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This was a fun one! Bell and Jones are very raw on the Offensive end but neither carry that to the defensive side of the ball. Where there physical gifts are really starting to shine. 


Warriors Summer League Game 3



Really enjoy the videos. For more content, I would suggest more videos breaking down strategy and analysis of the West now that free agency is slowing down. What challenges will the Warriors face this next season, matchups, etc.


bryce alford, the man


i think warriors still need mcgee back for another year so that bell and jones can grow and fill in for mcgee. bell is real impressive with his defensive instinct


Teams cap space is evaporating by the day. The longer this goes, the more likely he is back imo. I think Bell is ready now to play spot minutes..DJ not sure about.


Just a shirt note to say I dig your insights bro. Keep it up.


Do you know of anyone other than draymond and bell to put up a 5x5 in summer league?


Good point. I think he makes Mcgee returning not as pressing. I know they are different players but I think he can play center most nights.


Lol he did Richard Jefferson dirty😂😂😂😂😂


Hey AA are you planning to do any more high-profile rookie breakdowns? Your Fultz/Tatum was dope.


Yeah im recording all of them and i will trickle them out as i watch them. My process is watching the games in there entirety so i have more context for my breakdown. But yeah i will cover all the top guys.


Thanks for the vid. Didn't even know there was such a thing as a summer league. :P