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GS vs DAl gm 28


Jansen E

This game really shows the entire versatility of the Warriors on their ability to play all different styles of basketball. They can do the slow pace, broken up half court style. They can run'n'gun, and they play defensive low scoring battles. The Mavs arent what I'd call a tough team, but they played them tough for a good 3 quarters. I know they are trying to get Curry back on or before the Cavs game, but honestly I think they really shouldnt. Keep him and Draymond out til they REALLY need to bring them back. Get them healthy for as long as they need to. Health is the #1 thing that will jeopardize going back to back. I dont care how good ESPN thinks the Rockets are or the salty Spurs fans still fantasizing "WELL IF ZAZA DIDNT...". Nothing will take down a fully healthy Warriors team 4 times out of 7 right now except for injuries/suspensions. Im honestly tired of the Cavs, As of right now, a Warriors-Celtics matchup might be even more enticing than round 4.


It's relatively easy for us to do good things against lesser opponents, but I'd like us to play better against the elite teams also. We are 0-3 against the 3 best teams we have faced so far (HOU, BOS, OKC), and while it's easy to makes excuses for those losses, let's just get a w. The next elite team on our schedule is CLE.


Alchemy, I hope you have a great weekend too man! Only 10 days til Christmas...

Branden Edwards

Klay has the best shooting form in the league and arguably top 1 or 2 footwork among guards


LOL at David West running Barrea over at 4:08///


Agreed..Steph in particular has had his big games against scrubs. Make no mistake there is a "flip the switch" date on his calendar. Question is, does the injury change it?


the insights per second on this video were off the charts pure gold. harrison barnes aggressive return, steve getting on KD for the missed assignment (and highlighting why), how caspi is fitting in and his basketball specialized athleticism, how bell defends the bigger guy, barnes knowing IG well enough to let him shoot the 3, keeping javale involved... who knew this basic mavericks/warriors match up would be arguably one of your top 10 videos this season


Its definitely premature, it not even Christmas! How many times have the Clippers looked legit in December?


Thanks man! I was happy looking at my notes post game...went into it thinking might not be much to say.


creuset is right -- huge number of insights in this video, and a huge amount of positivity from Alchemy.


Great vid. I don't know who this former Warrior Barnes character is you keep referring to. Matt Barnes is the only Barnes I know. Harry B. is a scrub and all-time choker who should be giving thanks everyday a team was dumb enough to give him a max contract.


When RW was out in 2014, KD was putting up insane numbers as well. He's an all-time great and will be one of the top 10 players to ever play this game. Depending on how the next several years go, he could be top 5. The craziest part isn't just the efficiency, it's that he's being this efficient while mostly taking outside shots off the dribble. Most of his shots last night were jumpers. This isn't supposed to be possible. KD is the X-factor in any potential series vs HOU or SA. Bc in a series like that where we all know everything about the other team and exactly what plays and sets they want to run, a lot of it will come down to individual matchups. Harden is a great ISO player but we saw SA figure out how to shut him down when he needed to score. Can't do that with KD bc he's beyond an elite ISO player. He's unguardable in any matchup or scheme a team tries to throw at him.


Let's be honest, CP and Harden both have several choke jobs on their resume. That said this should be the most difficult journey through the West they have faced.

Courtney Valdez

Did KD get affirmative verbal consent for that kiss!?! ;)

Major Powers

More GOAT roasts. :D