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heads up! Im going to open this one up and see how it goes, they will continue to be private for tier 1 Patrons moving forward. Every now and then offer a free one to the main Youtube Channel. 


Alchemy Live

ask questions on youtube chat not patreon.



first lol Congrats on $1300/mo

Major Powers

I think that's a good idea!


no audio sir


Also no audio


there you go thanks!


Thums up!


Okay audio now


There's a shot load of Hard names in the NBA these days...


audit thru the roof Alch


so PG13 is replacing cousins just announced


If you're gonna carp at the refs use words plead ur case but control ur body language a nd facial expressions


KD Steve talking today about their high # of fouls last game


Westbrook head case


Murphy's law

Major Powers

That was a good show! you had well over 300 viewers, good shit. And to anyone reading this, comment on youtube he doesn't read these during the live show.


CP3 does have a bitch ass game. Good as hell but I hate his Lil whiny ass


At this rate we gotta hope Boston doesn't have a big lead at halftime. And I just saw young being the ball up, dribble it 47 times in place, watch Steph come off 2 screens by West, and then dribble to elbow and not hit rim. Swaggy F'n P. And I dunno bout Russ being gay, maybe, don't care. But I can't stand like 85% of his game. I don't see how anyone would wanna play with him unless you Steven Adams


Pace was so slow....


And is it just me or has Klay not had a big game in a big game since gm 6 against thunder. It seems like dubs are pressing this 1st half too. They finally realize they're gonna play against good defense, now the problem is they don't know how to run their O against it. Maybe because they don't face D a lot? Against good D teams who play tight, they have to play great D to get stops and run. It's the only way for shooters to get open looks. Especially Klay and Flabby P.


All of a sudden everyone except curry can't put the ball in the damn hole


Durant playing like ass and Iggy has still never ever committed a foul in his life


Klay doesn't have any big games because they have to distribute the ball more to KD and Curry obviously


I don't mean score 40, I mean just hit big shots in big games. He's his least efficient in big games. And if he's hitting them they'll get him the ball more


What is wrong with Klay, injured? 3/12 and 0/4 3 pt??


i can see why you'd read westbrook as gay, but imo he's 100% hetero, voice body language and attitude outweighs clothing choice, also the anger element is a bit of a stretch, i think a more clinical diagnosis is immaturity than homosexuality. always fun to bring up controversial opinions though g, and i'm just sharing mine, keep it real :)