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GS vs LAL gm 28



Awesome! Gonna enjoy this one!


Hey Alchemy, I think one of the main reasons why Luke doesn't play randle that often is because randle is a ball stopper, I also think him and Jordan clarkson have some type of envy towards lonzo because they seem to always try to throw him out of plays by not passing him the ball, that's just my opinion though.

Strong Foru

Thanks for the rewind bro. I had to go to bed when they went into overtime because it was like 1am here on the East coast!


He is...but a lot of the time I think the juice is worth the squeeze, he is just a bully out there and sets a tone.


David West with the block to win the game Go Deebo!


so clutch. I think we went something like 5/6 in OT.


We need Bell to bend an ear to Bill Russell and learn what Bill learned early, the trick is to keep the opponent from knowing when you'll fully jump and sell out for the block, a bit of unpredictability. You won't block quite as many but you'll change more shots and will get the rebounds on those changed shots. Right now, Bell jumps maybe doesn't get the block but he so sells out on the block with a skying jump (sometimes taking a teammate out as well) then the other team cleans up that miss because Bell has taken himself out of the play.


Great point. IG uses the stop short close out all the time on shooters. Its also knowing the league and guys tendencies. Guy like Julius, always want contact. You can definitely throw him off with a pump fake challenge.


Hey Alchemy, don’t know if you got confused or just forgot but the last game we went to OT against Lakers was still at Staples and not at Oracle. First time Lakers coming to Oracle is on Friday actually.


You Right! Think I just assumed it was a split. Weird they play 2 away 2 home like that in the season match up.


Pending news on Stephen Curry’s ankle later today but do you think we should hold him off until at least Jan 4. Rockets matchup and NOT on Monday against Cavs? As much as I want to beat the Cavs again I’d rather have everybody be fully healthy against GSW/HOU matchup which is waaaaay more important. Im just hoping HOU lose a couple games these next couple of weeks.


If the first game back is against another contender it is tough. The intensity is higher and he will press harder. So when ever it is, I'd like it to be in a non spotlight game.


Season's Greetings Alchemy, I thoroughly enjoy your game analysis combined with your comedic undertone. Keep dropping the quality that you provide us with, now after those compliments come the request. Do you think that you can do a video on Oladipo, and what seems to be his rise into an allstar caliber player? Or maybe just reply to me here with your thoughts. Thanks, and enjoy your Christmas.


Nice vid. I get that Javale needs some positivity right now, but he did not have a good game by any stretch. Game worst -13 and he only played like 10 min. Watching that dude is like watching a disaster slowly unfold on every play. He's just a mess out there. I get anxiety just watching him. He's a good dude but he's not an NBA player. Like we did with Varejao, we gotta get rid of him. Also, Kerr's stubborness is starting to get annoying. I get why Kerr is hard on Bell. Bell is not the most coachable player. Look at the way he interacts with Kerr, he's not receptive and he don't even make eye contact with him lol. But some players don't respond well to this tough love act. A big reason this game even went to OT was bc Kerr benched Bell for the entire 4Q. This allowed Ingram and Randle to get to the FT line over and over again. Bell had been shutting them down all game. Bell isn't like the other players so Kerr's gotta learn how to communicate with him differently so that it's effective and empowering.


Bell was doing better but by no means shutting them down. Bell will never lack confidence, they are trying to humble him while they still can. But overall I love having him, we needed another guy with no chill other than Dray. Javale has become the new Macadoo, just there cause the guys love him. But what does it say about Damian can't sniff a minute? But that's the only way I see him being dropped is DJ getting the nod.


Javale may be goofy as hell but there is a reason why he lead the league in +/- coming off the bench. He just draws a lot of attention from the defense which is problematic when you have to also worry about the perimeter against the Warriors. Even the net rating for the team is at its highest when Javale replaces Zaza at 132 or something.


I think he can be revived, but he has regressed. He likes to feel needed, and frankly we don't need him as much. One place I do like him is when we are getting throttled on the road. He always seems to stir things up.


AA, you didn't mention it in the vid, but after the big Ingram block, Kerr appeared to be chewing Bell out for standing over Ingram (?). However, that's when Draymond stepped in and appeared to be talking shit / back to Kerr? If Kerr is the coach, holy hell you would never talk to a coach that way on the bench / in public. It undermines Kerr's authority with the whole team. Stuff like that seems to point and that whole team chemistry crap we got last year - that the warriors were infighting, etc. They play as a team, so they appear to believe enough in Kerr and the coaching staff to keep playing the way they're being told, but Draymond talking back to Kerr in public got my attention...


I definitely saw Bell brush off Kerr.. But not sure Dray was barking at Kerr. I think court side they were campaigning for a flagrant. I do think Bell and Dray can be a dangerous combination feeding off each other. Obviously on the court they could be great defenfensive duo. But its like that one kid in class that dont want listen, now has a Lil buddy.

Nathan Glanzer

Check out Lonzos body language after KCP takes that bad three at the end of the fourth.


On that last Dubs possession it was Swaggy P that Durant was telling to get the hell outta there. Klay was casually walking around on the other side of the floor, knowing he wouldn't touch the ball. Comment about Kobe's wife spot on! Loved the vid.


good point on the lil buddy. Could you imagine with pop would do if a young player brushed him off like that?


He did tell Nick to get out, but watch the timing he demonstratively waves Klay off well after Nick is gone. Dfish and Mark Jackson are cut from the same cloth...phonies


Great video. The best way to watch games when I can't watch them live!