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alch.. the video doesn't work anymore... ummm help pls.


jordan - bryant - jerry west - miller - ginobili - drexler - hell even mcgrady and carter better than wade. ridiculous statements all game by those two dorks.


I love how on the telecast the commentators were complaining non stop about how KD's block at the end was "clearly a foul". And then when they consult the veteran official he shuts them down real quick


Was literally about to post about this lol the veteran ref said in real-time it looked fine


Jordan Bell is quickly becoming one of my favorite players. Idk if I said this here before but I really believe he'll take Iggy's place on the death lineup by next year.


Alchemy I needed this. Home with the flu, and this was a salve for what ails me. Thanks.


LOL I saw Bell creeping up for the off-the-backboard dish from Casspi, too. I kinda wish he had gotten it, but Casspi deserved to flush one.


Obviously Steph is an mvp and a beast, but I did love the end of the game lineup with 5 solid defenders where LeBron couldn't really abuse anyone with switches. Will be interesting to see if Kerr utilizes Bell more in end of the game lineups


Merry Christmas AA! Thanks for the extra long video during the holidays


i'm impressed you were able to get a video off even during celebrating christmas--appreciated. agree big time that 1. can't stand the vapid announcing of van gundy and mark jackson? they were especially annoying at the end of the game. was groaning so much, i switched on the radio broadcast (even though it was ahead of the tv) just to end the gassy pain they caused. and 2. also appreciated the fairness of you commenting on the foul of lebron on the leftwing--agreed. what i found interesting was the strategy of klay shooting against korver many times in the 3rd quarter--unfortunately, that didn't result in buckets. but at least you see the warriors as a team that goes out and executes a plan--elite military style!


I was so glad to see KD refuse to switch off of LeBron. He was taking that challenge head-on and rose to the occasion. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed both LBJ and KD moving at like 60% speed all night. Loved seeing the young guys in PMac and Bell step up too. I am expecting Bell and TT to fight each other at some point cause TT is a real physical player and Bell won't let him punk him. Great stuff as always, AA.


What does it mean that the hand is part of the ball?


January looks to be one tough month for the Warriors, will get really challenged for sure. @ HOU 2x vs. CLE vs. BOS vs. TOR vs. MIL vs. MIN vs. DEN Will need Steph definitely for HOU game next week.

Branden Edwards

Foul or no foul, play better and the winner of the game wouldn't have to be decided by the refs.


It was an interesting game. I just get the sense watching KD that he is supremely confident right now. Like he's trying to let the world know that this is his time and this is his league. Him wanting to cover Lebron all game shows this. He wants to dominate him. At the same time, the Cavs showed their hand by having Crowder guard KD and not Lebron. The cavs offense is much too predictable. The only reason the game was close was bc we sagged off Love. If we guarded him tighter and if Curry played, this would've been a blowout. The Draymond-KD-Bell defense is absolutely terrifying. You are not scoring on them anywhere near the basket. When you know you can't score around the hoop, it changes everything bc no points ever come easy. It's demoralizing. Reminds me a little of the OKC defense we faced in the WCF in 2016. It's pretty obvious by now that it's just a matter of time before Bell takes over the starting 5. If I'm an opponent, I'm frightened to death of our defense.


i just really love pats development. we need to instill more confidence in him.


Confident but physically fatigued. What really tips me to that is his balance. He gets very low off the dribble for a man his size. When he stumbles and gets off balance several times in a game I know his legs are not fresh. Instead of sending the non shooter on the floor to the front of the rim they were having them set some sneaky screens for Love in the corners. I agree that frontcourt is going to be a nightmare. switch everything and all three protect the rim! Bell will just have to learn sometimes he has the box out and let the others challenge.


It may be time to give him Shuan's role as back pg. Love Sdot but he is slowing down. Pat spaces and at this point I think defends better. Shuan is such a pro I think he could be used as a situational guard. He wont check out on us.


RIght! that has been Clevelands main strategy against us.. PnR Steph every chance they get. Kerr has already shown the willingness at times to sub him in and out defense for offense down the stretch of certain match ups.


I honestly was prepared for an L.. 3rd game in 4 days, revenge factor, and no Steph! We really do have "winners" all the way through this roster. By the time you read this I know you will be feeling better!


I think it may be sooner than expected! depending on the match up. If teams are small it will be IG.


forgot about T-mac! I think his winning really elevates his status. But he was never the best player on any of his championship teams. You could argue with Shaq, but IDK he was still spry and wanting to stick it to Kobe.


It does...on paper tho.. Guys are starting to get chipped up around the league. Lets see who HOU and BOS roll out come game night.


I dont think vets want to play these Christmas games, I know TT is coming back form an injury, but I think Lue might just use this oppurtunity to reduce his role overall.


cant play the video


What up! appreciate the support! I will upload it to a private Drive account now. It will be back up tonight.