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Patreon Changes



Respect the transparency.


I'm with you A.A., I'm with you A.A. if you're on Patreon, I'll be with you A.A. if you go somewhere else. I can't really give ($ wise) what I think you're worth but you have my respect for what you do.


for me, whatever system you choose or go to--i'm willing to follow. the distribution network--as long as it can stream in HD and provide a safe commercial transaction--seems to be a commodity? the more that is taken up in transactions costs, the less i tend to like things.


at first I was thinking, WTF???? I thought they were taking .35 away before giving it to you. Sounds like they're just increasing the money from us .35 and then giving you some of that, which is fine. It would be great to see you find a different platform, eventually. It will be interesting to see how that develops. Keep it up!

Daniel Fries

all good for me. Happy to keep supporting you! - also - as a fellow creator who has to deal with hoards of middle men/mafia type companies - there's no good way around it! part of the trade off.


That's the key "safe commercial transaction" most likely have to stick with PayPal. But from a private platform I should be able to give more options like 3, 6 and 12 month payment options minimizing the transaction fees to a few times a year.


I hear you! Im of the mind set there is always a way to make things better tho. Preciate the support Daniel!


Thanks for the update AA, respect for keeping us in the loop. That said, I'm happy to keep supporting. Go Dubs!


Keep me in the loop, and I'll follow you wherever you go that I have access to. Keep up the good work. Very informative and entertaining.


look into cryptocurrencies mate, they are made to eliminate 'middle men', a low fee option that is pretty accessible i'd recommend would be litecoin, but i'm gonna assume lots of your viewership isn't aware of their existence or practicality rather, at this point. just something to think about going forward


Like Jordan Belfort in the Wolf of Wall Street, I'm not leaving!


Can you have a quarterly or a longer duration pledge? Right now someone who is pledging say $2 a month is gonna pay 40 cents which is a 20% fee. But if the pledge is $6 for a quarter, then the fee comes out to about 7%. My 2 cents ;)


Take Bitcoin.


Agreed! Litecoin is the ideal crypto to use for payments.

Jansen E

Whatever you need bro!!! keep it up!

Major Powers

I'm with the rest of the Alchemy family, whatever you pick I'm withya.


the content is definitely worth it!


The content here is priceless. Alchemy puts his heart and soul into each and everyone of his videos! Love ya dawg!


preciate the love kelly! Blessed that yall recognize how much goes into it. 👊


Major at some point I'm going to get you back! Whether it be for your Band, or something dope with the Dubs. Your early support and encouragement means a lot brother!


And Brian you want to talk about OG status! I think you were the first person to start commenting on my videos 🙏🏽


I'm alright with sticking around on patreon. If this is the easiest platform for you to use then the real fans will stick behind it.


Uncle Alchemy, you're the only creator I support on Patreon. Whatever you do, I'm with you. I don't mind paying the fees. Content is continually excellent.