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GS vs CHA gm 34



This game made me so upset. I was out with the homies watching us get spanked by a suck ass team


Its always worse or better in public right! I get more upset when we play bad against good teams. These I kinda get.


Those turnovers were just...just...


Can't remember where it was right now, but I read an article about that 'low to the ground' bench celebration saying it wasn't about a lack of hops, but about 'little man' on the defense.

Courtney Valdez

If anything, I think this shows Durant needs Curry back so he can get a game or two off here to rest.


Oh okay! I remember the low jump part...didn't know they had a mouse in the house celebration.


This video made me realize I've been using the wrong pivot foot while shooting my entire life.... god damn it lol. I think it's because I was so used to stepping with my left foot to throw a baseball.


Haha watch how much faster you are with your first step now! It may take some time but it will be worth it to switch. It will help with your shooting as well.