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Free Throw Routines


Strong Foru

Cool instructional vid. Who knew you were that tall?

Major Powers

I watched Alchemy's free throw instruction videos and improved from a 25% free throw shooter to 28% OVERNIGHT.


I was a Dubs fan when Rick Barry was the league leader in free throws and held the record for the longest streak without a miss. Poor free throw shooters could really bump up their percentages by imitating his underhand throw. But they're afraid of ridicule from fans and peers.


I heard Richard Jefferson on Bill Simmons pod bring up a great point. Rick shot what like 90% under hand? But no one brings up he shot 89% over hand. So much of it is mental. Rick was going to shoot it well regardless.


I wouldn't suggest a good free throw shooter switch to underhand. There are other guys who have little to lose by trying it. George Johnson is the one person I know of who adopted the underhand throw influenced by Rick (other than Rick's sons). George's 1st two seasons he shot 41% and 55%. I'm not sure exactly when he started underhand, certainly by 1975. He never shot below 65% after that, was usually in the 70s, and even had two seasons over 80%. Rick pointed out that the underhand used different muscles than the conventional shot, so that late in a game you wouldn't need to compensate for fatigue in those muscles. This of course would affect high volume shooters more, and most of them are already good at the line.


Oh ok... So there are other examples of success. Rick was such a unique talent it hard to use him as an example. Guys like Bogut or Ronnie Brewer who could not mechanically bend the elbow properly it would definitely be t e way to go.


i have to step all the way back and shoot it hella high just to make it, other than that, its a brick