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I will do a video Tomorrow with the winner of the Klay Jersey, If you have not commented on the Youtube video for the giveaway please do so to qualify. Do not comment multiple times it will disqualify you.


Hey Alchemy - episode 2

1:30 - Kerr too much of a players coach 4:50 - Warriors playing down to competition 8:12 - Stephs shot selection 12:10 - Best up and coming teams in the League 14:45 - How to fight complacency 18:10 - Stephs freestyle vs structured offense PATREON EXCLUSIVE CONTENT https://www.patreon.com/athleticalchemy SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iX...


Strong Foru

Is Miko your wifey?


R u talking about this one on YouTube?


You mean Rudy Gobert Alchemy, just messing with ya.


"Balance between structure and freestyle is dynamic" brilliant thought


I'm not sure if there will be a space where we can just make suggestions. First, I love what you do--I'm very happy whenever I get the email saying almost anything you post goes up. I know I'll be entertained and calmed with your insight and humor (which introduces me to a lot of terms and cultural references I do not normally get exposed to). I guess I appreciate that you are pushing the boundaries with your new graphics and split screens. I figure you are transitioning to a more fancy/flashy visual style. But in general--for me, keeping it simple visually is more than sufficient. Why I'm here is not for the ESPN style graphics, but for your insight, wit, and truth. So no matter how you dress things up, you are still you (which is good in this case). But I don't want to be the guy who stifles your experimentation with video editing and all that. The other thing for me--everyone else will disagree--I've never been a fan of the opening music. Why? Well, it sets the right tone, but it is way louder than the rest of your video. In most of the places I watch your video (at work, taking care of my baby, watching on my sound system) i'm always unpleasantly shocked by how loud the music and bass are. Then right after I have to turn it back up to hear your dulcet tones (voice). So those are my two inputs. In any case, take it or leave it, I'm a dedicated fan. And I sort of do hope you find a different venue than Patreon--I hate fees. And yes, I'd be happy to continue getting access to your videos but just paypaling money directly. Admittedly, I will do it by credit card... Thanks!