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Warriors vs Lakers || Game 20 ||



I know everybody's a critic but 2 things I noticed... one of which needs to be fixed, and the other is my opinion: 1) The aspect ratio is way off. It's stretched wide so it's no longer 16:9. I personally get a headache trying to watch any video in the wrong aspect ratio. I know this may not affect everybody, but you'll never see a broadcast video in the wrong AR. 2) The background music in the beginning is distracting. You don't need it. Your narrative is really all that's needed. Anything else takes away from it. If you really need background music, try something with fewer trumpets and vocals. Anyway, keep up the great work. Hopefully you can fix the aspect ratio one so I can watch the next videos!


Yeah the Aspect ratio no sure what happened FCP was stuttering too let me see if I can fix that. Music was a just playing around with the since the video was so long


Much too close for comfort. That should've been 20 point runaway instead its a 2 point win?


Love it!

Jeppe Oliver Danielsen

Great analysis as always. I was a little bit pissed of at the refs regarding Ingram. He seemed to get away with a lot of things: hitting KD in the head like 3 times with his elbow and the non reach call late in the game.

Nathan Glanzer

It's those keep things close calls. Saw a lot of them when they were up.


Here's the thing, Steph should have sat a good deal more than he did in this game because Kerr has so many good choices with Pat, Sdot, Nick Young and together they give you everything you could need if Steph needs to be off the floor. On this night the Warriors didn't really need Curry's outside game and his D and floor game just weren't present. Let's be real NBA superstars always get the pass to play through and get their minutes no matter the nature of their poor play but of course Curry being Curry he rewarded Kerr by coming alive at the end. Sloppy win but KD, Dray, Klay, Young, Looney they played hard and that's not to be overlooked or unapreciated.

Nathan Glanzer

Pink lip ass dreadlocks beotch! I thought the same thing what was up with his lips haha.


While it can be funny, as a commentator "PLADBitch" comments will keep you from making it to the pros. You don't need it, your work stands on it's own. Love the analysis and keep it coming. Glad to be a patreon!


Loney tunes... I no


I understand what you are saying, but I love the freedom having my own platform allows me.


Well said.. Its not like some teams where they have no choice but to ride their stars every night.


Curry is actually the warrior that I get frustrated at the most. He often loses focus. We all know he's capable of being great at all facets of the game, which is why it is that much more frustrating when he does boneheaded shit. All the stupid reaches, the flashy passes that results into a turnover, the going over a screen against non-threatening players. He needs to be barked at by Kerr, or if Kerr won't do it, some of the veterans like Iggy, Green, SOMEONE. He doesn't get negative reinforcement for the stupid shit he does, so he'll keep on making em.


Is anyone else seeing a stretched aspect ratio on this video? I'm trying to gage what the issue is, or if it's NBA tv/Lakers TV with a different camera view. Any help appreciated cause I'm not really seeing a difference.


That's a huge point right there! Who digs into Steph!? Some tough love may be u still what the doctor ordered.


AA I don't know if it could really be a proper nickname as it's too long but Looney is a lunch pail player.


Agree about the Curry body language but it wasn't just him. Draymond, KD, Iguodala, etc all had poor body language and demeanor. Curry gets that way sometime when he's frustrated with his shot. But bench Curry? Lol, no way can you do that man. You don't bench unanimous.


I think Kerr needs to go back to the rotations where either Curry or KD is on the court at all times. We all saw the kinds of numbers Curry puts up when KD was out. He loves having that freedom to cook. When Curry is on the court with KD, we don't get the full Curry experience bc he reels it back a little. So let Curry play the entire 1Q and take out KD with about 6 min left. Then bring back KD with the 2nd unit to start the 2Q. This will also help the 2nd unit offense from being so anemic.


Pop benches Kawhi at times, like we were saying above he could stand for some tough love at times. But I agree Klay is not the one to play with the second unit KD is.


I think you’re whole the warriors are playing the regular season like the spurs theory is right. I mean a lot of these injuries seem extremely cautionary. You always see either KD Steph Klay Dray or Dre our wth some sort of sprained or bruised body part. I think they’re just using extremely minor injuries to rest their guys. Like after the Lakers game the entire death lineup was placed on IR for ridiculous reasons and they’ve since all been upgraded to probable except for Klay.


Followng up on my last comment I sent it by accident lol. I was gonnna ask what are your thoughts on that? Are they using these injures solely to rest players and just get ready ultimately for the playoffs?


Hey, just wondering if there’s any other place I can watch this? Youtube appears to have blocked it :(


Not sure why ir what's going on, I will re upload it when I get home from work today. See if this works <a href="https://youtu.be/ioAQTivD3wo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/ioAQTivD3wo</a>


<a href="https://gyazo.com/d7fd9e9c6bf6bebf51ce2143bbbba808" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/d7fd9e9c6bf6bebf51ce2143bbbba808</a>