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GS vs Mem gm 29



First, haha

Strong Foru

Man, great analysis as always. Some of the things you say though, bro! You're hilarious.


ill be at the game on friday! cant wait!


Hey Uncle Alchemy, any chance you can just crop out the NBA TV ticker? I'm sure FCP has a way to crop the ticker off the screen to make it a real 16:9 AR.


I know I've mentioned this before. Tickers are the worst. If I wanted to see what else is going on, I'd look at my phone.


random observation of foam finger waving fans behind Memphis bench going apeshit literally after every play. can't unsee it. "D


"Mccaaaaw" :D hahhaha great video!

Jansen E

hahahha I was seeing that the entire game. Even in my head I was like "OKAY GUYS WE GET IT." hahahaha


I don't think there's ever been a franchise that stays true to their slogan more than the Griz. They've been Grittin and Grinding for like 10 years. Stubborn as shit. They go down with the ship.


You could see the frustration in klay leading up to the tech as he is getting wrapped up by defenders off ball after halftime pretty much every play. It looked like he couldn’t even move