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GS vs LAL gm30


Connor H

I love seeing bells fire man


The Lakers coming back from twenty some down to take the lead in the 4th was disheartening, but they pulled through nicely! One turnover after another, until they finally got dialed in again


I thought KD was kind of playing hero-ball in the 4th, although the other options were thin given Iggy-flu and not having Swag on the court. What won them the game was Draymond all-round at the end and that KD defense. Is there any front line in the league with the rim protection of Dray, KD and Jordan? On that last snufffest I don't think the Lakers got the ball more than eight feet off of the court.


Your right they did say IG was coming off the Flu..some times I think that is code for rest tho. That frontline is going to be a sight to see in the playoffs.


I'd sit KD for the Nuggets as on Christmas we got the Cavs, always a statement game. Like HOU. No Chef on Sunday, so give KD a night off.


If you think LeBron going to the Lakers is scary, what if Paul George joins him?


I dont think they would be able to retain Ingram and Kuzma. If Im them id sit on their potential rather than Max out PG.


@ 2:55...young 3..what does Kerr have his hands up in the air for? I can't imagine he's celebrating the 3...


Crazy how quickly lonzo turned the narrative around. I think that learning how to adjust to the NBA spotlight has made him a lot tougher, and now that his confidence is growing you're seeing his shot start to fall as well. I think hes gonna have the clutch Gene going forward no matter what his splits may be

Major Powers

Straight said Lonzo's "scrappy like a ratchet at a waffle house late at night." I'm dead.


I am very impressed with the Lakers by now. They built a strong core for the coming decade. If they sign Lebron and/or another good guard in the offseason, they ll become a huge force next seasono.

Strong Foru

Lol. Sometimes, I have to replay segments because I can't believe he said what I thought I heard!

Strong Foru

I think they should stick with their core and allow the youngins' to mature. Then, build around the core in coming seasons.


What do you think it will take for these lakers to make playoffs. They are playing the type of basketball I really enjoy watching and you can see their hustle these past few games


They may be really scrapy but damn are the Lakers fun to watch. Doesn't matter what team they are facing, they always show up to play hard. And as Magic said '' we got room for 2 more''. Imagine seeing a finals with LeBron, George, Ball, Kuzma and Ingram vs the Warriors squad. If they can improve on their 3pt and Ft %, then I think that would be one heck of a series.


Drunken Master! LMAO