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GS vs UTH gm 32



Alchemy, what are your thoughts on the JaVale trade rumors? Free up a spot to get more depth at the guard position? Does Casspi's injury change anything? Do we sign Cook or look elsewhere? If so, who?


That seemed to me like a typical ankle sprain. If you want to see a “severe” ankle sprain, check out poor Reggie Jackson’s injury. Though I really hope he’ll be back by next week. I’m really starting to see the value in Casspi within four rotation. Initially when we first signed him most of us thought he is just another guy who spaces the floor with his 3-point threat but Casspi actually slashed and runs the floor more than shoot the 3, and maybe that’s because of his slow ass release. Regarding JaVale, I hope he stays because I think JaVale is that team player that adds that layer of fun to the team and also boosts morale of one Nick Young who is his best friend. Reporter Poole though thinks he’s gone before trade deadline.


A defensive front line of Bell, KD, and Draymond? Good luck scoring at the rim. I think KD secretly is fiending for a DPOY. The man is throwing shots back like crazy all season.


Your right..but Guys body's respond different, It didn't look to bad, but he has a history of stuff lingereing. As long as JM stays cheerful and not a distraction I agree, but admit he came in and played like he felt some type of way. Lets not put it past this staff, they might be trolling him into playing harder.


Like I said below, it may just be a leaked rumor to motivate him, get him back to the hungry JaVale we saw last year. But there is a legit Log jam in the front court if he does not dial in he could be gone. I think Pmac and Bell take Casspi's minutes.


Love watching defensive sides now. If we can get a center who can shoot 3, our death lineup will be crazy. Marc Gasol? Btw, I just sent you a message about the giveaway :)


Unless Javale is unhappy with his minutes and wants to leave, I don't think we should trade him. Seems like all the guys on the team want him to stay. We're so stacked that keeping everyone happy seems more important than possibly hurting morale for whatever value we'd get out of trading him.


Thats it right there can we keep everyone happy? Of course the guys want him around, but will JaVale be content as a cheerleader?


I just can't help it, to me Bell is the updated version of Larry Smith. Now you might say hold there a minute pardner, Larry Smith? Smith's offensive game was pathetic while Bell's offense is just limited so far, but keep in mind, Larry had a fan club for a reason, that reason was expressed by Bell in one of his first interviews after being drafted. Asked what kind of player he was, Bell said, " I'm a glue guy" and that's what Larry Smith was doing the unglamorous work. And...yes I know you probably didn't say pardner....I'm just mess in with ya.


Yo Alchemy, thanks so much for cropping out the damn ticker... But... now you gotta stretch out the video to fill the whole window vertically to regain perfect aspect ratio and to eliminate the black bars on the top and bottom.


Nonetheless, keep up the great work! Love seeing your progression... the slowing down the videos when you make a point are a great touch.


I was a little too young to appreciate his game. Glue guys are the difference between good teams and great teams. Unfortunately they only really get appreciated when they are on really good teams. If you are a glue guy on a .500 team, the casual fans have a harder time excepting the players limitations. I'm a slide a "pardner" in some point this season watch!

Strong Foru

I've learned more about basketball from you in the last few months than I did from years of listening to sports analysts and color commentators. Sometimes, I just wanna yell at Shaq and Barkley and tell them to shut up!!!


I was listening to a pod talking about how dumb Kidd is as a coach. Its crazy how so many of the great players minds do not translate to off the court.

Strong Foru

There's a part of me that thinks Draymond would make a great coach one day.


AA, lemme run this by you, see what you think. Dray said press conference that they were getting held and in 3rd they just ignored it ran faster and do what they do on offense. I was watching the game live and yea they were playing tough D, in their face, fronting them, passing lanes and all that. But I don't think that's the whole reason their off without Curry. You mentioned before how Curry is a rhythm player and needs to be in it to go full Steph. I think it translates to way more and his rhythm becomes the teams rhythm. I also think it's a chemistry/ trust issue in general with new/young players, plus they're consciensly trying to cut down on TOs. Watching, the movement offense looked like a CD skipping. Like they just can't all get in same page. Everyone is thinking at a different speed cuz Steph ain't their to tell them the speed limit. kD can play any damn style but as the tone setter it screws up the rhythm of the team because it changes for KD so frequently. That's why they took off last year when Steph stopped letting him run the show and took over. There's alot of stop and start, not any constant motion. Relying in one or 2 cuts to get open and its 2 easy to defend against teams who play tight. Like in football, it's easier to complete simple routes against off coverage but not so much against press man. Also, the passes were half a second late. the passer was just a second too late to see where the pass should go. That created a lot of deflections and TOs. And I've noticed it's always against teams who play "up on ya" D. With curry out there everyone constantly moves because curry NEVER STOPS and it's contagious. But when he isn't, the plays get easy to decipher because only 1 or 2 people are moving and everyone is mentally at a different pace. My fault for length, just curious what you think.


Less space and lineups of guys who haven't played together much. But I think you are on to something about stephs movement being contagious. I also think its not a coincidence they look like a different team in 3rd quarters. There is some real conscious pacing taking place. Id love to see what % of the season total turnovers occurred in the first half of games. Bet its close to 70%.


Gonna keep it real... There's no doubt GSW wants to unload Javale. The team has too many 5's and we need another PG and another shooter if possible. Remember Cook's 45 days on his 2-way contract will be up at some point and we will need a roster spot for him if we keep him. But I think we will have trouble even finding another team to take Javale. Fans let their emotions make them see players for more than what they are. Javale was not offered a contract in the offseason by a single team in the NBA, except us. And now his trade value is even worse. Why would a team offer even a 2nd round pick for him? If Javale isn't playing well next to 4 all stars, obviously he's gonna be worse if you put him on any other team in the NBA. The best thing for Javale's career would be going to another team bc playing on GSW will not get him any more offers. But I just don't see another team taking him. We may have to waive him. I said this a while ago but it's the simple truth: He's not an NBA caliber player. Nothnig to be ashamed of. 99.9% of people aren't either.


I want to see the next 2 weeks now that he has been put on notice. I have a glimmer of hope that he is salvagable. I think Kerr broke his own rule of 1 knucklehead per team. Swaggy is not helping this situation.


I remember way back, you pointing out how much better Draymond shoots when he steps into his shot. Some times, he'll catch it wide open, shoot flat footed and it kills me that he won't take a rhythm dribble into it! And your Bay Area/Casspi seal comment was slick. Haha. Keep it up man!