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Warriors vs Celtics || game 15 ||



This was a good game until the refs started to intervene in the 4th quarter


Really enjoyed the addition of K.I.C. to the vid. Somehow it made me feel better. Is there any source of data on referee calls? We should have correct/incorrect data on them just like we have data on players. The only data source that I see is 2-minute reports, but that leaves a lot to be desired




I agree with most of the KIC calls in the vid, but the last one with Kyrie driving to the hoop. He got fouled by Draymond, KD and Ig. I'm a fan of both teams and whichever outcome I still thought it was a good basketball game.


The NBA does not want a one team league. They need other strong markets. We will continue to see this I guess.


look at the second angle replay from the baseline. Dray hand checks him early on the drive, but they were letting Boston do that all night ( Brown on KD in particular) the rest of the defense are all fly by's with no contact.


Someone needs to put the floppers and phantom call beneficiaries on the ground, hard


Officiating like this is what frustrates me the most about this league, it just doesn't make any sense. Celtics defense is indeed pretty good, and it bothered us, specifically the more physical defense. The Celtics were roughing up Curry and KD, and no whistle. But they all got the whistles on the other side. I just wish they'd be more consistent. It's fine if you don't call blatant shit for us as long as you do the same on the other side.


I was pretty surprised with Draymond's self restraint this game, I thought he was a beast on defense, but came up a little short on the offensive. The warrior that pissed me off the most was Curry. He was just lethargic the whole game, and kept doing the same boneheaded mistakes he's been doing all season long. Stop reaching Curry, they always call you for it!


You know there are some suspect calls, or lack thereof, when Klay starts getting frustrated. Iggy has been around long enough to live with the occasional bad call, but when Klay and he are getting upset, you know something is up. Plus some of those calls on Steph were just straight BS. They know Steph is a rhythm player, but him spending so much time on the bench due to foul trouble broke his rhythm. Seriously, how often are you going to see Klay and Steph shoot a combined 25% from three?


Last night I only managed to catch the 4th quarter and I was wondering why Andre's body language was so awful. Makes sense now. Not much we can do about sketchy officiating, any sort of boycott against the NBA just ends up hurting the Warriors too. Sucks.


Hey Alchemy, I noticed that Kerr ran the exact same final possession play for KD against these Celtics as he did against the Cavs on Xmas 2016. Double screen to get KD a midrange shot off the inbound. Brad Stevens is a smart coach, he definitely knew what the Warriors were trying to do. So I'm wondering what you think Kerr is doing. If he's keeping all his good plays a secret, then he's not giving his team the best chance to win the game. I understand that it's just a regular season game and all, but the Dubs players are some of the most competitive people on Earth. A guy like Dray has to be in that timeout huddle frustrated that Kerr is drawing up an old play, right?


I personally thought it was a good play, evidenced by KD getting a good look and a good shot off, even if it missed. It may be an old play and the coaches may even deduce that its coming but just because a person knows something is coming doesn't mean they can stop it. Ultimately it came down to the Warriors executing the play well. I do think the play was incredibly similar with a couple nuances.


good stuff man!


this was the worst officiated game ive watched in a very long time. fuck the nba


I hear a lot of people critique the way Curry falls... I actually think it is a strategy he has developed to preserve his ankles. As you know once upon a time curry's ankles went out and it has been my worst fear every season since we got rid of Ellis to have SC30 hurt his ankles again. Sure it looks weird and is not very "graceful"... but the way I look at it i am fine with Curry landing on his side rather than putting unnecessary pressure on ankles trying to land on his feet.