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little late, youtube bugging on me with HD!  shit sat on 480p for like 45min! .....anyway!


GS vs Bos gm 50



LOL.. at first I thought you did that intro and I was all "Dayamn! Alchemy stepped it up!"..


Haha I aint got time for all that! But it was dope so I used it...it ain’t about me, it’s about making dope content.


Yo alchemy loved the vid. Be honest, you think Curry still have a one up on Kyrie or do you think they’re equal?


This was definitely one of the most on the edge of my seat pacing the floor games this season. If we went down 0 2 to Boston i would've never heard the end of it.

Nathan Glanzer

Is Kyrie a good passer? Does he move off the ball as well? They are different players but everything Kyrie can do, Steph can do. Some things Steph can do that Kyrie can't.

Nathan Glanzer

Right? When Boston won last time guys at work changed my computer background to Celtics logos haha. I wouldn't have heard the end of it haha.


IDK about you bro but I’m not sure how long we can keep Iggy... his defense is consistent, never great but he just doesn’t produce much offensively like in years past. No matter how long he takes a break/rest, he just doesn’t have the 3 ball touch and can’t finish under the rim unless it’s wide open dunk. And we know each dunk takes a toll on his knees. Even if Iggy gets contact and draws the foul, he isn’t really a dependable free throw shooter anymore. Idk with Iggy man. The only thing I see positive in him is his defense but offensively I don’t see much improvement anymore there


CLE is on the outside looking in.

Nathan Glanzer

Al Horford doesn't shoot the 3 that great? He's top 10 in 3pt %. Higher than Curry.

Nathan Glanzer

I totally agree about the propaganda. I felt like they talked about only that not the incredible game happening. I really hate when games are on ESPN. Van Gundy is a fucking stooge.


I understand that the free throw violation is a non-controversy because Kyrie committed a different violation, but isn’t it even more of a non-issue because the ball bounced right off the rim and out of bounds? Wouldn’t a no-call have also resulted in the same outcome (dubs’ ball)?


He shoots less, volume matter more and he catches and shoot


While Boston defense tough Klay and kd were clearly settling and could have probed deeper for better shots. Kd was just having a off night too apparently accidentally hit a fan with the ball after missing a pregame shot lol like it ain’t that serious. Bringing Hayward back for what would be an intense series may not be the smart choice but who knows hope we see this match up or Toronto time for a real challenge


lol the hate on al


I highly doubt Hayward will be back. That would be quite reckless by Boston. There's no way he will be close to 100% and to put him into playoff intensity games with minimal rehab and basically no training camp, that would be a reckless move. The dude is not even cleared to jump yet. I've watched Boston play this year and anyone who thinks their offense is anywhere as good as it was last night is fooling themselves. Their offense is BAD. At times, it's just painful to watch. There is so much weight for Kyrie to carry and will he even be able to last throughout a 2 month playoff run without breaking down? And what are they gonna do when every team they face decides to double and trap him in the playoffs? This is why you need multiple stars. In a series, I guarantee Kerr will double him a lot more. In this game, GSW waited until the 2nd half to start playing defense. The difference in effort and intensity was very noticeable. Once they did, you saw BOS FG% go way down. One good thing for us I noticed was that we will have no trouble at all playing Draymond at the 5 vs. Horford. And we saw the benefits of that in the 4Q. That's a great matchup in our favor and Horford can't exploit Draymond. And Klay, like he's been all year, has a lot of trouble against physical defenders. So his performance wasn't a surprise. But KD had his worst game of the year and that was a surprise. He was missing wide open shots and even point blank free throws. This is just a guess, but I think it has something to do with the season ending injuries that just happened to Boogie and Roberson. I think that kind of stuff really has an affect on him and shakes him up. If you watched the KD documentary from a few years back, KD was on the court when Paul George had that nasty injury in the summer. And it shook KD up so bad it actually made him decide to drop out from the Olympic team. I think that's his worst fear.


Great takes as always Richard. They shot out of there minds in that first half. According to Bill Simmons, internally they think they may have well before the finals. They would never just throw him in the finals. With today’s sports science they know to test guys and make them go through way more checkpoints. It would be crazy is all I’m saying.No doubt he wouldn’t be 100%.....mentally. Great point about being able to stay small. Speaking of health... will AL make it through 3rds?!


Just when we thought we wouldn’t be seeing Avery Bradley and Tobias Harris anymore, we’ll be seeing them one more time but in a Clippers jersey...