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"In Bob we trust" Warriors offseason Moves

Nick Young and Omri Casspi joining the team and still waiting to hear on Javale Mcgee and Zaza Pachulia the defending champs roster is starting to take form for the 2018 season PATREON https://www.patreon.com/athleticalchemy SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iXtSUqL89NIDn1jANmAbw?view_as=public



I'd like to see Javale come back, some good from highlights last season.

Keith Reynolds Jr.

Looneys hips have betrayed him like you said. In college he was a beast. I like caspri and swaggy P. He gives them what they lost when barbosa moved on. Instant offense off the bench. They are missing that and limiting swaggy play and options on the court will make him better.


Thanks for the news, man!


Great update. I had read the news about Swaggy P, but I haven't seen much of him. Looks like he'll be a great fit, especially if we lose Ian Clark. I desperately want JaVale to come back for another year, but after having had the best season of his career, his stock will never be higher than it is right now. If I'm JaVale, I got my ring and now it's time to collect my payday. Maybe you're right that he's not getting the offers he was expecting, though. Damn, the season just ended and next year is already shaking out nicely.


He will bring that Javael like excitement, your never sure what he might do. I agree, I think McGee is trying to cash in.


have you thought about doing a podcast? i would listen to it. and ya know seatgeek will advertise.


Like everyone else, hoping for Javale to come back and I think he will. Honestly Bob Myers should already be a finalist for the next Executive of the Year Award tho. Another thought tho, I wish there were more minutes in a game so I can see all of our bench players play. Its going to be really hard to share 60-70ish minutes between 10 other players that are all fun to watch in their own individual ways.


Really hope Javale comes back. Then, this off-season is a total success. I also think Caspi will contribute more than we expect.


I am such a huge fan so I hope you'll take this comment as it's meant...a compliment to you. As LeBron says in a DJ Steve Porter mashup, "don't apologize", and by that I mean, you can change the proportion of game video to you being on camera, but to me, your persona and backstory is a little bit of the secret sauce that makes your channel compelling. If people will watch Skip Bayless, who knows nothing about the game and who's only point of every video is look at me and how smart I am, then I'm pretty sure being in front of the mike too much should not be a worry for you, although I understand the idea of sweating the details of your craft.


Thats a key element on a good team, the bench guys have to fight for minutes. Keeps them hungry.


Appreciate the advice and support Steven. Im still relatively new to all of this im going to keep expanding and growing the content.