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GS vs NO gm24



Whatup Alchemy! Great video. Where's your confidence level for the KD show without steph?


Good work!


As always, great work! Nice to see your patron numbers climbing too.

A Scott FitzGerald

Am I the only one kinda salty with Kerr about not sitting Steph when they were up 10 with 1:28 to go? P. Mccaw could have closed that out.


I believe P was in a concussion protocol after getting cracked. There have definitely been times where Kerr left them in too long. But last night the way NO was shooting it took about 46 min to get the win. Steph just wanted the stl on his stat sheet.


Right when Steph was starting to get his rhythm back, he goes for the steal attempt and rolls his ankle. Hopefully P-mac will step up and develop during Curry's absence, but it is starting to get annoying with all these injuries.


Yo! I live in Memphis and I absolutely love these videos! Shoutout to Alchemy and all his fans!

Jeppe Oliver Danielsen

Great video again. Although there seems to be a problem with the audio cutting out at the end of your sentences.


I hear few, must be the new audio compressor, dang, trying to lock down the right set in fcp..


MRI came back negative! Says its pretty swollen but that's it!


Dont know if i am the only one but i'm excited to see how the warriors adjust without Steph. I hope his splash bro will do something amazing and that both KD and Klay get some more chances to up their playmaking when the floor isn't as stretched as it is with Steph. Wondering what rotations Kerr will show us but im confident that just like with KD last year, the team will benefit in some form. Always good not being too reliant on a single player....cough cough...Cleveland looking at you.


I just saw on twitter, my response was, there is a certain amount of elasticity you gain in your ankle when you keep rolling it. So while it looked very bad, steps ligaments ha v e been stretched out.


Right! As cliche as it sounds, might just end up a blessing in disguise. Steph gets and the team is forced to dial in and grow.


surprised i didn't see the bell interception of curry's 3 in there.


Dude that's a really good call on curry pretending to be tired and worn, then exploding. He does that with his handles too, always on the brink of breaking the play/turning over the ball, just enough to bait the defense and create space.