment. The whole point was our appearance adapts to our surroundings in order to survive. Tyler Johnson has adapted this homeless look to let guys know “I ain’t no punk”


Looks like you need an "On air" light outside your man cave.


Maybe Patrick can grow some facial hair or take an elbow to the brow for cosmetic purposes..... yeah I home school my youngest, but she is very independent.


Is there some way you can get your podcast to show up on more podcast apps? I don't use soundcloud and I haven't been able to find your podcast on the apps I do use (Pocketcast or Spotify). I'm fine with just manually going to soundcloud or youtube to listen to it but it'll be great if it shows up on Pocketcast with all the other NBA-related podcasts I normally listen to. I think that may help increase listenership as well. Thanks!


Yes I have just submitted it to I-tunes and google and created an RSS feed thanks to Envoy510 🙏 moving forward they will be much more accessible.


I know what I'm doing tonight!