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Warriors vs Thunder Reaction

As OKC completely dominated the Warriors from start to finish. A quick take on the how I feel about the game. PATREON EXCLUSIVE CONTENT https://www.patreon.com/athleticalchemy SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iX...


Major Powers

I like after-game hot takes.


i love these quick takes

Jansen E

My take: 1) Steph and KD both played like total shit. Super careless with the ball, and just trying to force everything. 2) Klay couldnt hit tonight, no one could. It was painful to watch. 3) AGAIN WITH THE GODDAMN NBA HANDICAPPING. The Warriors are so damn good, refs always gotta give some weird bullshit calls to take players out of rhythm, put players on the bench when they might get hot, or just rack up unnecessary calls. I counted 4 times in the 1st half a Warriors player gets hacked and complete silence, then on the other end of the floor, same play happens for OKC and 3 refs are blowing their whistles. Its beginning to really piss me off to the point that Im honestly starting to no longer enjoy watching their games. Win or lose. Like it is so ridiculously blatant how much the NBA has it out for the Warriors to slow them down and nerf them, that I cant even enjoy watching the Warriors play.

Jansen E

Steph pissed me off SO much this game. Idk what his problem was tonight, but he was all sorts of out of it. He needs to get his fucking act together. Body language and all, this was an unwatchable performance.


Everything you said is true! Refs or not tho this was an L.


Agree man. Didn't see the dog out there from Steph. KD looked shaken that the fans were still booing him and hurt that Russ isn't over it. KD needs to get over it. His emotions we're out if whack tonight.


They need some Spurs in them. Focus and disciplined in the game. They talk about discipline and hard work in practice but then come to the games and don't play to the same standard. They need to stop playing like their better than everyone else and start playing like an emotionless machine.


This game was fucking bullshit! 1. I don't know where Durant's head was at but clearly he was not in the game. When he dribbled the ball off his foot, I almost turned the TV off. 2. I'll give Westbrook his props, especially since he's a certified brick layer and turn over king but tonite he came with energy and aggression. Steph needs to get his shit together with these La-La minimal effort games. When he's playing D, grabbing rebounds, getting to the rim and hitting 3s, I'd put him above Westbrook. But tonite, he should've gotten his ass chewed out. He played like it was a scrimmage game! 3. New flash Warriors: you are champions and have dominated the league for 3 years now ... the league is out to get you! Everyone knows who you are and what you're capable of, it's no secret anymore. The Warriors have been starting games flat and either came back from behind or blown big leads. They have been radically inconsistent game to game. You can't play like that against an OKC, Spurs (when Kawai comes back), or Rockets. Every one is out for blood against the Warriors and they have to be aggressive and locked in from the jump. Of all the teams to lose to, we lose like this to fucking OKC?!?!?! Man we usually WAX the damn Thunder! Warriors fucked this game up, they bette wake up!


I did not feel any heart from our starters at all. I would rather watch a game where we lose but we tried to get back. This game, it felt like we weren't trying at all. We played shameful basketball.


For real, KD needs to cut this emotional shot out for OKC. Man FUCK OKC! Remember how petty they were and all the cupcake shit? KD need to let them go, he came back to OKC a Champion! Something nobody in that building knows anything about! He should've came prepared and put his foot on Westbrook's throat and showed him what it's like to play against a Finals MVP!


Right! but at least you understand why he was pressing! Steph was just cursing up and down the court like it was practice!


This in my opinion is the Dubs worst loss since last Christmas. Still, it was a combination of bad Warriors basketball and the Thunder just wanting it more. Can't wait for the rematch.


A few more things: 1) Absolutely loved this quick take. I feel like if some of the Warriors players watched this it'd motivate them to put in the effort night in and night out. 2) I agree with your take on Curry's effort looking off about once a week. Hate to admit it because he's my favorite player 3) Am I the only one who was surprised Melo had such a good game ? I was going into the game suspecting either KD or Draymond would take this as an opportunity to prove they can lockup one of the best scorers in the league.


Comfort breeds weakness... Disappointing but intriguing.


I'm starting to watch the Celtics. The Kyrie storyline is intriguing and they're a young team that's clearly hungry.


i understand completely what you're saying, what you're feeling and for the most part I agree. Not only was Steph way too casual with the ball but he leads that pack and there are other Warrior who mimic his casualness. When someone loses his balance and goes to the floor but still has his dribble as happened to Steph last night I want to see their immediate thought be "possession" as in keep possession not as in what Steph did last night which was to try to use his handle to escape, which he did last night. Value the possession, get control and call a 20 second T.O. instead of trying to show off what you might be able to do. Steph's not the only one but instead of a sensory deprivation tank he should be locked in a room for 24 hours and made to watch continuous clips of John Stockton, someone who valued each possession. Look the rap against Steph has ALWAYS been unnecessary T.O.s and it still is....F that globetrotters shit. As for your second point, I have a little split personality in that I have always been married to basketball but I've always had a little tennis thing on the side, and in tennis circles it was popular for a while when Roger Federer fell off to say he's not really giving full effort. We always new Jimmy Conners was giving the full effort......of course Jimmy was a supreme world class asshole and Roger is not. And.....do we have the ability to put our true personality to sleep when we play?


AA i'm venting....sorry for the long post.


no! thats a great take! The rest of the squad follows his lead, he is addicted to the flashy play.