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Carmelo Anthony Traded to Oklahoma City Thunder!

New York Knicks send Carmelo Anthony to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Enes Kantar and Doug McDermott Saturday morning.



If OKC can give Dubs problems in the playoffs I think it will be HARD for PG to leave his new teammates behind and bolt to LeFlop and Lakers next year...


"Delusions of Grandeur" times 2 out of three on their stars.....they go far.....they are better....but who is their defensive star? It seems to me all the teams that want the dubs pursue improvement of the offense with D of G but the way someone will unseat the dubs is to improve the other side of the equation with stars that can defend and do defend, i'll say it again DO DEFEND.


I won't use my own words regarding the president, Steph and GSW or the NFL issue which is the same thing. But, no fear AA, no fear, it's not about our opinions but in front of a Mic, it's everyone's responsibility to protect the fabric of our society and our collective progress because it's too damn important. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar..."What should horrify Americans is not Kaepernick’s choice to remain seated during the national anthem, but that nearly 50 years after [Muhammad] Ali was banned from boxing for his stance and Tommie Smith and John Carlos’s raised fists caused public ostracization and numerous death threats, we still need to call attention to the same racial inequities," Abdul-Jabbar wrote, referring to prominent protests by black athletes that were once considered controversial but have since become iconic symbols of the U.S. civil rights movement.


Oh and yea, I'm horrified for sure.


I like hoodie Alchemy with a little Guinness! Also, I hope you had the AC blasting, because it's probably hot as hell out where you are. Lastly, @Steven Stanley: well f'ing said. I heard Kareem on Larry Wilmore's podcast (Black on the Air... highly recommended) in the last month. That man can put into words things I know in my heart but I can't articulate. I love listening to him (and Larry).


You would think that some would employ that strategy. The theory of "good offense beats good defense" has everyone trying to load up on that end.


I'm have to check that pod out. I know Kareem is a very unique personality.